View Full Version : Why do i worry so much

02-08-2006, 01:00 AM
Does anyone ever doubt that they have anxiety and are just worrying because they can i know that this sounds real dumb i just worry that i am wasting doctors time and that it is something else wrong with me I kind of feel a bit like i am going mad i keep having to shake it off...it feels like it is a kind of film over me dragging me down i am really struggling to get any sleep at night at the moment but i feel selfish about worrying about the things that i do.

Does anyone ever feel guilty about their worrying ?..does this make any sense ?

02-08-2006, 08:09 AM
I don't know if I've ever really felt guilty over the worrying that I do, but I do feel guilty about talking to people about it. I feel like listening to me whine about what I'm feeling or going through is about the LAST thing they want to do. And that it just bothers them. So, usually I don't say anything. And I have only talked about it a little bit with my dr. because I guess I feel embarressed. I am on meds, which help, but I always feel like I am a little nuts for thinking that a dr. is wanting to hear about everything that scares me or I'm having problems with.

Cath :)

02-08-2006, 02:08 PM
i don't feel guilty about worrying i can't stop worrying so no time to feel guilty but the doctor thing shit i pay the money they better listen to me and care lol i wanna get better and they can help so i think they must care you just gotta find a good doc that you can really relate to good luck and don't worrying bout worrying you already worry to much about worrys worrys that worry lol have a good day :D

02-09-2006, 09:46 AM
i dont feel guilty about worrying, but at certain times, like when som1 close to me is ill and i get to a stage where people are worrying about me as well....thats when i feel guilty

02-09-2006, 11:04 AM
I hear ya on that one. My husband is going through a really rough time right now. Lots of dr.s and new stuff going on and people will come up and ask me how I"m doing! I don't want the focus on me, I want it on him. So, I know how you feel on that one.

Cath :)

03-06-2006, 09:00 AM
Ya, I too feel this way. I worry alot about what other people think. I worry so much that I end up looking like an idiot. People don't like it when I worry so much, they get freaked out. I couldn't understand why people didn't like being around me until I actually accepted the fact that I am suffering from anxiety. That I was looking WAY TOO DEEP into things. Only you will know what is too deep and not too deep. The rest will fall into place by surfing the net, researching your thoughts etc.

Hope this help buddy.

03-08-2006, 01:48 PM
A big part of anxiety disorder is the fact that we think we are losing our minds. It is so important that you know you DO suffer from this illness and that you know it IS real. And that know you are not alone.

It is hard to trust your own feelings when you are worrying all the time. Plus, people around you just don't get it. "Oh, get a grip" or "Just calm down" or "Stop worrying". These are common comments we get. Hopefully reading these forums will help you realize that you must ignore these people and NOT FEEL GUILTY for having an illness. You did not choose to have it, did you?

I truly knew my anxiety was real the first day the paxil kicked in. I actually felt the cloud lift. This is why I swear by the need for anti-anxiety medication. Please read my blog www.myanxietyblog.com (http://www.myanxietyblog.com) because I think it will help you and others.

You can't see our disorder like you can see a wheelchair. But it is real and it is tough. Hang in there. :unsure:

03-08-2006, 03:20 PM
Im just interested to know..what sort of things do people here worry about?

I worry about nights out, my job, my university, meeting up with people (particuly old friends), holidays and doing new things.

Its very hard to deal with sometimes...atm ive got alot of things im "worried" about and its very demanding. The sooner things is worry about arive the better, cos at least Ill be over it.

03-19-2006, 07:04 PM
Does anyone ever doubt that they have anxiety and are just worrying because they can i know that this sounds real dumb i just worry that i am wasting doctors time and that it is something else wrong with me I kind of feel a bit like i am going mad i keep having to shake it off...it feels like it is a kind of film over me dragging me down i am really struggling to get any sleep at night at the moment but i feel selfish about worrying about the things that i do.

Does anyone ever feel guilty about their worrying ?..does this make any sense ?

yes i get a guilty type feeling like do i really have anxiety?? when i go to the doctor i feel fine and that im wasting his time, i also feel like im going mad at times and have to kind of shake it off and think about something else