View Full Version : Do i suffer from anxiety?

05-29-2009, 11:17 AM
Im 25 years old.

3 years ago I was walking around a tesco store when out of nowhere I had a strange sensation of dizziness which through me into a panic, I had what would be described as a mild to sever panic attack and ended up in A&E as I became tachycardiac. At the time I was convinced I was having a heart attack as I had never experienced this before. I knew what the symptoms of a heart attack were and my body kept displaying these, such as numb left arm, tight chest (no actual pain though)…when I got to A&E I had blood tested and ECG’s, the nurses did say my pulse was high 120-140 from memory but as soon as I was lying in the hospital bed I felt safe and my pulse soon dropped, I felt fine, blood tests all normal.

When I left the hospital I felt brilliant like I had just received the best news ever. However, for some reason after this experience I kind of ‘tuned’ into my heart and I could sense everything, when I exerted my self my heart obviously speeds up but now instead of ignoring it I became paranoid and could feel it beating, I would regularly stick my fingers onto my chest or neck to count my heart beat.

I had more panic attacks over a period of 4-6 weeks and started experiencing heart palpitations, eptopic/irregular heart beats which convinced me I had a heart condition. Couple more trips to Dr’s and A&E during this time to be told everything is fine.

I lived with heart palps and an annoying habbit of checking my pulse often for a few months and then out of no where it all stopped and I forgot about it got on with my life. Then about 1 year on bang! – panic attack, I controlled it this time I kept saying to myself its not a heart attack its panic…and did not go to A&E. I felt tired after but felt great next day.

Then the big one, I went to my doctor as I had a general flu, just wanted some antibiotics or something….when I was there he gave me the usual check and whilst checking my heart said ‘sounds like you have a heart murmur’ – I was scared and told myself ‘I knew I had something wrong!!!’, immediately panic kicked in, I was referred to a heart specialist at hospital, they fitted a 24 hour monitor to me, blood tests, more ECG and told me all fine!!!! I actually managed to get a 1 to 1 session with the cardiologist and explained , he listened to my heart and said you don’t have a heart murmur, AHHH!!!!

After all that I decided to leave it and try and get on with life, after a few months it all went away again, I stopped getting palpitations (had a few every now and then but non serious). Brilliant.

Untill now, another year on I had a few palps whilst laying in bed and a slight popping sensation in my chest, no pain just a weird flutter, like a big palpitation…straight onto internet to self diagnose, only to find things like bleeding gums can cause heart problems (my gums bleed when I clean my teeth sometimes!!) so im now convinced again I have heart problems and I feel depressed…lost my appetite and have that sinking feeling in my stomach. Im constantly thinking about my heart to the point where I can basically control it, speed it up slow it down, sounds weird I know but the mind is powerful.

Anyone else get like this or am I mad?
Sorry about the long post, nice to let off steam :oops:

05-29-2009, 02:09 PM

i just went through the exact same situation last month, went to ER two nights in a row, i was in korea at the time so it wasnt easy to communicate what was wrong with me, they said stress and irregular heart beat. anyways, came back home and after a few more heart scares and thinking what the hell is wrong with me, i lost my appetite too, and felt generally shitty all the time and didnt want to be social cause i was consumed with this thinking all the time. First you have no serious problem, except thinking about it too much, and its hard to stop i know, actually you cant just turn it off or fight it. just try this.

breathe slowly for a few minutes, deep breathes, maybe 5 times per minute, this will help relax you. its simple but often solutions are so simple. this calms your mind cause breathe and mind are connected, u'll notice a change in your breathing when u are worried about these things, so the opposite is true too. so try it and after see if this thinking "sticks" as much in your mind. it worked for me. please tell me if this helps, im curious too.


05-29-2009, 02:13 PM
also, you havent gone mad at all, its the most normal response and behavior to be concerned that something is wrong with ure heart , trust me. you just wrote exactly what ive done too, and so many others. its anxiety but justified anxiety when your heart is acting up like that.

05-30-2009, 11:12 AM
I was very anxious and dizzy going to a store or something... And suffered from GAD for a while... I could not even go anywhere...
So I soon I started feeling dizzy I' m pushing myself and keep saying it's ok... and go on with the anxiety....

05-30-2009, 05:43 PM
Thanks arms, breathing slowly does help me calm down, also just reading other peoples story's on here helps alot...it's re-assuring that others also feel the same and re-assurance is my best cure

06-09-2009, 12:39 AM
Its anxiety but justified anxiety when your heart is acting up like that. its the most normal response and behavior.That something is wrong with your heart , trust me.