View Full Version : Lexapro, buspar and drinking

05-02-2009, 11:10 PM
Hey everybody I hope that everyone is doing well in their battles with anxiety.
I just had a quick question concerning drinking alcohol on lexapro and buspar. Is it ok to drink a little alcohol while on these meds? I know drinking can increase anxiety, but is a few beers every now and then ok?
I just don't want to put my life at risk if it is potentially harmful. Thanks for the help.

05-03-2009, 02:36 PM
My name is Jeff and I have been on both of those meds for over five years now. My doctor knows I drink on them. He didnt urge me to but he understands people like us need to cut loose every once and a while. Make sure that you dont take your med right before you drink. If you know you are going to drink then try to go without the B bars. Make sure you have a family doctor that you see regularly to get your yearly liver functioning tests ect.. Get out there and have some responsible fun!!!!

05-03-2009, 03:05 PM
I was on lexapro for a short while and my doctor advised to drink no more than a "couple" beers or so. That fits my lifestyle well anyway, and one time I had seven or so beers while on a 10 mg dose of lexapro and nothing bad happened. However, if you are planning a lot of drinking, maybe just don't take your medication that day to be safe, but do be ready for the repercussions the next day!

05-03-2009, 09:12 PM
hey guys. thanks for both of your responses. I think if i just stick to drinking only occasionally and only light to moderate amounts everything should be good. I actually never thought about just going one day without taking my medication. I didn't know that would make a difference. What if I just took it much earlier in the day? Would that help?

05-03-2009, 09:24 PM
Yes take it early but dont skip it