View Full Version : New here

05-18-2009, 01:00 PM
Hi guys , I just signed up at the forum so i thought i would make a post a talk about me, i found out that i am an anxiety sufferer on Friday (i woke at 3:00am feeling sick so i looked through the symptoms) , im 15 years old , my anxiety is a result of being bullied for 3-4 years at school , i have a fear of being sick (emetophobia) and a Social anxiety , i feel scared of going to school because i dont want to be sick infont of everyone , i start getting panic attacks when im trapped , like in an assembly (i think they are panic attacks anyway) , i went to the theme park with my family once and really wanted to enjoy but i felt really dizzy and sick so i couldnt , ive had about 5 blood tests and a scan because of the sickness but they couldnt find anything so im guessing its anxiety , (if its not let me know because ive just jumped to conclusions) , ive also seen a psychologist about it , ive fainted before while out with my family but i dont know if its related.

I would love to see what you think about this and what you do to make it more bearable,

Thank you :)

05-18-2009, 05:43 PM
You need to have your parents bring you to a psychologist for evaluation - they can look at you and order medication through your Primary Doctor. Sounds like you are a candidate for these meds due to your situation