View Full Version : Has this happened to you before?

05-06-2009, 09:04 PM
Ok so I was at the Gym today and I was doing some dead lifts and apparently (like I often tend to do:dry:) I forgot to breath properly. So I started to feel real dizzy and almost like I was going to faint but what I felt weird was that I went sort of death for like a minute. :shock: I couldn't really hear right and had like a slight ringing noise in my head but it went away. Now this might not be truelly anxiety related but I needed to hear some opinions.

05-06-2009, 09:31 PM
OMG wow this happens to me almost everyday! I havent seen anyone else ever say anything like that happened to them...I knew it was the anxiety because of the symptoms list thats on this site...well you're not losing it and it is the anxiety hope I've helped a little! :)

05-07-2009, 01:32 AM
We've discussed this before. Too bad the meclizine wasn't your answer but you are still describing inner ear problems. There are other avenues on the vestibular route to a solution, including vestibular rehabilitation and other vestibular meds besides meclizine. Have you ever went to a vestibular specialist for balance testing? If so, What were the results of those tests?
Also, did you ever pick up a copy of "Phobia Free" by Harold Levinson?

Nice to see yur still around.


05-07-2009, 06:44 PM
We've discussed this before. Too bad the meclizine wasn't your answer but you are still describing inner ear problems. There are other avenues on the vestibular route to a solution, including vestibular rehabilitation and other vestibular meds besides meclizine. Have you ever went to a vestibular specialist for balance testing? If so, What were the results of those tests?
Also, did you ever pick up a copy of "Phobia Free" by Harold Levinson?

Nice to see yur still around.


I assume that this is directed at me. Well I was never on meclizine actually but I did go to a vestibular specialist but he said that I was fine and even had me get a brain scan which came back normal. Over all the other thing that I find sort of weird with me ears (actually more like my brain) is that when I am going to go to sleep at night and is really quiet I hear a sort of ringing noise in my hears/head. It doesn't happen every day but sometimes it sounds/feels louder than other days.

05-08-2009, 09:02 PM
this has happened to me before as well. it felt like i was having a massive head rush, but it went on for about 10 mins.

05-11-2009, 02:30 AM
I used to have these symtoms often too, changing my diet helped alot on this one, simply stay away from Caffine, suger and watch your breathing as already mentioned.