View Full Version : Constant Panic attack. Chest is very sore??

05-13-2009, 01:05 PM
I have both ADHD and anxiety disorder. I am prescribed WellbutrinXL, Focalin 60mg and Ritalin 20-30mg, and now Xanax .5mg. I never knew about my anxiety because when I started focalin I was on wellbutrin XL. I was on wellbutrin just for depression and since my despression alleviated I stopped it. Big mistake

Two weeks later, after the wellbutrin was out of my system, I thought I was having heart attacks. Every day, I would literally faint and my heart was poiunding out of control. I called the ambulance like a thousand times. They told me it was just anxiety. None of this made sense. Until my mom told me to start wellbutrin xl again. Well everything is back to normal, except three days ago when I relapsed!!!!

Since I take stimulant medication people with anxciety are not advised to take magnesium and calcium as it makes the drug much more potent. I literally thought I was going to die, my pulse went up to 140 and I called the ambulance. She said, it was definately high (she remembered me from the other 10 calls) and told me to relax. After 5 minutes of talking to her, My pulse went down to 88 and I walked back home.

Well now I am 100% fine and stable. The wellbutrin XL helps with anxiety and I am starting xanax .5mg soon just incase if I have anbother episode. However, my chest hurts so bad!!!!!

I can hardly move my arm. It is so sore. It feels like after you go the the gym and you overworked yourself. No anxiety, pulse 66-70. Blood pressure very good. I did research online and peop,e who have panic attacks get really sore. Any avaliable over the counter medications that helps with the msucle tension. It is obvious the stimulants cause all fo these panic attacks, but either way I get them because I start drinking 10-12 cups of coffee. Thanks

05-14-2009, 04:30 AM
It is obvious the stimulants cause all fo these panic attacks, but either way I get them because I start drinking 10-12 cups of coffee. Thanks

stop drinking the coffee! it will only add to your problems, especially that amount of it!!

05-17-2009, 07:39 AM
Did you consider that it is not a real anxiety disorder since you did not have a problem with anxiety in the past and that it may have been caused by stopping WellbutrinXL. These drugs need to be tappered very slowly and can cause a list of problems when stopped..even when tappered off by a doctor.

You might want to search around the internet for other people who have come off Wellbutrin and see what their experiences were, both good and bad.

Sometimes reinstating the drug like you did will not fix the problem completely because your chemicals can still be all out of wack long after the drug is gone and also when the drug is put back later.

Anyway look around and see what you find and I hope the best for you. You could also see your general doctor and have him run an EKG. That might help to put your mind at ease. :)

05-17-2009, 09:46 PM
Did you consider that it is not a real anxiety disorder since you did not have a problem with anxiety in the past and that it may have been caused by stopping WellbutrinXL. These drugs need to be tappered very slowly and can cause a list of problems when stopped..even when tappered off by a doctor.

You might want to search around the internet for other people who have come off Wellbutrin and see what their experiences were, both good and bad.

Sometimes reinstating the drug like you did will not fix the problem completely because your chemicals can still be all out of wack long after the drug is gone and also when the drug is put back later.

Anyway look around and see what you find and I hope the best for you. You could also see your general doctor and have him run an EKG. That might help to put your mind at ease. :)

Interesting. That proab was it. Well anyways my mom gave me some soma to ease the chest pain and now i have healed except the big fat bruse on my chest. Super panic attack! Everytime I was at the hospital my ekg came back 100% perfect. I think most of it is all mental. For example today, I took a soma and I started fearing that I was going to have a panic attack. No idea why? Then my chest sstarts getting tight chest pain breathing hard, dizzy. I got out of the shower and said, okay this has to stop soma is a sedative and will not trigger a panic attack. I did some visualizations and breathed in and out. 2 minutes later I was fine. I went through a lot of "drama" recently so maybe that is just affecting me. Because I never was like this at all. Its very wierd. My family doesnt really have a hiostry of heeart disease. In fact its quite the oppoisite. My dad has been a cocain user for over 3 decades and hasnt devleoped any heart complications. He said he developed pcv (minor case) but its benign. The only problems is obesity from my moms side and disabetes. What is also wierd is I woke up this morning with my chest pounding and out of breath. So I took my stimulants (focalin and ritalin) and instatnly I was clam and my heart rate dropped. I dont know, maybe a lot of this is "all in my head" I have been told that so many times. I just need some skills if anyone can provide them that would be great? Thanks again guys for all of your help and support!!!!! I am truly grateful!