View Full Version : Alternatives to medication? Supplements?

06-10-2009, 01:53 PM
Hey guys, I have recently been having some anxiety issues and would like to avoid going on medication.

My question for you all is: Do you take any supplements or natural products to help with your anxiety? If so, what do you use?

How effective is it?

What exactly do you suffer from mostly (anxiety, ocd, gad, phobias)?

And, is there anything you do not like about it?

If you guys could answer those few questions for me that would really help me out, thanks!

06-10-2009, 02:27 PM
Hey.. i've tried a few different things.. the first one is called St. Johns Wart. It's a plant extract thats mainly used for depression but also for anxiety. It helped me for a bit and then didn't seem to do much after that. I have more recently been looking into amino acid supplements. I am taking 5HPT right now. Essencially, what 5HTP does is create more serotonin, which is the chemical that people with anxiety or depression are lacking in. So far it has helped me a bit, but nothing substatial. Keep in mind that everyone is different and what might work for someone might not work for someone else. You can get both of these at most health food stores or drug stores- they will be in with the vitamins and stuff. Make sure you don't take too much though! i Take 100mg of 5HTP in the morning and 100mg before i go to bed. If you take too much of either of these, they can cause serotonin symdrome.. i forget exactly what it is, but it's bad lol. Also, i wouldn't combine the two and don't take them while taking MDMA (estacy), which can also lead to serotonin syndrome...

06-10-2009, 03:02 PM
Also, i wouldn't combine the two and don't take them while taking MDMA (estacy), which can also lead to serotonin syndrome...

Taking E with anxiety disorder just seems like a HORRIBLE idea!

06-11-2009, 09:00 AM
Vitamins B6 is helping me a lot....
Also I' m seeing a therapist and tried acupuncture as well it does helped me a lot...
I would recommend to go see maybe a holistic doctor who might point you in the right direction or go see your MD ...
Good luck and hope it helped.

06-12-2009, 02:05 AM
I'd also recommend vitamins, they can help a lot. B6 or D are good for body and mind and will help you to be more active and concetrated.

06-12-2009, 06:44 AM
I always tried to steer clear of medications for my anxiety, but I did take several supplements which I found really helpful. I took: 5-HTP, GABA, vitamin B complex, magnesium, amino acid complex and 5-Keto all in varying quantities depending how I felt.

However, since I discovered mindfulness and compassionate mind theory I have started to change the way I think about things to such an extent that as long as I am eating a reasonably balanced diet and am exercising I now take no supplements at all and feel fine.

I think when I was in the thick of my anxiety I couldn't believe that I could ever train myself to not be anxious and the thought of not taking 5_HTP 3 times a day was unthinkable. Don't get me wrong - I still get anxious thoughts about all my usual triggers, but they don't 'stick' in the same way they used to - I just deal with it way better now.