View Full Version : constantly spacing out and small twitches is this anxiety

06-16-2009, 08:15 PM
for a few months now ive been spacing out every few seconds and sometimes i kinda gotta shake myself out of it im really scared that i might have epilepsy cuz the symptoms i have for petit mal seizures are spacing out but i also have really bad anxiety. the twitching im to terribly worried about cuz i hear alot of people with anxiety get it. does n e one else feel like this its really starting to scare me.

06-16-2009, 08:47 PM
I'm no expert but I get really bad twitiching. Most days there seems to be one spot in my body that twitches. I had the side of my nose twitch on and off for about 6 weeks. I think it is a common anxiety symptom because as soon as I stop obsessing about it it goes away.

06-17-2009, 09:06 AM
i have twitching that comes and goes all day! especially while im at work. sometimes 1 eyelid and sometimes both! its so annoying. The minute i get to my job i start to feel numb and anxious. I know its anxiety but i give myself headaches thinking about all the terrible things it COULD be. its enough to make you feel like youre going crazy. I started drinking Tazo Calm teat before bed and its been helping me. believe me youre not alone.

06-17-2009, 09:33 AM
Twitching is normal. It's probably caused by the relaxation or the tension of the muscles because of the anxiety.

Worrying that you have 1 million strange diseases is also common for people with anxiety. It seems that anxiety is hard to understand even for people who have it. Anxiety disorder makes you very sensitive to everything around you. Try to relax and remind yourself that you have anxiety.

Most importantly, try to stay on track with a long term plan to eliminate anxiety. By using relaxation techniques you might improve your situation in the short term, but you need something that will get rid of the anxiety.



06-17-2009, 12:38 PM
Twitching is normal. It's probably caused by the relaxation or the tension of the muscles because of the anxiety.

Worrying that you have 1 million strange diseases is also common for people with anxiety. It seems that anxiety is hard to understand even for people who have it. Anxiety disorder makes you very sensitive to everything around you. Try to relax and remind yourself that you have anxiety.

Most importantly, try to stay on track with a long term plan to eliminate anxiety. By using relaxation techniques you might improve your situation in the short term, but you need something that will get rid of the anxiety.



yea but nobody is saying anything about the spacing out thing i havent talked to one person who has that issue.

06-17-2009, 12:52 PM
What exactly do you mean by spacing out?

I've had many moments where I stare off into space and need to check back into reality by shaking my head. I recall this type of activity when I was younger and bored in school. Maybe your bored or just tired. Do you get enough sleep? Do you sleep normal hours? Do you take medication for anything? These are questions that could give you some useful answers.

If you had everything checked out and your okay then I see no reason to worry. Of course only a doctor can verify.

Half the people in here could probably tell you about some disorder or disease they thought they had because of anxiety. To calm yourself you should have anything you fear tested and if it comes out negative, you know what the problem is.



06-17-2009, 06:58 PM
every time i go to the doctor he doesnt seem to find it nesscasary to have me tested for anything he keeps saying its my anxiety. and the spacing out isnt just when im bored i do it all day no matter what im doing. working, driving, laying around, hanging out with friends etc... im pretty worried that it might be epilepsy because spacing out frequently is a type of seizure disorder but the doctors dont think it is. i want to get tested but my doc finds it pointless. the only medication i take is prozac so it wouldnt be from that. and yes i get ample amount of sleep.

06-17-2009, 07:26 PM
If the doctor tells you it isn't than chances are it isn't. Epilepsy is not a rare disease and a doctor can tell if you show signs or not. That's what they are trained for. Some diseases confuse doctors, but I don't think this is the case here. Anyway, what your experiencing is not unique to you. I used to think I had some kind of brain cancer back when I had anxiety. Looking back I can hardly remember what brought on those ideas.

