View Full Version : Advice for intrusive thoughts

06-08-2009, 04:28 PM

I'd like some advice on how to stop thinking about certain things.
I've had certain problems in my life with anxiety and paranoia and some times people are not very nice to me because of this. They may make fun of this fact and this really hurts.
I dont seem to be able to stop thinking about the times that this has happened and they come back into my thoughts again and again even things that have happened years ago with people I no longer have anything to do with.
I try to think positively but they keep coming back.
Has anyone done any work on this kind of thing and have any advice for me.
Thanks in advanced its much appreciated

06-08-2009, 07:52 PM
hey there edren seems like you are going through a very hard time.
are you worried about every little thing? health, relationship problems, work ?? etc..

what i think would be good for you is to get your doctor to refer you to a psychologist that specialises in anxiety.
don't feel so down about what you are and have experienced for so long, a lot of people have been through this and don't be so hard on yourself.
the people who judge you are really not worth worrying about, they don't seem to understand that anxiety is very hard to deal with but it DOES get better in time :)

I hope you recover soon, but patience is needed :)

Feel free to pm me if thereis other things you need to talk about.

I too suffer from sever anxiety..maybe a tad different to what you experience but it is very common


06-08-2009, 07:55 PM
also, it's good to surround yourself in people who LOVE you and know you.
i avoided going to malls and restuarants because i thought i'd act weirdly due to my anxiety, and people would be like "what the?"

but surrounding myself in ppl who i love and ppl who love me really does help. do you have a bf/gf? parents or family? or close friends you can trust?
tell them how you feel, and be sure you are not alone.

Also if you believe in Jesus, remeber He is with you always!