View Full Version : Anxiety vs. Intestes/hobbies...

06-07-2009, 01:00 AM
hello, Im a 22 year old student at a fine arts college that has been dealing with severe anxiety since as far back as i can remember. At 22 though im happy to say that i feel like i have a firm grasp on controlling my anxiety, not only through medication but also breathing and thought exercises. I still have those days were nothing seems to help though.

My question is this...

Would you stop doing something you truly enjoyed doing because it may at times provoke anxiety or trigger nervous thoughts?

One of my past times is working on cars or anything mechanically really! I find though that often times when for instance working on my personal car i tend to get anxious that something might break, someone might hit me, what if this stops working, what if i need to replace this, etc.

I find myself asking a lot of "what if" questions and worrying about things that have not, and might not ever happen.

06-07-2009, 02:48 AM
Obeying the commands of anxiety disorder is NEVER what you want to do.

06-08-2009, 12:02 AM
Obeying the commands of anxiety disorder is NEVER what you want to do.

Ya i guess your right. The last thing i want to do is admit defeat!

06-08-2009, 07:18 AM
Obeying the commands of anxiety disorder is NEVER what you want to do.

Ya i guess your right. The last thing i want to do is admit defeat!I'm 19 years old and if I let my Anxiety rule me,well lets just say my life would be pretty dam lame! ;)

06-12-2009, 03:26 AM
I think...This is just a few of the hobbies that might help you when you are feeling anxious. If you focus on the hobby, you will focus less on your own anxiety and can stop the negative thought process in its tracks.
If you are unsure about a hobby, or have a hobby that you would like to try but do not know how to go about it, you can go to your local parks department to see if they are offering classes. You can also look to stores that sell supplies, such as scrap book supplies, and see if they have a class that you can take to learn the tricks of the trade. Sometimes, just doing something creative alleviates the anxiety.