View Full Version : Anxiety Symps

02-06-2006, 01:52 PM
Hey all i hear alot about everybody and there physical symptoms does anyone have just mental symptoms like jujst the obsessives thoughts or just scary thoughts baddream becausemyanxiety is mostly just the mental part my physical symtoms aren't badjust curious let me know thanx

02-06-2006, 01:59 PM
lately my physical symptoms havnt been as bad as usual i have been having alot of wierd thoughts, for instance today i thought that God had my mom have my little brother who is now for 4 and im 17 because im going to die and she needs a child to replace me. so i have a ton of those and the "what ifs" like omg wat if i die tommorow or what if i have cancer or a terminal illness so yah im right there with ya brotha hope they go away soon man take care and ttyl - Caseman

02-06-2006, 03:25 PM
Thanx man i got alot of those what if thought from illnesses to death to freaking out and hurting someone thats the worst my big one nowis what i'm delusional andi don't know it or what if i'm going completely nuts god they suck but thanxs always good to hear ya chime in taker easy

02-06-2006, 04:47 PM
My physical symptoms are way worse than my mental ones but these are the ones that I've gotten.

Thought I was losing my mind.
Thought I would never get any better.
Thought that I was going to have a aneurysm because of the pressure in my head.
I obsessively think about symptoms that I've had previously and when I think about it I just get them all over again (Am I the only one like that?)
I thought once that I would kill myself without my own control.

but most of these thoughts lead into physical symptoms almost everytime.

02-06-2006, 07:31 PM
i hate the one where you think your gonna lose your mind and go kookoo :duh: but they pretty much suck just kinda wish i had more physical symps i kno that sound messed up but man these mental symps really take a toll on ya thanx all

02-07-2006, 04:15 PM
Actually what I've noticed. Is when I don't have mental anxiety I'll have physical anxiety.

I hate physical anxiety more, because I feel sick all the time and I can barely do anything. As with mental I can still function it's just everything around me seems weird.

02-08-2006, 12:56 AM
Yeah i think the physical and mental stuff kind of go hand in hand for me becuase mainly i stay away at night worrying about the roof collapsing on me or someone breaking into the house which then means i get zip sleep which makes me seriously nervy for the rest of the day and then i get pains which means even less sleep ..it was like the other day i was driving back on my own in the dark which i seriously hate doing and freaked myself out as i thought that there was somone coming to get me ..When i get worried about things it makes me sick too

02-08-2006, 02:03 PM
i finally had a damn phyiscal symptom u get what you ask for a guess man i haven't slept a good night sleep in 3 night fanstatic i should of just shut mouth lol well thanks all have a good one

11-17-2006, 06:37 AM
my anxiety is odd... it comes in like phases. ill have 2-4 weeks of feeling bad for every 1-2 weeks of good. and each time its different feelings (both physical and mental)of depersonalization, unreality, pains, aches, headaches, teeth/jaw clenching, dizziness, tiredness, thinking i have all kinds of diseases, thinking i may die, thinking i took too many of sumthing, or touched something i shouldn't have, feeling like ive lost control/my mind.

these mental/physical sensations will occur together, or separatey. i honestly prefer the physical. i'd rather be in pain and feel sane than be walking around like a robot in a daze.


that rhymed..

The Healing Guy
11-22-2006, 07:12 PM
I am here to lend a helping hand. I am a healer. I do long-distance healing for free. If you are truly ready to start turning things around, just drop me a line at:

[email protected]

No strings attached. Just you and me and healing energy. Remember, you are always the real healer!


11-24-2006, 05:34 AM
Hey all i hear alot about everybody and there physical symptoms does anyone have just mental symptoms like jujst the obsessives thoughts or just scary thoughts baddream becausemyanxiety is mostly just the mental part my physical symtoms aren't badjust curious let me know thanx

i have the mental/psychological symptoms all the time now. I used to have only the physical symptoms but now it's moved on. strange isn't it!! Stay strong....i feel the same as you!!!

11-24-2006, 05:02 PM
hey dont really know what to say i thought we could help each other. I am 25 male and from birmingham, england. I have been anxious on and off for about a year now sometimes id go ages without feeling bad then i would have a bad day or a bad week. I started a college course in september with the hope of going to university i was extremely worried before I started I didn't know if I was doing the right thing. Since I started I have been feeling anxious, not every day but about every couple of weeks or so I would feel very bad. For the last 2 weeks I have been very worried at the moment I cant keep still or even think straight I wondered how the rest of you are and If you could help me or i could help you please reply

matt :)

11-30-2006, 11:25 PM
I usually have a lot of physical symptoms but also have mental ones too though not as bad. Usually it's that I worry so much about absolutely everything and I just keep analyzing the same things over and over again. And sometimes I find that I am constantly obsessed with how others are viewing me or what they say about me. Believe me if I had an off switch for my brain sometimes I think I'd just push it b/c I am so tired of thinking. It's never ending, even my dreams are long and crazy.