View Full Version : Serious Help Needed. PLEASE!

05-27-2009, 07:05 PM
Hi. Since my late teens I have had experiences of what I assumed to be severe anxiety. Possibly a result of Accutane overuse, my experiences woefully continue today. Unfortunately, I now experience cases of sever facial and bodily flushing, severe pain to the neck region, muscle stiffness, etc. in times of high anxiety (work related, school related). Sadly enough my condition has gradually gotten worse from my mid teens as I have also noticed my body taking on a reddish tint while additionally forming acne. I now know that this is directly related to my anxiety condition as I have been prescribed Buspar by my doctor and although combined with a miniscule decrease in my anxiety I have seen some of this tint leave. However, it still persists today. This condition has destroyed my ambitions and I am in serious need of help. I know that it is related to some chemical imbalance in the brain but no no way of attacking the condition. Should phsychiatric treatment be purusued? Is this something that a neurologist can assess? Any more advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
