View Full Version : Do meds really work?

Captain Deep Breath
05-11-2009, 02:31 PM
I've always wondered this.

Can they...

1. Make me believe I am breathing correctly?
2. Make me believe there is nothing in my throat?
3. Give me confidence when I eat/swallow?
4. Get rid of the spacey feeling like I'm from another planet?
5. Calm my racing thoughts?
6. Make me more positive?

How do you know if you should be on meds. If I'm able to make it through the day/week/month should I still consider meds?

Thanks all

05-11-2009, 07:47 PM
When I was first put on Paxil I felt like you did but after a few weeks I was back to my old self. They did help me feel a lot better!! I felt terrible for almost a month before I just couldn't take it any more. I think you need to speak with your doctor to find out what he suggests may work best for you.

Captain Deep Breath
05-11-2009, 08:21 PM
Thanks Ty,

I've been feeling better now that i exercise more but if it keeps up i'm definitely gonna visit a clinic. Can you get Paxil prescribed at a walk-in clinic? Or do you need to see a psychiatrist first?

05-12-2009, 05:08 AM
I think most meds just cover up problems with Anxiety from what i have read, only taken a few myself but found that the best thing is to give your body what it really needs. A good diet, suppliments to aid your bodys recovery and some light exercise :)

Simple enough if your body is happy, you are happy = less symptoms

I'm not fully recovered yet but found that meds did help only when you really cant take it.

05-12-2009, 07:06 AM
I think most meds just cover up problems with Anxiety from what i have read, only taken a few myself but found that the best thing is to give your body what it really needs. A good diet, suppliments to aid your bodys recovery and some light exercise :)

Simple enough if your body is happy, you are happy = less symptoms

I'm not fully recovered yet but found that meds did help only when you really cant take it.

That is true. I just retired from the military and will be taking the entire month of May off before I start looking for a job. I've been hiking, hitting the gym, fishing, taking magnesium, and vitiman B complex. I've feel! I'm so tired that I sleep all night and have not had any caffine in about a week.

The Paxil will help you feel better after a while but you'll need to adjust your diet and fitness.