View Full Version : Intimacy Issues - Past Revealed

06-17-2009, 11:08 PM
Hi. I'm new here and I don't know where to begin. So I'll just start here:

I'm a female. I have these unexplainable intimacy issues. It affects my daily life. I was hurt badly as a kid. I was pretty much hurt in every way a human being can be hurt: physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually. By several different people. At the age of 3 1/2, I was diagnosed with severe depression and was put on pills that fluctuated and lasted until I was 17, when I started refusing to take them. I've had plenty of psychologists that I've seen throughout my life.

I used to have social issues, where I would find it hard to make and keep friends. But I've since gotten over that. I'm 20 years old now, and I have these intimacy issues that haunt me. It's as if I can't hear over the screaming in my head (metaphorically speaking, I don't hear voices). The danger is gone but my brain cannot convince my body of that.

It used to be much worse. It used to be to the point where if I was even in the same room as somebody whom I felt any kind of chemistry with, my heart would begin to race, I'd become a little pale, start to feel hot, I would have a mini internal panic attack and I would have to leave the room to collect myself. My thoughts, my heartrate, my breath. One time at the end of the day, I excused myself, locked myself in a small closet, turned off the light and just started crying.

With the help of my friends, I've gotten a lot better but the residual effect is still there. It's not a matter of self-confidence, although I'm sure it used to be. Now I see that I am, in fact, society's standard of beautiful. Guys come flocking, I've been asked out countless times, but I've never said yes. I can't. Something inside is stopping me. I use alcohol as a social lubricant and that is the only time I can truly relax. I've never soberly had sex, or hooked up. It's always been under the influence of alcohol because it's when I feel like all my problems disappear for a little while and I can be like everybody else. But the hangover goes away, and I begin to hide again. These problems are solely when it comes to intimacy, romance. I lost one of my best friends because of these issues. I was drunk, he was a little tipsy, he confessed feelings, things got heated. He expressed interest in wanting to pursue a relationship with me, but in my drunken moment I didn't care. Everything was okay. When I was sober, I freaked. I wouldn't give him a solid answer when he texted me, I ignored his calls, I panicked. We haven't spoken since.

I finally have a normal life after years of depression, but the one area in which I can't be normal is intimacy. It's the one thing I can't get over. The best way to describe it is... a light switch. My life is well lit, finally. I can be normal, and laugh, and be happy, and socialize, and make people laugh, and be truly content... until I feel the possibility for romance with somebody, then it's as if somebody turns off the light and I can't see. And I get scared. And I begin to panic.

I'm tired of psychologists. They've done all they could do for me. This is something I need to work out for myself but I can't do it alone. How do I get over this? How can I move on from this so that I don't have this problem anymore? I know there's no one answer, but anything is better than nothing.

I have nothing.

06-18-2009, 05:38 PM
I think the only way you are going to get through this thing is to find the kind of guy who is understanding about your problems, and willing to work through it with you. And, by this, I mean a guy who is willing to be intimate with you, but who is not going to come on strong the first day and push it on you. And one who is not going to walk simply because you did not want to be intimate with them at the time that they wanted it. This could be hard. Not because such guys don't exist. But rather, because these kind of guys generally do not appeal to young women like yourself (older women grow to appreciate these sorts of folks more, as the luster of the 'bay boy' tends to fade with time). So be open to possibilities here. Nice guys are not any more often physically unattractive than the 'bay boys'. But don't discount someone just because you don't have feelings for them right away. After all, first impressions are often not the stong suit of a nice guy.

06-19-2009, 12:53 PM
It's not about the guys I hang with. All my friends, including guy friends, are all amazing and supportive. I don't hang with jerks. And whenever I meet someone special, I panic.