View Full Version : CRAZY!

06-15-2009, 05:12 PM
Hello,last night i was trying to sleep and then all of a sudden my mind started racing with wierd and scary thoughts.I tried not to think at all but it only made it worse,my thoughts made me feel like i was going insane! Once that happened i started feeling a panic attack come. My Q? is can Anxiety really make you feel or think you are going insane? :cry: Also it seems like i am really scared of my own thoughts,like i fear the thoughts of never getting better or going crazy!

Any help is very appreciated! THANK YOU

06-16-2009, 03:32 AM
Also it seems like when I try to sleep all I can think about is falling alseep,so in return all the thinking about sleep makes me not fall asleep!I think the reason I think about sleep so much is because I fell like I'm always timed or have something to do all the time and it drives me crazy! Does anyone else have any of this? And do you think its just anxiety?

06-16-2009, 05:09 AM
Everything you describe is nothing more than classic, run-of-the-mill anxiety disorder. Anxiety levels often spike out of nowhere, causing one to have disturbing, racing thoughts. Sometimes, the thoughts are just flat-out scary. And other times, they might seem just completely mixed up, with a strong feeling that you have to somehow work them out. This tends to lead to a panic attack. Or, at the very least, an anxiety attack (I consider an anxiety attack to simply be a less severe panic attack, but others consider the two to be one and the same thing).

One thing that I find here is that it is best NOT to try to figure out what is happening, or try to think your way out of it. Some people here like TEA forms. But I think this is a situation where they can cause FAR more trouble than benefit. Chances are you weren't thinking of anything horribly disturbing when this happened. And what you might have been thinking likely would not have caused you problems at any other time. So it is best to just stop analyzing, try not to react to what is happening with fear, and accept what is happening as simply a part of anxiety disorder. With anxiety disorder, the brain operates erratically, and anxiety can spike at any time for no reason. Accept this when it happens. Because the more you accept, the more your mind calms, and the better you will get.

06-16-2009, 06:17 AM
Everything you describe is nothing more than classic, run-of-the-mill anxiety disorder. Anxiety levels often spike out of nowhere, causing one to have disturbing, racing thoughts. Sometimes, the thoughts are just flat-out scary. And other times, they might seem just completely mixed up, with a strong feeling that you have to somehow work them out. This tends to lead to a panic attack. Or, at the very least, an anxiety attack (I consider an anxiety attack to simply be a less severe panic attack, but others consider the two to be one and the same thing).Thank you so much! Buy the way do suffer from anxiety? And if so have you found a good cure yet? :tongue: The reason I ask is because I'm so tierd of haveing this,it feels like it is killing me slowly! :cry:

06-16-2009, 08:43 AM
What work for me with the scary thought it's to put a stop sign on it....
When you start thinking to something pretty dramatic or something who is going to scare you put a stop sign.... Or just say to yourself my thoughts are irrationals... It's working for me, you have to try to practice it as much... As soon as i started thinking I just say to myself don't go there... Is that going to be good for you or not to go there... the answer is that that will not do you any good, just imagine a stop sign and put in action...
I reduced 80 % of my scary thoughts that way.
Good luck


06-16-2009, 09:20 AM
This used to happen to me every night! i would have night sweats and awake in a panic. about 5 days ago i started drinking Tazo Calm tea before bed and ive been sleeping through the night since. Maybe its all in my mind that its working but whatever the case may be it is helping me. Its worth a try, it may help you. You can get it at any grocery store down the coffee/tea aisle. good luck.

06-16-2009, 09:22 AM
Camomile tea helped me a lot to .... ometimes a little tea is really soothing.

06-16-2009, 11:40 AM

Relaxation is a great tool to try and calm yourself during a moment of high anxiety. I used to have the same problem at night before bed. Those were the times when I really had bad attacks but trying to see what triggers them can be really difficult. To this day I can't really logically think that something triggered those attacks. I think happened was I just got caught in a cycle of fear from the symptoms of the panic attack. I would worry that the symptoms were caused by some kind of disease.

Did you have the usual racing heart beat, sweaty palms, numb feelings, etc..? Or was it just racing thoughts about death and life and stuff like that. That might have been triggered by the lone fact that you were going to bed. When you fall asleep you just lose consciousness and that idea used to scare me :) Then the next day your awake... to strange for me at the time.

Definitely try these relaxation methods... But always work on a long term strategy. Most people's anxiety is caused by other factors. The anxiety attacks will probably mask problems in your life by making you focus on the anxiety itself. This was true with me and other people I've talked to.



06-16-2009, 06:22 PM
Thank you guys for your help! It just seems like when I try to sleep my mind just thinks really weird thoughts like one minute dogs,cats,waterfalls,man with gun weird I know but I think its just my mind trying to fall asleep! And I seem to catch myself falling asleep and that makes me dart out of sleep! Has anyone had these kind of things?

Again thank you for you help ;)

06-16-2009, 07:15 PM
This happend to me after new years eve 2008, it was ever since that night i had loads to drink and had the worse hangover that seemed to go on for ever only for me to realise anxiety had kicked in! and yes you guessed it i could not sleep and it got to a point where i had got passed the tired stage and the perfect word i could describe it was ZONKED!.
Evertime i shut my eyes it was like headache and then as i was about to drop off to sleep my heart would race and back square one again. This was a living knightmare that caused me alot of misery. so much that when this new year come round i didnt even drink lol! just to make sure it didnt happen again. I tryed sleeping pills from the doctors that didnt work, eventually it happend i fell asleep and i loved it. Insominia is a classic symptom of anxiety just one of many. I wake up now thinking what next! My cure for my problem was eat healthy, sleep early, stop smoking, and do things you wouldnt normally feel like doing. CURED!

06-17-2009, 01:06 AM
This happend to me after new years eve 2008Same with me,it seems like when I drink I lose my sleeping patern and get insomnia!

06-17-2009, 01:10 AM
This used to happen to me every night! i would have night sweats and awake in a panic. about 5 days ago i started drinking Tazo Calm tea before bed and ive been sleeping through the night since. Maybe its all in my mind that its working but whatever the case may be it is helping me. Its worth a try, it may help you. You can get it at any grocery store down the coffee/tea aisle. good luck.I think alot of these socalled cures are just in are already warped heads! :lol: But I might as well try it,got nothing to lose.

Thank$ ;)

06-24-2009, 05:02 PM
jus thought id add, the once i had been stressin all day over silliness really. I literally stayed up til 7 o clock in the mornin after tryin to sleep frm 10 on the nite :O id like try and sleep but be scared to almost, like i wouldnt wake up. id be fallin asleep and ma whole body wud jerk sending my heart racing, keepin me awake longer and i kept doin tht thruout the nite, i was in tears no end of time and wouldnt let ma mom leave me, i was tht scared, and cus i was over tired i was thinkin everythin on the planet, brain tumor heart attack the lot! x

06-24-2009, 05:53 PM
jus thought id add, the once i had been stressin all day over silliness really. I literally stayed up til 7 o clock in the mornin after tryin to sleep frm 10 on the nite :O id like try and sleep but be scared to almost, like i wouldnt wake up. id be fallin asleep and ma whole body wud jerk sending my heart racing, keepin me awake longer and i kept doin tht thruout the nite, i was in tears no end of time and wouldnt let ma mom leave me, i was tht scared, and cus i was over tired i was thinkin everythin on the planet, brain tumor heart attack the lot! x
Yep same here! :shock: