View Full Version : A bit about me

05-18-2009, 12:39 PM
Hey. I'm completely new to his kind of thing, but my friend suggeted maybe I could find some support here. I suffered from depression since I was 10, maybe even longer, and since 2002 (when some ECT when horribly wrong and totally freaked me out!) I've suffered from varying degrees of anxiety too. It's gradually got worse in the last 18 months, with my Dad dying, then my aunt dying and now 2 months ago my dog died also. All from cancer. My Mum is disabled and suddenly the burden of looking after her, as well as trying to hold down a full time job, is just proving to much to cope with. It started with feeling like I was being strangled a lot of the time and now I'm constantly getting palpitations and having stomach pains and feeling sweaty and not sleeping. Like, last night I didn't sleep at all. Not even 10 minutes. It's got completely out of control, I've seen my GP, who has given me diazepam, lorazepam, zopiclone and a beta blocker, but none of it really works. I'm on a waiting list for bereavement counselling, but it's the mean time that's scary. I'm not coping well with work and even seeing my friends is hard to do. Can anyone suggest anything that might help?