View Full Version : Just when i think im cured!
06-09-2009, 07:43 PM
Hi everyone im new to this forum and this is my 1st post of many lol.
Im 27 years old male and have had a few bad times with anxiety in the past with symptoms that can fill an A4 paper no problem.
My 1st ever symptom was a slight chest pain which then my mind took over thinking i was gonna have a heart attack and then i got the dizzy headrush panic and then was just very confused as to whats just happend. Over the next few days i kept getting twinges in my chest like a stabbing pain which made me want to rub my chest with my hand and take deep breaths (but always my mind working overtime trying to think whats causing it)
I feel that this experience caused my mind to now work overtime with every little problem i get and i can now just get a common headache and i would worry about it.
Im now doing well and i feel i have overcome my problem or just learnt how to live with it. I dont get panic attacks anymore but do get alot of symptoms and my main one at the moment is muscle spasms and i get them everywhere at least 30 times a day. Im used to them but still wonder why it is happening? I know that this is due to Anxiety.
The one thing that i feel has helped me alot is change, i go gym now and eat healthy and i stopped smoking. And since doing this my symptoms have more than halfed. I recommend this strongly to everyone its the best cure.
To all anxiety sufferers out there, youre not alone and it can be beat just as soon as you realise that its only a mind thing and the mind is a powerfull organ that can bring on any symptom even ones you can see like twitching! or chest pain! Im still here and breathing. :D
06-09-2009, 08:30 PM
Can't tell you how nice it is to read this. Not only are we the same age, but mine also started the same way and I had the same symptoms and thought cycles. Just wanted to thank you for sharing - every reminder that I'm not the only one helps!
Hi everyone im new to this forum and this is my 1st post of many lol.
Im 27 years old male and have had a few bad times with anxiety in the past with symptoms that can fill an A4 paper no problem.
My 1st ever symptom was a slight chest pain which then my mind took over thinking i was gonna have a heart attack and then i got the dizzy headrush panic and then was just very confused as to whats just happend. Over the next few days i kept getting twinges in my chest like a stabbing pain which made me want to rub my chest with my hand and take deep breaths (but always my mind working overtime trying to think whats causing it)
I feel that this experience caused my mind to now work overtime with every little problem i get and i can now just get a common headache and i would worry about it.
Im now doing well and i feel i have overcome my problem or just learnt how to live with it. I dont get panic attacks anymore but do get alot of symptoms and my main one at the moment is muscle spasms and i get them everywhere at least 30 times a day. Im used to them but still wonder why it is happening? I know that this is due to Anxiety.
The one thing that i feel has helped me alot is change, i go gym now and eat healthy and i stopped smoking. And since doing this my symptoms have more than halfed. I recommend this strongly to everyone its the best cure.
To all anxiety sufferers out there, youre not alone and it can be beat just as soon as you realise that its only a mind thing and the mind is a powerfull organ that can bring on any symptom even ones you can see like twitching! or chest pain! Im still here and breathing. :D
Penny Owen
06-10-2009, 06:00 AM
Hi there,
What a great posting - I'm sure it will give a lot of readers a lot of hope.
Why don't you try to invite your symptoms in ... say, come on, bring 'em on. I bet you that they don't come! Say to them 'do your worst' - by anticipating and inviting them, you destroy their power. Give it a go ... I've heard that it works for others and it worked for me too.
When you control your thoughts, you control your symptoms.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
06-10-2009, 06:11 PM
yes the mind can many times be king - it can rule the body and try to rule the heart - its a powerfule thing that in the end causes all of our anxiety
06-12-2009, 01:11 PM
I would check with your Dr. about adding more magnesium. That was a problem with me & I increased my dosage. All better. :)
Way to go on your healing! You have made amazing progress.
All the best,
06-16-2009, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the replys everyone and sorry it took me time to come back to you guys. Im doing really well at moment and i can go weeks and maybe months without a panic. But we all know a panic is not one of them moments where your like really freaking out its a personal moment that you deal with in your mind and overcome it in ur own way. I can only describe my way of thinking is (accelerated), and its not always a bad thing. I once read in a forum that being this way inclined makes you the sort of person that reads into things and spot things the every day joe wouldnt. 1 beneift at least lol!.
Its always pleasing to know that we are not alone even though i wouldnt wish this on anybody. My symptoms are not half as bad anymore and i can speak for everyone here (We sound like crazy people talking about are problems but were not!! we are your normal every day folk that bury these problems deep inside and try are hardest to solve the problem. I wish everyone here all the best and hope you find a cure whatever that maybe. Im here if ya want to add me by email.
Many thanks
06-17-2009, 09:51 AM
This is a great post.
First I want to try to explain the spasms. Anxiety causes many different reactions in the body. Even if your not having a panic attack, people with anxiety tend to constantly secrete the same sort of hormones and chemicals. The body acts as if it is in danger all the time. Ignoring it might help keep you from getting a panic attack, but you know its there.
Spasms make sense because your muscles get tense. Many times I used to have pain in my neck and back as if I had played basketball for 8 hours (which I used to do as a kid)
You tend to over think everything because anxiety is very difficult to understand. Of course, once you start understanding (and I think your getting there) everything will become progressively easier.
The majority of people I know with anxiety benefit greatly from organizing their thoughts on paper and trying to examine where their anxiety originates from.
Exercise and a healthy diet, like you said is an easy way to improve the situation. Your brain constantly needs to have the correct balance of nutrients to function. Your body also needs viperous exercise as well.
I hope this post was helpful.
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