View Full Version : I am NOT scared of flying, but...

06-08-2009, 12:52 AM
I can't help but get very anxious about flying. When I was 15 I was pretty much terrified of flying but a trip to the US and Australia (I live in the UK) pretty much killed any anxiety I had.

About a year ago I went to Toronto with my sister. I was there for four days and I couldn't get the flight home out of my head. I kept worrying about whether the plane was going to fall out of the sky or disintegrate or something. It kind of ruined the holiday which is a bummer.

At the end of this month I'm flying to Chicago. I've been on much longer flights (21 hours), and I know exactly what to expect flight wise (flown through hurricanes, experienced aborted/emergency landings), but I'm getting anxious about it.

I HATE feeling like this because I thought I was over it. Doe anyone have any advice so that I can stop thinking about and ultimately worrying about the flights? Thanks.

06-08-2009, 04:29 AM
Bothers me too but i just keep my mind away by watching the movies. What you have to remember is that flying is the safest form of travel statistically.

06-08-2009, 05:55 AM
Bothers me too but i just keep my mind away by watching the movies. What you have to remember is that flying is the safest form of travel statistically.

I know that, but the main problem is when I'm on a trip, I can't get the flight home off of my mind, which kind of spoils the trip. And whilst I enjoy flying to an extent, my mind wanders and thinks some catastrophe is going to happen.

06-10-2009, 05:35 PM
Well today was odd regarding this. Usually it varies from me being uptight and worried about flying to being either ok with it or really excited about it, but for most of today I wasn't even bothered about it. I didn't even think about it that much, which is odd in itself because planes fly over my house every day and I tend to watch them for a while.

But then a couple of hours ago I started getting anxious about flying again. Does anyone else have this? It is really getting me down.

06-10-2009, 06:07 PM
I used to hate flying - but like anything - if you do it every week like I used to - you become immune to it - these days I think of all the cars on the road vs all the planes - remember there are thousands of car accidents a day - planes rarely crash and you here of every one in the world