View Full Version : Am I having panic or anxiety attacks?

05-06-2009, 07:42 AM
Hello to all,
I've been suffering from what seems to be some sort of anxiety for the last 2 months. I can feel my pulse and heart beating when I go to bed at night, and I seem to focus on every heart beat which makes me afraid and confused. I begin having negative thoughts and start breathing hard. I feel that I'm going to have a heart attack. I get out of bed and watch TV until I dose off, and the I'll go back to bed, and hope that I can fall asleep.

I'm stressed out these days just like millions of other Americans with financial concerns and minor health issues. Also, my mother had a heart attack just before the anxiety began, which bothered me.

I've been working out and eating right the last 2 months to help alleviate the stress at least four days a week, and I run a half hour 3 times a week. My doctor said my heart is fine.

Has anyone else had this kind of anxiety?

This seems like a great place for dealing with these kind of issues, so thanks to the owner(s) of the site and all participants.


05-06-2009, 10:12 AM
hi, it sounds like you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This illness involves persistent anxiety lasting at least six months. Symptoms fall into four general categories

Motor tension
Physiologic symptoms of arousal
Fears and worries
Heightened awareness of one's surroundings. It generally is not diagnosed in patients with panic disorder.

this info was from ohanxiety dot com official documents.

ask your docter for, zoloft, its an anxiety and depression drug, most poeple say it does wonders for them.

hope this has helped. :D

Penny Owen
05-06-2009, 11:16 AM
Hello Romac,
I had symptoms just like yours. It happened after the sudden death of my mum. So at least I knew the cause. Anxiety is the symptom, stress is invariably the cause. Do you know what is causing your anxiety? Try and eliminate the causal factors or if you can't do that, try and reduce them. I would not recommend medication - that cures nothing and for some people, the side effects can add to the problem.

I had bereavement counselling and was taught some easy techniques to reduce the symptoms. Just knowing what was causing my symptoms was a relief in itself. Shallow breathing and my heart racing in the middle of the night was awful - I thought it would end in a heart attack but knowing it was stress-related made me feel better. I even had my heart checked out and that was fine - it was nothing but stress. Hope this helps a bit.

05-06-2009, 09:41 PM
Hi Sammy20,
I appreciate your response. I could very well be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. For some reason, I thought that the symptoms that I'm experiencing were unique only to me. I must admit that it is a relief to know that I'm not the only one with these symptoms, even though I would'nt want anyone to go through this.

I'm going to pass on the zoloft, and any other medication for that matter. I just hope this is something that I can overcome with out medication.

Thanks Penny for chiming in. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Fortunately, my mother recovered from the heart attack, but I took it pretty hard, because the heart attack was followed by triple bypass surgery and months in the hospital. She's fine now.

I did some reading in the archives, and I'm starting to gain some understanding of what is happening.

Thanks again for your help.

05-07-2009, 09:17 AM
Hi Sammy20,

I'm going to pass on the zoloft, and any other medication for that matter. I just hope this is something that I can overcome with out medication.

Good for you there are so many better ways to try an over come anxiety, all your symptoms are classic signs of anxiety and you are not unique (well not in that way anyway lol) sleep well, eat well, exercise are all the right things to do and hopefully you will soon be feeling much better.

You could try some Rescue Remedy too that can work quite well for some people and is completely natural you can even give it to children and animals.

05-07-2009, 10:28 AM
Hi Topcat,
Thanks for responding, and thanks for the encouragement. I don't know what Rescue Remedy is, but I will research it after I finish responding to your post.

I am also considering The Branched Chain Amino Acids that Hanino recommended in another post. I already purchased some L-glutamine, but I'm looking into the possibility that amino acid formulas may not be beneficial to people that have high blood pressure which I have, unfortunately.

05-07-2009, 11:15 AM
Here this is the website :)


05-07-2009, 12:48 PM
Thanks topcat.