View Full Version : How can i be sure?

05-03-2009, 03:48 PM
How can i be sure that what i am feeling is anxiety?

I keep getting short of breath, reallybad headaches, tired, feeling like im going to die, and fear of going to sleep!!

The dying thing is getting really bad and i feel panicky all the time?

Does anyone else have this and know how to deal/ get rid of it?

05-03-2009, 04:57 PM
You can be sure because you are on an Anxiety forum and not a diagnosed with heart problems forum. I have been to the world best doctors and am a recovering frequent flyer of the hospital. At my worst I would go to the hospital at least 600 times a year. I would check my pulse 1000 times a day and my blood pressure 500 times a day. The ONLY reason I have got my life back under control is because I got in with a good CBT therapist. Learning to sit with the anxiety, not question it, just accepting it was the best thing that has ever happend to me. The more you learn to sit with it and not give in to any bad learned behaiviors like going to the ER or trying to figure out why you feel this way, the less intrusive your anxiety will become.

Shortness of breath is the number one side effect of anxiety. Your not really short of breath, you are just breathing faster and shorter because your brain thinks your about to need to haul ass away from a threat. Do some controlled breathing, like relaxation meditation (as hard and scary as it is during anxiety or panic). Google it.

Headaches during high anxiety or panic attacks are normal because when you get worked up you sinuses start to contract. Not dangerous just painfull!!!!

Everyone dies, FACT!! Try to LIVE before its your turn. But it wont be this anxiety that you die from because you are alot stronger that it is.

Chances are you will never get rid of your anxiety. It will always be there with you but its the way you react to it in the future that will determine how much you let it affect you also in the future.

05-03-2009, 06:01 PM
xgemma06x Please read my post in Anxiety Forum Forum Index -> General Discussion.
