View Full Version : Thought anxiety was under control but experiencing new symp.

06-19-2009, 10:17 PM
The past few weeks I have been getting this feeling in my chest like a fluttering and it makes me cough. I listened to my heart with a stethoscope and actually heard my an irregular rhythm like my heart was skipping and adding beats...its been getting a lot worse and its really freakin me out. I am already on 100mg of Zoloft and have Ativan if I need it but have never had to take it. I was doing so great. No panic attacks or anything,but I don't know what's goin on with me.

07-01-2009, 07:34 PM
check with your doctor to rule out any problems with the heart.
but just so you know i just posted a similar story. i had anxiety for years, and i even thought i got better but then i started getting what youre feeling and i went to the doctor checked my heart and apperantly it was healthy as ever. this new symptom sucks :(
but regardless of my situation you should definately consult your doctor. theyll put you on a treadmill like in the movies itll be cool ;)

07-02-2009, 12:47 AM
Well, this could be your new symptom for your anxiety attack but, do go and check with doctor, just incase :) it is better to safe than sorry

07-02-2009, 12:12 PM

I had this same problem. I actually have a condition that runs in my family called mitral valve prolapse. It is a completely harmless condition that causes some blood that is supposed to pass only one way through a certain valve to flood back in the opposite direction. You can live your whole life with it and never realize you have it because it really doesn't effect you except for a fluttery feeling once in a while. You can only really feel that if you pay close attention like your doing...

Anyway... not saying you have that, but it is a possibility.

When I suffered from panic attacks I had this obsession with my heart as well. I used to feel those skipped beats and the added ones too. I suppose this is just caused by that fear response mode we enter when we have a panic attack. All the chemicals and hormones reacting during this stage, I wouldn't be surprised if some effected the way your heart beats. I don't think it is harmful though...

You should ask a licensed psychologist. A knowledgeable one should be able to confirm this.

Of course on the other hand, you should rule out all possible problems by visiting the cardiologist... I'm sure this will be one doctor added to the long list of other doctors you have to visit for tests... this seems to be a sort of usual activity for anxiety sufferers.

If you have any questions or just want to talk about your specific situation some more with me, just send me a message.



07-09-2009, 01:06 PM
This is one of the symptoms I experienced the most in 12 years of anxiety.
It scared the BGsssss out of me when I first realized the missing beat.
It has returned in the last 6 weeks. It is very annoying but....you have to learn to deal with.

I feel it like some gland shoots hormones or adrenalin or something into your body and makes your heart stop.
By some studies over 60% of normal peoples experience extrasystoles, but they are asymptotic. if you are healthy and less than 10% of your hear beats are PVCs is not medical concern.