View Full Version : Anxiety and weight loss - SUGGESTIONS NEEDED!

06-09-2009, 01:22 PM
Hi guys,

I'm totally new, and joined to ask a question to you all. I noticed through searching around online in general that a lot of people suffer from the same anxiety symptom that I do: loss of appetite and weight loss.

My anxiety used to (and still does, at times) take a lot of other forms, including nausea, shaking, heart palpitations, sweating, tension, etc. However, I've been getting better, and recently the only thing that really has stuck with me is SEVERE appetite problems.

So, my question is - does anyone know of any good mixes for drinks that are high calorie and meant for weight gain? I will be traveling in less than two weeks to Asia, and my anxiety is most often to occur then. Ideally, I need something that comes in a small powder packet for travel, is used in water, and has NO WHEY (I have an intolerance to whey). I found some things online for cancer patients, but they are mostly sold in the UK and have to be mixed with milk or have other problems that make them not so travel friendly. Something in a bottle itself is more difficult since it would most likely need refrigeration and would have to be packed in my suitcase and would take up room..

Anyone have any suggestions? Or any other ways they cope with appetite loss?


06-09-2009, 07:20 PM
Go to a vitamins store like gnc I m sure they will point you in the right direction

06-12-2009, 01:06 PM
Yes, my site works with Designs for Health Supplements. They have a meal replacement that is rice protein.

My partner is an R.N. and can help you if you are interested.

All the best,