View Full Version : How severe is this?

06-09-2009, 08:08 AM
Hi everyone. I have a few questions that I really hope you can help me with.

My problem stems from situational anxiety and I'm not sure exactly which route to take with regards to dealing with it. I am 22 and I have, beginning fairly recently (past 6 months) been getting extremely nervous in presentation or interview type settings. My voice starts to shake and I can't think of much else besides how nervous I am.

In general this has been isolated to formal situations I talked about, like job interviews and presentations. I feel like it's working its way into my everyday life though. I get very very slightly uncomfortable when I'm out in public. I feel like the only thing that is really making this worse is the fact that I know about it and I'm just thinking about it too much. It seems to me that I have a fairly mild case of anxiety, but I don't have the means (recent college grad, no job or health insurance) to get professional help.

Because this has started so recently, I am frustrated with the fact that this is really not who I am but it seems like there's nothing I can do about it. I am pretty sure that this is not permanent, that the end to this well within reach, but the more I think about this problem, the further away from the solution I feel.

I very greatly appreciate the time anyone takes to read this and share any and all advice they have on the matter.

Penny Owen
06-10-2009, 05:43 AM
Hi there,
It sounds like your self-esteem has taken a knock in the past six months.
Any idea why? Has something happened to knock you off your stride. Your nervousness in social situations is being fuelled by the way you are feeling and the thoughts you are putting into your head. That's why I ask what has changed?

Have you heard the saying 'you are who you think you are'. When you think nervous thoughts, you get nervous symptoms. I've suffered from nerves all my life but I worked on raising my self-esteem and changed my thoughts from 'I can't do this' to 'I can do this' and guess what happened? I found I could do it. I'm normally very nervous when I go for an interview but once my self-esteem improved, I performed to the very best of my ability (yes, I got the job and I'm still in it!). I was too nervous to do public speaking but once my lack of self-esteem was no longer an issue, I did it and loved it ... now I do a lot of it. Again, this came from the 'yes, I can' mentality!

We are driven by our thoughts - they are the powerhouse and this is what you have to work on - that and your self-esteem ... and guess what, that isn't going to cost you a thing monetarily.

Don't go down the medication route - that ain't going to help you ... but do you know who can - YOU!

Hope this helps. If you want to start a conversation, then please do ... I'm only too happy to help.
