View Full Version : Have a real anxiety problem (or is it?) please help me.

05-16-2009, 10:40 PM
Hi there community

So ive basically been everywhere.....Dentist, dental surgeon, hospital, outpatient clinic, family doctor... and even my parents....Nothing has been solved I just get prescribed medications like penicillin, Clindomycin, Tylenol 3, valiums... Nothing fixes it

Heres my problem....

About a year ago I was chewing on a cracker and the molar in my back right broke off.... I fainted and everything from the event, and was having these VERY WEIRD tingly, annoying sensations in that area.... I got the rest of the tooth removed and the feeling went away....

Now.. 2 weeks ago 2 more of my teeth started having problems and were in Extreme pain... I immediatly went to the dentist to get them fixed... but after the first one was fixed... this pain in the right side of my jaw came back out of Knowere....

The dentists and doctors cannot find ANYTHING wrong with that part of my jaw... but for the past 2 weeks it has been bugging me non stop from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep..... Im really scared and I dont know what to do next.

I had anxiety problems back in high school, chest pains, fainting, etc... This feels the same, except its hard for me to believe that the pain in my jaw is actually created from anxiety... even though they cant find anything wrong with it

And even if it is pain from anxiety... there seems to be no way for me to get rid of it or convince myself otherwise.

Please help me

05-17-2009, 01:26 AM
Did they do ex-rays on your mouth,And maybe your anxiety has come back because you are stressing on your pain!The best thing you could do to help in the mean time,is get some over the coner tooth numbing GEL.

05-17-2009, 06:36 AM
Your mouth pain is not due to anxiety. Doctors like to tell us it is all in our head when it isn't. Once you have anxiety issues or express that you are nervous you could go in with your arm off and they would say "it is just stress".

I think the anxiety you are feeling now is due to the fact you have pain and being told nothing is wrong when you know there is something wrong.

I would see a different dentist or a specialist in the area where you are having pain. Pain is real, it wasn't there before till they fixed it, now it is there. So it is not in your head.

05-17-2009, 11:36 AM
I honestly believe its anxiety - I have a similiar issue with my botton front teeth - sometimes it feels like a dull pain and I want to pull them out - I suffered from grinding and now am paying the price...

If I chew a piece of gum - the pains goes away - because the chewing keeps my mouth busy and my thoughts drift...

05-17-2009, 12:15 PM
Yes, I am the same, when I am chewing something it doesnt bother me as much...

Also, when I am alseep It doesnt bother me, as soon as I wake up I feel normal, but then it slowly comes back and lasts for the rest of the day.... I dont even feel that anxious anymore at all.. Yet it is still here... The dentists have x-rayed the area and everything and tell me its fine so I just dont know...

Its not even as much of a pain as it is a numb, irratation that feels like someone is pulling at my jaw or squeezing it too the point where all of my focus is on it.

05-17-2009, 12:45 PM
I believe that pain can be psychological when your worrying about a health issue and when your stressed, grinding and clenching definitely causes pain in your teeth but in your case I would go an seek a second opinion and ask for x rays if they havent already been taken.

The usual signs of a root or tooth problem is sensitivity to hot an cold, pain on biting and when you tap the tooth.

Good Luck :)

05-17-2009, 02:13 PM
yeah but its weird because after the one tooth broke and had to be taken out at the oral surgeon, theres only one more molar on the bottom right side and its had a root canal.. there was a hole in it tho so i made the dentist fill it in just in case after taking multiple xrays, and I even asked him to see if there was anything wrong under the tooth... He said it was fine..

Ive also had my family doctor feel around on my neck and jaw, plus check my mouth and ear... and he said it was fine...

So i really dont understand why this is happening? i thought it could of been anxiety at first but im really not that anxious anymore, my blood pressure has lowered alot and the only thing thats keeping me anxious is this weird feeling in my jaw, wich gets worse as i get more anxious.

05-17-2009, 03:18 PM
You could try asking here;
