View Full Version : Got off Zoloft & Abilify and now I'm going crazy HELP!!!

05-10-2009, 02:19 AM
I think I might literally be going crazy... I'm a 22 year old female. I've been on Zoloft for 10 years (for ADHD & OCD) and I've been on Abilify for about a year (for my Bi Polar disorder). I got so depressed about 2 weeks ago and got so sick and tired of depending on pills to live a "normal" life that I just decided to get off them. YES, I should've gotten off of them slowly but I'm selfish and hardheaded... NOW it's 4:15 am and I can't sleep because I'm having an anxiety attack. I'm itchy ALL OVER. My chest hurts and I have a fear of dying all of the sudden. I've been feeling weird for the past week (I can feel the withdrawal symptoms) But yesterday (May 9th, Saturday) it hit me BAD. Nausea, chest pains, problems breathing. I'm scared I'm turning Schizophrenic. (Schizophrenia is one of the symptoms of getting off Abilify so fast.) I'm scared. Never been so scared in my life. Please someone try to tell me what's going on. Have you heard of this before?