View Full Version : Do I tell a a new guy I met that I have anxiety?

05-18-2009, 05:26 PM
I just met this guy online a few weeks ago and he would like to go out on a date. He asked me what I do for work and I don't know what to say. I am on disability for my anxiety disorder...I don't want to scare him away. I hate to say it but I am ambarassed about my condition. What should I do????

05-18-2009, 05:40 PM
I would wait a few dates and see what happens - everyone has issues - so no one needs to know everything on a few dates

05-19-2009, 10:58 AM
There is different ways to see it....
At work I' m working wih all kind of people and I have been upfront with them telling them about my anxiety.... At first I was a shame and was not accepting it.
Also we all do have different things going on and I' m sure he will understand I will wait a little times or so to tell him...
Well good luck.

05-20-2009, 07:41 AM
I too would wait until after a few dates. I can understand why your alittle embarrassed, i feel the same way. But if you like the guy and he likes you it shouldnt matter. My husband is very understanding thank goodness. I agree that everyone has their issues. I would just wait and see how it goes. good luck!

05-21-2009, 06:28 AM
I think I'd be honest. After all if you do like him and hope to make this work out, a relationship can only be based on honesty. If you don't tell him how will you dodge his question?

05-21-2009, 06:37 AM
i can relate to you on your situation. i recently started dating a good guy. he's a keeper!! however i am not one to hide my issues from people. not only do i have anxiety but i have an overactive bladder and IBS which can interfere with my life as well. All of my friends are aware of my issues, along with most of my co-workers. I personally think that discussing my issues helps me to feel better, especially when it comes to the anxiety. I also feel that if someone does not know about my anxiety, that may even intensify the situation for me because i will be soooooo anxious about them not finding out that i would more then likely have an anxiety attack over that, or atleast have that be on my mind most of the time. I told my date the first night about the bladder and stomach issues, and he was fine with it. its not debilitating and im not ashamed and i figure that if someone cannot deal with such small issues, then theyre not someone i want in my life anyway. take me as i am or dont take me at all! last nnight was the second date and i confessed about my anxiety, as i felt that if i didnt i would be more anxious then the norm. he also excepted this and after a little bit i calmed down immensely. i believe that just trying to hide something makes it 100 times worse. i would let him know if i were you, because why waste your time dealing with someone that would not accept it? it has to come out sometime ya know? the only people that you should want in your life are those that care about you no matter what.. and those that will support you :o) even though you may think it is a huge serious issue, anxiety really is not.. the more comfortable you are with it, the less likely it should occur. when im having an anxiety attack at work or anywhere around people that i know.. i try to talk about it, and they try to help me out of it. good luck with the guy!! and if it doesnt work out.. there are plenty of fish in the sea

05-21-2009, 07:29 PM
I agree with everyone that you should let this person know about your anxiety. After all, you'll need to be with someone who is understanding, right? It will hurt if he rejects you because of it, but that just makes it clear if he's good for you. If he doesn't understand, or doesn't have experience with it, think of a good way to explain it.

I have a long time boyfriend who has had a hard time understanding, but he eventually came around. He is supportive and caring, but it took him a bit.

08-17-2009, 03:22 AM
This is something I've been thinking about as well.

It's something that they need to know - after all, they have to be able to support you in a positive way (I've had a couple of experiences where the guy says he understands, but just doesn't know what to do to help - or in fact, does not understand at all :P)

Let's hope I find the right guy~ ;.;

08-19-2009, 08:21 AM
I would tell them, at least you will then know if you have a caring person or not.

My partner has been great with supporting me :)