View Full Version : Never felt so bad in my whole life

06-11-2009, 01:00 PM
I'm a 45 female. Like many of you, I've been suffering for anxiety as long as I can remember. I've started a therapy and I'm very positive. I have an open mind and I'm ready to try something else then medication.

I read the post about magnesium and amino acid and I'm ready to give it a try.

Can't wait to feel better.


06-11-2009, 10:01 PM
Way to go...
I like how you are positive about therapy... I Have been to therapy for 3 months now and it does wonders to me... I' m now going once every 2 weeks instead of one a week... I know that I' m starting to Free myself from Anxiety.
Good luck

06-30-2009, 07:40 PM
i got some magnesium drink mixes from a health food store, something called "calms" i think they did have a nice calming effect for a few hours, my "crazy" thoughts went away, or atleast i was able to realize that it wasnt real. best of luck