View Full Version : Starting to jog when suffering from palpitations-advice pls!

05-15-2009, 03:00 PM
Hi everyone

I am

*28 yr old female
*Suffering from GAD and and panic disorder.
*Non smoker
*Given up recreational drug taking
*Moderate drinker
*No caffeine

etc etc

I am looking to start an exercise program of running but I am frightened of running/jogging because I get benign palpitations.

Has anyone any experience or advice to offer regarding this?

Many thanks! :)

05-15-2009, 08:20 PM
I also get these palpitations. They are harmless but uncomfortably.

I knows this sounds crazy, but I give myself a big hit in my chest
with my fist to stop them. I used to just wait to the fluttering went

I have panic disorder w/gad also. Over 3o years of this crap.
One thing I have found out about ANY physical symptom I have that
comes with this disease is to IGNORE IT !!!!! The more you focus
on any symptom, the more it seems to hang around.


05-16-2009, 05:00 PM
I have panic disorder w/gad also. Over 3o years of this crap.
One thing I have found out about ANY physical symptom I have that
comes with this disease is to IGNORE IT !!!!! The more you focus
on any symptom, the more it seems to hang around.

Chrisz has great advice. I was also told this by my sister. She suffered from anxiety attacks but got tired of taking the meds. She told me she would do something she enjoyed to take her mind of it; doodle , write, read, go walk at the mall. This works for me most of the time. Especially if I take a long walk with the mutt or go for a quick jog.

05-17-2009, 06:43 AM
Instead of hitting yourself in your chest you could try coughing. Coughing will make them stop.

As for the exercise as long as your doctor says you are fine to exercise why don't you start out with walking, then power walking, then later jogging or running. Build your time and speed up over a month and that should help to ease your fear some.

I don't know about you, but I get heart skips even just sitting at the computer or watching tv. So for me there is no difference if I was to get one exercising. For me they are scary either way :) I get heart skips from time to time anxiety or not.