View Full Version : New Symptom ?

06-13-2009, 10:36 PM
Well I've had the usual issues for a few years now.
Panic attacks, stressing about what people think far more then is normal, throwing up, etc.

But lately I've had something strange and new that i've never had before and I'd like to ask if any one else has had this or not, to make sure that it is anxiety.
And I'm not suffering from something physically, or perhaps something mentally that needs to be checked out.

I've been a bit depressed lately cause I had one of my cats die in a horrible way, and I wasn't there.
And I've had a job, so I haven't been sleeping.
Learning to drive, trying to take college classes at sixteen, etc.
So my stress levels are through the roof.

And now and then, I'll be feeling kind of miserable.
And I'll be walking around the house.
And then I stop, and I feel like time has stopped around me too.
Its like falling out of your own body, thats the best way i have come to describe it. A sort of rushing forward feeling, or a dropping/spinning sensation.
Like missing the top stair or thinking their is an extra one and falling forward.

Its rather disturbing.
I feel like I'm going to faint or perhaps that I'm sinking through the floor boards.

Any ideas on this one?