View Full Version : Pregnancy and Anxiety Medications

05-13-2009, 11:36 AM
Hopefully there are some mothers out there who can share their thoughts:

I am 24, happily married, and we're ready to start a family. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I take 12.5mg daily of Paxil CR. It's been a wonder-drug for me. I feel like my old self when I'm on it. My problem now is going off it to get pregnant :( I am experiencing AWFUL anxiety, constant panic, and severe mood swings. I know in my heart I can not live like this for nine months. I cannot go to work and I can hardly get out of bed. I NEED my job to afford a family, so I feel very overwhelmed and confused.

Have any of you (or your wives/girlfriends) taken medication for anxiety or depression during a pregnancy. If so, what were your experiences?

I should also add that I am meeting with my OBGYN tomorrow to discuss my options, but I just wanted to hear from people who've gone through it.

Thank you.