View Full Version : My anxiety - a common problem or am I going crazy? Venting

06-06-2009, 04:58 PM
I am on some medications for anxiety and it has helped some but not a lot. I would say I am 60%-70% improved on the medications but the anxiety is STILL a daily battle.

I find that I see something, or find something, sometimes about myself, sometimes about things in my house and I will get stuck on it, focus on it, for hours, sometimes days, like my apperance OR even somthing as silly as how my furniture is arranged. I obsess over it for a few days until I do something to resolve it, such as rearranging the furniture or buying some new deco to make things just so OR I will slowly realize that my appearnce is just fine and things are ok....then I stop worrying for a few hours, maybe a few days THEN something else will pop up in my stupid head to start driving me crazy again!

I will think of things in the past that drove me crazy and think...they were so silly and realize they were silly but it's like my brain cannot rest and be content with being calm. It's like my brain NEEDS something to worry about, it craves it and I HATE it. I know that fighting it is only going to make things worst so I try to accept, remain calm but I am stuck in this groove and it is so hard to get out!

I have tried various meds and some did not work and some work (which I am on) but not to get me back to being "normal" the worry, constant worry remains and comes at least now in bouts instead of 24/7.

I am reluctant to try other meds because at least I have some improvement with my regimen which took me a couple years to find something that helped.

Any suggestions or experience with this? Can anyone relate?