View Full Version : Anxiety release

05-27-2009, 12:19 PM
Hi, I just had a revelation which released my anxiety completely. I wanted to share it with you guys to see if it can help other people or if it was just something that worked for me. Anyways here is how I got what I would call a shift in mind which released my anxiety. It's kind of hard to explain but I'll try.

Your anxiety is in your head, of course you know that, but usually what I did to try escape anxiety was thinking "It's going to be ok, think happy thoughts etc." This often doesn't do much good because there's always a voice saying "What if it doesn't work, what if I can't control myself..." and so on. So trying to think myself out of it wasn't working, it's like fighting fire with fire.

Ok, try this.

First know that anxiety is in your physical head, knock on your head just to make sure that every single anxious thought is in there, not out here in the real world. Unconscious thoughts can get completely out of hand but it's still inside your skull it cant' get out and hit you in the face.

Secondly, the important part is to focus on your body. What you do is to move every body part you can. Wiggle your toes, wave your arms, nod your head, make a fist, anything you can think of. Do it consciously and determinately, that's the key, fully involve your self in controlling the different body parts. Now while you're doing this, really think hard about that you are in control, you can control your whole body! Everything else is just sensations and fantasies in your skull, let them be, it doesn't matter so much when you have complete control, yes control, you can do it at your own will. Focus your self completely on body control. Think about how you are carrying out your anxieties when really you have the choice not to, think about it.

By the way, try counting to five in your head, see that you have control of your conscious thoughts as well, the rest is fantasy, let it be.

Try this exercise for a full five minutes or more, don't just do it for a few seconds without being involved with it.


PS: I'm not trying to be condescending here, I'm just trying to create a shift in the mind, I know how hard it is and that is why I'm trying to help because I know how terrible anxiety can be.

Please comment on how this technique works on you, I would like to develop it and share it if it is of any help. Thank you.

05-28-2009, 03:05 AM
Thank you.

i think you have tapped into something profound here, please continue spreading this, you have made such an impact with this one post on me. that was so helpful.

05-28-2009, 07:44 AM
I should add that it takes some training, at least a couple of weeks before you get a real effect. The key here I believe is to get in touch with and train your conscious mind instead of getting caught up in unconscious thoughts. I have put up a website: selfcheckcontrol-dot-com which I will use to try and share this technique and develop it.

On a sidenote, if this or any other technique/exercise is helping than please spread the word to as many as you can. I'm sick of people and websites wanting to make money on other peoples suffering.

05-28-2009, 10:53 PM
You may have just said that it takes weeks of training to get an actual effect.
If thats true then the real effect must be quite nice. Because that post very much calmed me down. I was feeling wound tight and panicked for no reason and reading that made my face relax. Sure, I don't feel wonderful or like running into a crowded room of people and making friends.
But that was the quickest, most satisfying thing thats happened to me in regards of calming my nerves in three years.
Thats amazing.
And I thank you for it.

As for calming techniques.
I don't have very good ones of my own obviously but I feel compelled to share my meager bag of tricks because reading your post did such a favor for my headache.
I like to listen to music. The same song, usually, over and over.
So that I can focus on it and know whats coming, and think that even though there are parts of the song that are fast and loud it eventually comes to an end, and everything is okay.
Because unlike just telling myself that fact, "Everything will be alright" some how the right song can make it a little bit more tangible and real.

And I like to splash water on my face. Makes it feel a lot less tensed up and makes me feel cleaner. Like I'm washing off the scared expression and dousing the blush.

06-03-2009, 02:23 AM
I posted this under the ORPHAN LEADER being available post, but I think it goes here. Anyone JOR, Drake know when the WARRIORS KEY-CHAINS are bring released? Or, do the come with the Figures? Thanks.

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06-04-2009, 02:51 PM
Excellent explanation, I will definitely try it and I believe the real key is doing it long enough each time and for a long enough period to make it effective. I know I tried square breathing but I usually do it a few times and stop so it doesn't work well.

06-05-2009, 05:44 AM
Thanks. Please continue spreading this, you have made such an impact with this one post on me. that was so helpful.Thanks a ton for your useful information....