View Full Version : Anxiety vs political beliefs

06-14-2009, 02:42 AM
I read something in the paper recently about anxiety vs a person's political beliefs. The article said that anxious people tend to be SOCIALLY conservative (although not necessarily fiscally conservative). The reasoning they gave? Anxious people tend to prefer the safety and security of unchanging traditional values that don't 'rock the boat', as well as 'get tough' legislation that makes them feel safe from danger such as crime and terrorism. I thought this was WAYY off base. I would figure that, since most anxiety seems to be socially based (even if it is not social anxiety as such), anxious people would prefer a society that is more liberated, less puritanical, and less judgemental. After all, it is strict social mores and the tendency to negatively judge those deemed 'different' thst seem to end up pushing SO many of us over the brink. What do you think?

06-15-2009, 05:44 PM
Well I think that anyone who says that your anxiety dictates your political or any other beliefs is outstandingly stupid. I have anxiety and I have a very very liberal point of view, in fact I would call myself a libertarian. There is no way that whoever thought up that thing has even slightly thought about what they were going to say.