View Full Version : Dentist Dr. Markle!

06-17-2009, 04:57 AM
We are a people-oriented privately owned Dental Practice in San Francisco, so we look forward to knowing you - as friends as well as patients. Also to provide you with as much information as you need about today's high-tech Dental Services and Invisalign Dentistry we've prepared this website to help explain our services and policies, but please remember we're always available with the latest information in Cosmetic Dentistry on our website

06-17-2009, 05:09 PM
Wow, Your mom sounds like a real character..
Thing is, we do get to choose our friends, our relatives are manditory..

Some people never really understand compassion. They dont just find it hard to put themselves in anothers shoes, they just dont even consider it. The world is only as they see it and thats final. So if theyre feeling put out by something it must be the other persons fault-because theyre the ones feeling put out..

Sometimes its because they were very spoiled growing up. They are used to the world (of their parents) revolving around them and they never let go of that "centre of the world" mentality.
It can also be deep seated feelings of low self worth, like the whole world is out to get them, the whole world is against them and so they have to only look out for themselves and screw everyone else..
It can be all manner of things, but Im sure you know your mother better then anyone can glean from your story. Im just going on one or two examples of people that act out in similar ways..

Do you know much about her life before you were born? Or her relationship with your dad? If you can understand her you may find it easier to cope with her.. I know that right now you are angry and probably just want someone to agree shes being horrible (which I agree she is!), but as far as you coping goes...well..lets just say its better to know what youre dealing with.. Perhaps then if your daughter is old enough to understand, you could put it to her as simply as possible.. Like Grandma just doesnt know how to show that she loves you very well because she had a sad life, or whatever level of explanation your daughter can handle until shes older. (My sister has had to have a conversation in a similar area with her kids about our mum) I guess doing that instills a certain amount of cpmpassion in them too..

Your friend sounds like a gem-but you knew that already.. Heres hoping that you can find something better to do with your little girl instead that will distract her from the thing she feels shes missing out on for now, until you can look at your mother and see her for what she is. There are no bad people, just bad behaviour, its what has led her to behave this way that is the telling factor. Once you can see her motives, you will find the strength to deal with her.

The best of Luck to You.
