View Full Version : Help: Feel like I can't breath and am Agoraphobic

06-07-2009, 04:50 PM
I am 19 years old and a male. I have been having a really hard time the past 5 days. 5 days ago I was messing around with some chemicals trying to make paint/ink mixes. I opened a can of Hercules Purple PVC Primer that I wanted to add to a mix of things I had, and once I opened it, I couldn't get it closed no matter what I did and I was not in a well ventilated area. I quickly poured it into another container I had and closed that, then I left the area and disposed of the can. I noticed that the can had some scary warnings written on it which I found online:
"Severe overexposure can cause headache, dizziness, and narcosis. Will cause irritation of mucous membranes, nose, and throat; coughing, difficulty of breathing."
After reading this I started feeling very anxious and panicky and I felt like it was hard to breath. I ended up taking a nap and waking up feeling better. I went out that night and hung out with a few friends. I still felt a little jumpy, but nothing too bad. I slept fine that night.

The next day I still felt my chest was feeling little tight, but it didn't bother me too much. I went out that day with a diesel pickup truck and apparently there was something wrong with the truck because it was flooding diesel exhaust fumes into the cabin and I had to breath that in for a while. After this I have felt like its very hard to breath and I have also become obsessed with my breathing patterns. I can't stop thinking about my breathing and it feels like I am forcing my self to breath instead of it being automatic. I keep telling myself there is nothing wrong with me and that even if I stop breathing, my body will automatically start breathing when I pass out but none of that is helping.

The third day I still felt like I couldn't breath and I couldn't take my mind off of my breathing pattern. I made plans with my friends hoping I could go out and get my mind off of things and go back to normal, but I couldn't. I got in the car and started driving to meet my friend. The farther I got away from my home, the worse I felt. I kept getting more and more panicky and it felt like it was getting harder and harder to breath. I slept fine that night, too.

The fourth day I tried going out again and the same thing happened. I ended up going back home and breaking down crying to my mother. I couldn't stop crying. I was crying about how I am unable to leave the house, felling "out of it" like I am not myself anymore, and how lonely I felt because I am stuck in my house. I also kept crying because I really missed my ex girlfriend. She always helped me when I was having anxiety attacks in the past and she is currently on vacation and will not be back for 10 days. I got over the crying, but still felt like it was difficult to breath and I still had the out of it, I don't feel like myself feeling. I ended up going out that night to the grocery store alone just to see if I can do it. I was able to do it, but the whole time I felt scared in the pit of my stomach and it felt hard to breath. I sleft fine that night too.

The fifth day, today, I am just feeling very depressed and anxious. And it feels very hard to breath. I don't feel like I am myself anymore and I don't know what the do. I can't tell if I actually can't breath, or if I am just forcing myself to believe I can't breath. No matter what I do to distract myself, I can't get my mind off of the tightness in my chest. I am very depressed because of the fact I can not go out and enjoy myself and that I have to be in constant fear. I am so scared that this feeling will not go away. I have had anxiety/panic attacks before, but never for such a long period of time. I have never taken any medication for my anxiety or talked to a psychologist. I used to be mildly agoraphobic, but never this bad. I would just be afraid to go on vacations without my parents.

Sorry for such a long post. I hope it is easy to understand. I am very scared and depressed and I don't know what to do. Please help.


Another thing I forgot to mention is that at night, I seem to be a little more relaxed for some reason. I don't know what this means but I feel a little more relaxed once it gets later. I also feel okay right when I wake up, but once I get out of bed the panic and breathing problems start again. I feel like I'm going crazy.

Another thing. I am looking for help on how to find a good therapist to go to. I am not sure how to go about findind a good therapist in my area (northern virginia). I think I am in need of a phsycologist as I am just looking for seeking help through talking and things like that. I don't really want to take medication unless it is absolutely necessary.

06-08-2009, 11:28 AM
HI there. I am sorry you are going through this. It is horrible. I am not sure exactly how to help you or tell you what you should do.... Because I am sort of in the same situation and having a hard time myself but I want you to know you are not alone.
You sound a lot like me because especially with the whole paint thing you did and worried about the fumes. I do things like that with everything. I will read the lable or warning and panic. I swallwed toothpaste the other day and it was the whitening kind I worried for the whole day I would get so sick and just felt off all day.
As for the breathing thing. I had bronchitis a few weeks ago and ever since then I have not been able to breath right it has been about 6 days now even though I am fine now from the illness I seem to think I have some lung infection still or pnemonia. My family all keep telling me I am fine or ignore me because they are sick of hearing how I cant breath. It last all day long sometimes and it is running my life.
Now I definitely think you need to talk to somebody forsure I dont live near you but maybe a start would be to go to your doctor and ask for a referral or possible get his or her advice on who to see...
I am like yyou and want to try and stay away from meds. but maybe you should try something. I dont take antidepressents or anything but I have clonazepam for when I cant take it anymore and it somewhat helps but for a short time. See what your doctor says and thinks is best for you.
I wish you luck and if you ever need to talk I am around!!! Try not to worry so much I know it is harder then people think that dont deal with this !!!!

06-08-2009, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the reply. I remember the first time I got bronchitis, too. Even after it went away I thought I had asthma for a while. What helped me get over that was going to the doctor and getting some tests done that showed my breathing and lungs were in good shape. They also gave me a prescription for an inhaler just in case I felt like I needed it. That helped me get rid of the paranoia about breathing until now. I've been fine with my breathing for years until now. I'm going to go to a doctor tomorrow to get tested again just to clear my mind, or to get it fixed if there is something actually wrong.

I am glad to say I am feeling better overall. Still not back to 100% but am feeling better. I am still determined to see a therapist, though. I want to make sure that things like this never happen again. I would also like to get over my fear of going on vacation with friends. I hate hearing stories of how much fun they had and how I have to come next time.

06-08-2009, 08:13 PM
hey there my name is dianne i am 18 years old and from australia.

wow i can SO feel your pain there buddy!!!
i have suffered from severe anxiety for a couple of months now,
it caused me to quit my job, stop going out with friends (i even lost a lot of my friends!), reduced stepping out of my house all in all!
it has taken over my life...:(
ive become depressed aswell.. but i'm not suicidal or anything as i believe in Jesus Christ.

Anyway, my anxiety was based on stress and obsession with my HEALTH.
i won't tell you the whole story i'll just tell u very very briefly..
once at work (when i was still working) i was feeling very stressed and i nearly fainted which causes me to panick very badly (i didnt no wot a panic attack was then so the symptoms of it made me more scared!)
i then went to a doctor where she mentioned i could have a brain tumour...i freaked out! (obviously she wasnt a very good doctor because i then went to 2 other doctors saying that that was very silly!)
she offered me a ct scan bt warned me of the high radiation so i refused... i HAD to stay strong...(in the end i got a ct scan n it was clear)

there isso much more but i would take a day and night to type it lol..
well ive thought i was having heart attacks, brain aneurysms, pancreatic cancer, etc etc... u NAME it..

i felt so stressed every day and night for ages.. like i was startled very easily.. e.g if my cat ran past me i would feel soooo stressed and anxious!

my breathing also was like what you have explained!
i was obsessed! i thought that i forgot to breathe all the time and i felt the only time i am breathing is when i am focusing on it!...it was HELL... i use to doze off to sleep and wake up suddenly thinking i 4got to breathe

i always felt titeness in my chest n that i wasnt getting enough air..

to me, what i think is that your symptoms are just from anxiety itself.
do you shallow breathe? like from your chest n not your stomach?
try deep breathing where u fill ur stomach up with air (ur stomach rises first THEN ur chest).
i use to shallow breathe all the time not knowing it was the wrong way to breathe and it'd make things worse!
place your hands on your stomach and fill your stomach rise up slowly and down slowly. (you may not know it but that is how we breathe when we are relaxed and in normal state).
my psychologist taught me this.

it really is important to go and see a psychologist as they really do help you :)
im sure you can overcome this, don't let anxiety control you, you are BIGGER than IT. although its very cloudy for you right now that is all part of anxiety! im sure when you start to see a spychologist and surround yourself in people that LOVE you, you will progress.

i thought my life was over few months ago. i always thought i was going to die now (i still do) but i can say that i have progressed alot.
I also believe in Jesus and thatshelped me SO MUCH!

i pray for your recovery :)

May i ask what symptoms do you get from anxiety??

like i get a whole bunch... where i just feel so clouded...chest pains sometimes... i twitch alot lol.. just a whooole lot.. lol

take care ! sorry for the long essay !lol