View Full Version : what do you do when you need help RIGHT NOW

05-14-2009, 03:49 PM
I've been struggling with all this anxiety and just feeling so so sad for a while now. I know I go through cycles of it being ok, and then not ok, and I'm in a not ok place at the moment.

This is when can really talk about what I'm feeling, how I feel about myself, but this is always the time when the help I need is not available. My supportive loved ones are not around or not available, my therapist appointments are a long ways off, the mental health services are closed for the day or busy or not answering. I just cry and try to fall asleep.

What do you do when this overtakes you? I don't feel like I can do anything.

05-15-2009, 12:00 AM
Im not sure exactly what you are going through.

But I understand to a degree of the needing help but no one is around and it seems all hope is lost.

Usually what I do is go out and get a movie. Or just go to a store that I like and look around.

Its time thats going to help with getting you out of that mood.

When I get into a depressive mood, I just find something that I like to do that will take up some of my time. After some time passes the severity of the mood also changes.

Just try and find something to do. Get a phone book and look at last names and see whats the longest one you can find. Or the funniest. Or the shortest.

Can you get around? Like do you drive and have access to a vehicle? If so, go buy something that you like. Doesnt have to be expensive. Could be a toy/magazine/video game anything just to occupy that time at the moment.

Hope this helps.

05-18-2009, 12:36 AM
When I get into a depressive mood, I just find something that I like to do that will take up some of my time. After some time passes the severity of the mood also changes.

Just try and find something to do. Could be a toy/magazine/video game anything just to occupy that time at the moment.

Hope this helps.I have Anxiety (GAD) and I find that when I feel bad or panicy I just find something to do,in my case play a video game,it really does help ALOT!

05-18-2009, 07:37 AM
Video games and maybe a movie work for me to :)

Anything that can distract your mind, sometimes ats hard to watch a movie feeling like this but it DOES get easier if you keep your concentration diverted.

Realy sucks when you get an attack at stupid o'clock in the morning and you find yourself playing a game :/

Luckly for me i dont seem to have any attacks anymore or at least they are very rare.

05-18-2009, 07:47 AM
I'll usually go for a walk/jog with the mutt or read a book.

05-18-2009, 11:36 AM
Weird, I find that video games only temporarily make my anxiety better, but ultimately make it worse once I stop playing and go back into my bad frame of mind.

I find what works for me best is to tell myself to slow down: slow the thoughts, slow the reactions and relax. At first it was hard to do, but now that I've been practicing it its gotten a lot easier. I will say though that my social anxiety is still the one I struggle with mostly as it occurs very rapidly and gets out of hand before I can think to bring it down.

05-18-2009, 07:41 PM
I know exactly how you're feeling. The only thing I can do is try to keep busy - keep my mind occupied somehow.
Sometimes blasting some of my favourite music and forcing myself to sing along can help. I know this may sound silly, but it can be therapeutic.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
I'm going through a very rough spell myself right now and it's very hard. But keep on trucking - good times are ahead.