View Full Version : Anxiety and THE ECONOMY

06-13-2009, 01:56 PM
For quite a while I have wanted to talk to others about how the economy has affected their lives. I have searched for other forums and groups on the subject, but couldn't find anything. It just occurred to me to do it here. I was Dx'd GAD years ago, but the economic situation has had such a major impact on my family...as early as Spring of 2006 because my Dh is a subcontractor...anxiety is an understatement!

How has it affected you and how are you coping?

If no one here has experienced exacerbated anxiety due to the economy...could you possibly recommend a group or forum where this is discussed? I don't know enough people IRL who I feel comfortable talking about this with. I listen to the news, but everyone I know personally still has their jobs or in some way have managed to stay secure. I feel all alone, helpless and like I'm losing my mind.