View Full Version : Lost, Need Direction in my life

06-12-2009, 05:45 AM
I don't know where to start...im 20 years old, and I think my anxiety is driving me to insanity. I really don't have a reason to be so down on my life, I look around and realize im lucky to be where im at and probably dont deserve it.

But I worry everyday. I worry about how my actions effect myself, my friends, my family. Im sucessful in school and in my social life, but I spend most of my time wishing I was something Im not and picking apart every bad piece of myself. Im sick of my sleepless nights thinking about how terrible I am and fearing for the future. Im always on edge and freak out at the smallest things.

Its wierd, every now and then I wake up and have a normal day. But that is exreamly rare, most of my days are filled with anxiety, worry and panic.

I tend to cover up my anxiety by acting childish and I always have to be drunk at parties to calm myself down and feel like I belong. I do good with girls, but all my realationships end because I dont feel like I deserve them and end up treating them like shit for it (ya I dont know how that works)...

Im sick of constantly worrying about everything for my health to my school work to what people think about me. Noone notices my anxiety except my closes friends...My friends have this joke going that they will pay for my prozac medication if I go to the doctor to get 'fixed'. They think something is wrong and I need to either see a doctor or start doing yoga or something to center myself.

Ive been planning on looking for help for awhile but I don't know where to look. I know my family would gladly help if I asked but I fear that will put a burden on them and that just causes more anxiety for me...

Where do I start to turn my life around??? Ive tried to fix my anxiety myself but I can't do it, I need direction

06-12-2009, 08:20 AM
My name is Jon Hawk and I am 19 years old.Every thing you just Wrote is me,my life is just like that! The best thing you can do is talk with your Mom or Dad.If you can't talk to your parents talk with your doctor,of course there going to throw MEDS at you but atleast try one,maybe it will help you alot!I never tryd meds because I was to afraid that they would turn me into something I didn't wont to be :shock: . Xanax on the other handwork wonders,you just don't wont to take them ALL the time because they can become habbet forming. If you don't like MEDS ask you doctor about talk (Cognitive therapy)it really helps ALOT!

Hope this helps! Just remember that you are not alone and people feel just like you do,and find help every day! Be it from God or Mom and Dad or even a Doctor you will find your HELP!

Have an Awesome day ;)

06-12-2009, 08:28 AM
Oh yeah,and I forgot my friends tease me all the time too,they think I am wierd because I have Anxiety.I just don't even bother with telling them stuff like that any more,If you can find a good friend that does not judge you You better keepem! People are age don't care about people like us they just make fun of and think were crazy :lol: