View Full Version : Hello everyone!

05-14-2009, 12:33 PM
I'm Michael! I'm recently going through a great deal of emotional turmoil, so when I found this place...I felt somewhat better. I've had a lot to deal with, my girlfriend leaving me, my mother's dissapointment in me, the only plus is I overcame cocaine addiction, (probably due to not having the money lol) and that's kinda why she left me. She was only really ever in it for the coke. Im drinking alot more than usual to fall asleep too, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me when I'm supposed to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

05-14-2009, 12:52 PM
Hi McShae,
Let me just say that you are one very brave man! I'm glad you've given up the drugs - no matter what the reason - it's a good thing.
As for the girlfriend - if she was only into the relationship for the drugs, then it wasn't much of a relationship! You deserve better than that.
One thing that might be helpful to you is to make a list (I know it sounds dumb - but it works) of the things you would like to accomplish and give yourself a year, 2 years, 5 years to get to that goal. For example - If you want to be sober, have a good job, nice girlfriend/wife - you can have all that. Take it one thing at a time. I would recommend that you start with AA meetings. Getting off the booze will make a HUGE difference in your life. You will feel so much better, you will look better, you will be more apt to get a better job if you are clean and sober -and a good quality woman - one that you could settle down with - will be much more attracted to a stable man that she knows she can depend on.
Don't sell yourself short - you deserve all the happiness that anyone else has.
Good luck to you.

05-19-2009, 01:38 PM
Man to be honest I dont have any advice cause I dont have a great time either managing life and all,but I guess words of apreciation and encouragement are always nice even from a stranger and complete idiot like me...be strong and brave... :P wish you easier and happier days,love minny