View Full Version : Anxiety+Paranoia

06-15-2009, 10:24 PM
I would appreciate a response to this :P

I think I am becoming more paranoid+Anxious.As I sit here typing this I will eventually lay down and go to sleep.For some reason, sometimes I'll mute the tv and listen outside to see if I can hear my neighbors across the street.They seem to always stay out late,come back either midnight or later, and sometimes stay outside and talk.They may be a reason I'm like this.I just never liked them, there not good people, and there are always cars parked in the street(like 3 or 4 every damn day) so theres always people driving by.Their in their teens and I don't know why I'm so worked up over it.Like I obsess over it? When I'm outside I feel nervous just because of them.I can hear almost always hear a bass everyday and it always gets me paranoid thinking it's coming from them(most likely).
When I went downtown to take a picture of something, I felt really nervous just walking around, and started to get all hot.

Today two people at work were fighting and that just causes me to get nervous,shake, and panic on the inside.If I hear people screaming I'll get like that or if I hear or see my neighbors across the street I will feel like that.This getting nervous,shake(not terribly), and panic is a problem.I don't know how to handle it.When I'm in certain situations I get like that.Couple weeks ago, some dumbass teens were outside nextdoor at like 2 in the morning just talking loud, yelling and just being stupid.My mom thought they were burglars so she called the cops, but they were friends of my neighbor.In short, the situation got me so worked up I couldn't get to sleep till 5ish and I had to wake up at 8:45.I try to act like it doesn't bother me but really it kills me.

Not sure what I can do to solve this.It's becoming such a problem.