View Full Version : Living one minute at a time...

06-11-2009, 05:21 PM
I am 30 years old with 6 beautiful young children who now have a mother who has such cunsuming anxiety that l can bearly care for them. My Husband feels so helpless and l have to hold on to the hope that l will get better soon. l am hopeing to find hope in others here....maybe some tips to help with the pain of anxiety and panic that is daily disturbing my life. l get angry...l can't have this be happening to me! l have babies to care for...they need me to be "normal" again.

06-15-2009, 04:51 PM
I am 33 and I have had anxiety for 13 years. I had it under control, but a list of things have happened over the last year and it has me under control again. I have a 3 year old boy who is the light of my life. I feel like he is getting the raw end of the deal as he gets to watch tv all day while mommy lays down or feels bad or can't get it together. I have a million symptoms and I just want them to go away. The biggest one right now is my sugar. Its like I have to eat all the time and even when I do eat, it does not satisfy the feelings in my body. I feel like I am going to faint, I feel lightheaded and I feel hungry and just plain awful. Then I get nervous and jittery and everything else. I just want to feel better.

What are you symptoms? As mothers, maybe we can figure this out together.

08-01-2009, 01:35 PM
My symptoms were quite severe....the only way to describe them would be to say l felt like a kid in a dark alley...like the boogie man was out to get me at any minute... l would jump at the slightest noise (with six kids ther is a lot of unexpected noises!) My doc put me on Ativan and l had to take it 3 times a day...but it worked! lt would make me feel "normal" again! After a couple of months it semed to have broke the cycle of severe anxiety/panic that l was having, l did have to wean myself off them though, which wasn't too hard... l still have anxiety and feel easiely overwhelmed, but it is manageable. I would say my symptoms now would be headachs and feeling like my throat is swelling, I get the hunger thing too, like hyperglycima so I have to eat often and not let myself get hungry. I do notice that if I force myself to go outside and get some freash air I feel better. Try making yourself go for a walk with your baby. It does help. And if you have to have the toob on and plop you kid in front...don't feel like a failure! Make a fun time of it...pop popcorn and throw pollows and blankies on the floor and snuggle up...eat some oreo's and milk that always makes me feel better =)

Weeze Begs
08-02-2009, 03:39 PM
I am 37 and mum to 2, my youngest is 9 months and my anxiety started a year ago when I was pregnant.

I too feel like a failure of a mum, my baby girl is gorgous, and I find myself sitting stearing at her from a distance rather than being on the floor playing like I should. I am struggling to look after them both so my Mum is living with me mon - fri. She organises all the kids meals, bath times everything I should be doing.

My Son just accepts that nanny is here and says that mummy is tired but apart from that he doesn't know the difference. My baby girl, just loves me as I am her Mum....
And that is what I have learnt.....they love me, I love them...end of.

When I think back to the first 5/6 years of my life I have very few memories, so I know that these dark days will not scar my children and one day they will get an even better Mum than they do know and will not remember these times.

Us Mums must stick together