View Full Version : frequent heart palpitations

06-03-2009, 04:50 AM
hey all my name is dianne i am 18 years old.
my anxiety started months ago where i thought i had brain tumour , aneurysm, pancreatic cancer, the lot....

long story cut short i have been experiencing chest pains which my psycholgist says is most likely anxiety. had an ecg where showed i was fine..
iv also been experiencing palpitations where it feels like my heart had sunk and i need to gasp for air and my heart jus pounds for a min or so.
they only happened like 3 times a few days...
had a 24 hr ecg and came back i had irregular heart beat (extrasystole) which the doc said not to worry as it could be from stress..

but for the past 2 days i feel as though im getting it through out the whole day its driving me mad :(and im very scared as heart disease runs thru my family...

i also hear a low rumbling sound in my ears and they feel clogged..

any1 else get anything like this?? please please write back all i do is cry :(


06-03-2009, 06:32 AM
Since you have been checked several times by doctors, it is probably due to anxiety or stress. I think the best idea is to try to figure out the reason for stress/anxiety and the heart palpitations. Do this with your psychologist - you need to find the reason for all this, then you can start to fight it.

06-03-2009, 03:31 PM
i get this problem sometimes aswell, but not as much as yourself. How often to you see a therapist or doctor? because if its not often, then all you do is think about it and remind yourself to check with the doctor that you are ok and your not having major heart problems, which can make u panic more, whereas if u saw them once a week for example, they could reasure you everyweek and u'll learn to control the thoughts.
I know how you feel, and sometimes it is ok to cry, i feel a little bit better after a good cry! but soemtimes just say to yourself 'im ok' or after its stopped say 'see i knew i would be ok, im always ok' and u'll start to trick your mind!
I have the same problem but i feel like im constanly going to be sick like you have heart pulpatations. I just tell myself im going to be ok, and after the panic attack is over, i feel good for not panicing to much. Just take a deep breath and relax, your fine! there's no need to worry, its the anxiety making you worry! x