View Full Version : anxiety and depression

05-14-2009, 03:53 PM
Have you had to deal with both? Do you think you suffer from both? What made you think so?

I'm starting to realize that I think I'm suffering from both social anxiety disorder and dysthymia depression.

How did you deal with this? I would really just like to go to a doctor, tell them how I've been feeling over the past 5 years and have them diagnose me. I need to know what's wrong with me.

05-15-2009, 12:24 AM
Wow. Social Anxiety Disorder with depression.

I dont know what kind of depression I have. Seems like dysthymia depression but might be Maj depression. Not sure yet.

But seems we both have SAD with depression.

I deal with both and I do suffer with both. And I found out because I went to a doc about a year ago.

I do have to say that with SAD and depression they both feed off of each other. Lets use an example.

SAD usually kicks in first.

People want you to go out to a party/social event. You tell them no. Dont like big crowds. They say ok. But you get depressed because you wanted to have fun but just couldnt deal with a big crowd.

It started off with SAD and then the depression made it worse. Yes at times it seems like its impossible to deal with them both at the same time. There will be days when just talking to someone will seem like the hardest thing you have ever done (in my opinion).

But if you are asking about if you could have both and suffer from both then I highly recommend that you go see a doc immediately. Like within the next week.

You said that you have been dealing with stuff like this for 5 years now. As time goes by you will start to just accept the fact that you cant be around big crowds and just accept the fact that you will be depressed all the time which isnt the right answer.

You can get out of it. It wont happen right away but I can say that within 2 weeks of getting help I felt like I wasnt holding the universe on my shoulders. So please go see a doc. I understand with SAD you might not want to because of the authority figure. I had somewhat of a problem myself with that but you need to get help. Everyone needs help. And Im 99% sure that you will feel better within 2 weeks or so. Depending on what method of treatment you go for. But the doc will talk to you more about that stuff.

Hope I helped a little bit. What really helps me is just thinking about the fact that Im not alone with all of these "Feels like Im going to be crushed" feelings.