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04-30-2009, 12:25 PM
I renamed this post Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my Anxiety to clear up any confusion.

I suffered with anxiety for 12 years. My doctor told me I had GAD and panic attacks. I had all the usual symptoms, I don’t want to list them all here but if it was anxiety related I had it as you can imagine of suffering for 12 years. My doctor gave me the usual gamut of meds some worked while others didn’t the meds that worked didn’t work for long so it was on to the next pill. Therapy didn’t help either it was either listening to people talk about the same thing I was experiencing or it was my doctor just basically asking me how I felt and writing it all down and giving me ides on ways on how to deal with it. I got fed up with meds so I stopped taking them all together. I knew there had to be an answer to my conditions. So I went to the Internet to get answers. I ran across a page that talked about the Mind, Anxiety and Serotonin (published by a few Doctors and Researchers) and the use of Amino Acid for anxiety (I remembered learning about AAs in 9th grade they are the building blocks of proteins), which started to clue me in. So I started searching for Mental Health and Amino Acid I found another page that talked about Amino Acid and Magnesium Chloride, viola I found my answer to my anxiety problems, 5 minutes later I was at my local health food store buying some Amino Acid and Magnesium. When I started taking the Amino Acid and Magnesium it didn’t take long to be free from anxiety. I was better in two weeks and that’s been 11 months ago so I have been completely anxiety free for almost a year now. From what I have read most people have a Magnesium deficiency not to mention other vitamins and minerals deficiencies from which a whole host of problems can arise from. I took the Amino Acids and Magnesium once a day for 6 months now I take it once or twice a week. The particular Amino Acids that I take have most of the B vitamins in it, the B vitamins are needed for a few of the Amino Acids to Cross the Blood Brain Barrier and vica versa. There are two things that the brain uses as fuel for energy one is Sugar and the other is L Glutamine. Anyone interested in this Google mental health and Amino Acid and mental health and Magnesium. Amino Acids are absolutely essential for proper brain function without them the brain breaks down and the rest of the body as well, that’s why there is so much bodily pain associated with anxiety. Thanks for reading, if you would like info on the stuff that I take feel free to message me

This is also good for Panic Attacks Depression and PTSD

Best Regards Hanino..

05-02-2009, 06:47 PM
Great post Hanino.

I've been taking vitiman B complex for a while now. I may start the amino acids and slowly wean my self off the Paxil. I need to go to my wifes heath food store tomorrow and pick some up along with the magnesim.

05-02-2009, 08:13 PM

Thanks, I am going to suggest getting a liquid and not a pill, a liquid will absorb much easier. I Take TwinLabs Amino Fuel It has B1, B2, B6 and B12 vitamins in it which are needed for the aminos to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. I didn't take the full 3 Table Spoons full I have a Nyquil Cup I just measure out 3/4 of an ounce a once a day. I run a butt of a spoon around in the cup to get the rest once I drink it, its kind of think and don’t want to waste any. I also take L Glutamine powder mixed in a few ounces of water it's tasteless.

05-03-2009, 11:52 PM
I will give this a try, aside from TwinLabs Amino Fuel and L Glutamine powder is there anything else that you take?

05-04-2009, 03:52 AM
Yes, I also take Magnesium Chloride, if you can’t get Magnesium Chloride get any type of Magnesium. At GNC they range in price from 4 to about 25 dollars.

Keep in mind more is not better it takes a little time to start working so please take as directed.

Google Amino Acid and Mental Health and Magnesium and Mental Health.. Knowledge is Power.

Let me know how you progress.


05-04-2009, 06:33 PM
Interesting, well I already ordered me some TwinLabs Amino Fuel and some L Glutamine and it should be here by tomorrow. I was going to get me some Magnesium but I am already taking some Protein and Fiber on the side so I think that adding Magnesium might be overkill on top of those other 4. i will see how it goes, plus I think that L Glutamine will help me out with my gym workouts.

05-04-2009, 08:05 PM
If you’re already taking supplements check to see if they have Magnesium in them, you might be getting some already. I don’t think it would be over kill I do believe it’s very important. All the anti-anxiety “supplement packs” I have seen all have Magnesium in them. Having a Magnesium deficiency could be the reason why you started having anxiety in the first place.


05-05-2009, 03:22 PM
I started talking the magnesium a few days ago and can feel the difference. I ordered the amino acids but the way I feel now I may have just been lacking the magnesium. I'm still going to give the amino acids a try.

05-05-2009, 04:13 PM
Hey Ty that’s great!!

I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. You might have a slight build up of ammonia in the body or some other toxin.

High levels of toxins can affect the central nervous system in the brain and spinal cord. Ammonia is a byproduct of the digestion of proteins by bacteria in the intestines; normally ammonia is metabolized into urea by the liver and excreted by the kidneys as urine. High levels of ammonia appear to alter the balance of neurotransmitters chemicals that carry messages between neurons in the brain.

Magnesium will restore a proper natural fluid balance in the cells in your brain and spinal cord, it will flush out the toxins and replace them with the proper fluids. This is Where the Amino acids come into play, once the toxins are flushed out the Aminos will jump into action making chemicals in the brain that it could not make before due to the toxins thus taking the brain back in to it’s normal operating mode.

I’m going to give you another tip. Drink plenty of TAP water or milk not bottled water, most bottled waters are highly acidic so are soft drinks and fruit juices sports drinks included. Highly acidic beverages will raise Blood Ph level to the acidic side, which will slow down the healing process. You want your blood Ph levels to be as close too neutral as you can get them to speed the healing process.

You also might want to try drinking Magnesium Citrate to flush out your intestines, you will have to use the bathroom a few times but it’s worth it to get as much of the toxins out as possible. That will help everything you eat to digest and absorb easier. I would do this before I start the Aminos. If you do decide to do this you will need to eat some yogurt (not the fat free stuff) for a few days to a week after wards to help restore the proper flora balance in your gut.


05-08-2009, 07:49 AM
Thanks for sharing your solution to your anxiety Hanino, I appreciate It.

I think that you are on to something with the amino acids.

I stared taking the L-glutamine yesterday, and will start taking amino Acid today. I've been taking magnesium for a couple months now, as well as B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil and flax) etc... and it all has helped. But It takes time.

The amino acids may be the last major piece of the puzzle.

05-14-2009, 11:42 AM
Hi, Romac you're quite welcome.

Please let me know how you progress.


Captain Deep Breath
05-14-2009, 03:47 PM
Holy vitamins!

How much do these bad boys cost?

05-15-2009, 05:42 AM
Hi Captain

Please Follow the GNC links below for the Amino Acids I take and the cost.

The Amino Fuel is a 32 ounce bottle if you take 3/4 of an ounce a day the bottle will last about 40 days. If you take just a little over a level teaspoon of the L Glutamine it will last about 45 days and the Magnesium will last 120 days.
The Amino Fuel has B-1 B-2 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-9 and B-12 vitamins in it so there will be no need for a separate B vitamin complex.

Amino Fuel

L-Glutamine Powder
http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?pr ... cp=2102385 (http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133643&cp=2102385)


I cannot say how the Magnesium will interact with any medications that you might be taking, when I stated this I had quit taking my meds for 7 days.

If you decide to do this please let me know how you progress.

More is not better it takes time to work please take as I described or as directed. As directed means you will be going back for more sooner.

If you have any questions please ask.


05-19-2009, 11:03 AM
Hi Hanino thanks for the information I'm going to buy some when I get my children from school I will let you know how it works for me. I’ve had anxiety for some years now medications do not help me and herbs do not work. I do hope this works I want to be me again.

05-22-2009, 04:54 PM
Hi Hanino I got the amino acids and magnesium that you recommended I got them Tuesday. I have taken them 4 times so far I am feeling better. I no longer feel confused or mentally fatigued because of unwanted thoughts. My physical ailments are going away. I can drive without having a racing or pounding heart and a panic attack. I feel much better thanks for your help I will keep you updated.

05-23-2009, 04:54 AM
Well I was taking the amino acids for like 2 weeks and didn't feel a difference. I got me some magnesium like 4 days ago and I started to feel kind of weird and now when I take my citolopram (10 MG) i feel even more weird, they definitely don't go well together at least not with me.

05-23-2009, 02:12 PM

Where you taking the citalopram with the amino acids? I definitely hope not if you were you cannot not mix meds with amino acids and magnesium and expect positive results. What type of amino acids were you taking? Where you taking a B vitamin complex with the amions?


05-23-2009, 02:56 PM

Where you taking the citalopram with the amino acids? I definitely hope not if you were you cannot not mix meds with amino acids and magnesium and expect positive results. What type of amino acids were you taking? Where you taking a B vitamin complex with the aminos?


Good questions Hanino.
It would also be a good idea to buy a quality multi vitamin like 'Multi Easy' by Jarrow. It retails for about $22. If there are insufficient co factors (vitamins) then amino acids may not be as effective.

05-23-2009, 10:38 PM

Where you taking the citalopram with the amino acids? I definitely hope not if you were you cannot not mix meds with amino acids and magnesium and expect positive results. What type of amino acids were you taking? Where you taking a B vitamin complex with the amions?


Yeah I was taking the amino acids with the citalopram but I didn't really feel anything. Then I went and got me the magnesium and lets say it was not a very good idea to take both at any time. I will stop taking both pills for a few days than I am going to give the magnesium a try. Also I was taking everything what you had recommended on your previous posts.

05-25-2009, 09:19 AM
I found an article on the web that offers some good tips on finding the right multi vitamin. Most of the vitamins on the market are garbage, so do your home work, and avoid throwing good money away. I compared the info in the article against the Jarrow 'Multi Easy' and the Jarrow scored well, not 100% but It did ok. The forum software won't allow me to post a link, so just post the title of the article in google. The title is below.

How to buy the best multivitamin: a good multi can help you prevent disease and stay young. Become a super supplement shopper with these tips

05-25-2009, 09:49 PM

You have to take the amino acids and magnesium together if you don’t it most likely will not work. Your best bet is to take them first thing in the morning right out of bed on an empty stomach, wait about 30 minutes then eat.

Please go back and read how I described to Captain Deep Breath to take them on page one of this post.

You most likely will have some withdrawal symptoms when stopping the meds so you might feel worse before you start to feel better but it’s possible you may not have any withdrawal symptoms at all. Stay well hydrated during this period and avoid caffeine, sugar and any type of juice that’s high in citric acid.

It’s important to take amino acids and magnesium together.

Let us know how you progress.


05-30-2009, 04:59 PM
I want to thank you for posting your wonderful information about amino acids and magnesium. I have been taking them for 12 days. My physical ailments are gone I no longer have night anxiety pounding or racing heart when trying to fall asleep now I fall asleep very easy and sleep all the way through the night. The panic attacks I would have when driving are gone no more dizzy feeling or feeling like the cars are coming right at me what a relief. I am on my way back to being myself I will keep you informed. Thank you Erica.

06-01-2009, 03:43 PM

You're welcome, I'm glad you're feeling better. It's amazing how something so simple works so well eh? I found one of the best things about taking amino acids and magnesium besides not having anxiety anymore is that it does not disrupt your life by doctors appointments, group therapy or whatever the case maybe and without the side effects of prescription medications.

I'm sure you will continue to get better, sounds like you're well on your way.

Keep us posted.


06-06-2009, 02:52 PM
Hi Hanino I wanted to let you know I am doing very well. I feel better now than before I started to have anxiety I have energy and just feel good. Every time I drive I am so grateful that I no longer have panic attacks. To answer your question yes it’s very amazing. I bought more magnesium glutamine and amino fuel and I want to stay stocked up on it. How long do you think I will need to take them?

06-09-2009, 02:55 AM
Hi Hanino and everyone else, just thought I would post a couple of things here about what helped me since it seems related. I had many years of panic attacks/anxiety and found out finally in Sep. of 2006 I was allergic to gluten. For those who don't know, gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and sometimes oats. Gluten has been found to block the absorption of nutrients in the foods we eat, in particular with people who are sensitive. I haven't had an attack since going gluten-free and had no idea before I went on this diet that this had anything to do with it. I hope this helps someone else and I wish I had only known this earlier because that would've saved me a lot of suffering. Life's great now though and I don't mind this type of a diet at all...I can eat all kinds of foods and have special gluten-free pizzas, pastas, breads, cookies, etc. There's always new stuff that companies are coming out with that are gluten-free and delicious! I am so glad I no longer have to worry that I might have an attack because I feel now that it was just an allergy.

06-14-2009, 04:57 PM

Thanks, I remember reading something about gluten and allergic reactions a few years back, I must have been in panic at the time because I didn't remember it till your post. Out standing post and great information one more bullet for the anxiety-fighting arsenal. I hope people read this and have the test.

Thanks again.


06-21-2009, 01:17 AM
I tried this today; Magnesium Ocide and Gluocate with B-1000 or something like that. Worked pretty well, relieved much brain fog and didn't feel that much fatigue as normal, about to head to bed thanks for the information Hanino, I'll keep you posted.

06-21-2009, 11:37 AM

You're welcome.

That's good to hear, if you put the amino acids that I recommended into the mix you should feel even better.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


06-21-2009, 12:52 PM
How long do you think I will need to take them?


Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner.

I took them every day for 6 months always in the morning on an empty tummy, now I take them one to two times a week. I can't say how long you will have to take them but if you have to take them for a long time it's better than taking meds with out the side effects.


06-22-2009, 01:43 AM
This is a very good article on Amino Acids! ;)

When you hear about anxiety, you also commonly hear about low levels of key neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine. Because of our poor diets, sedentary lifestyles, exposure to contaminants such as heavy metals from environmental pollution, nutrient malabsorption, and chronic infections due to bacteria, fungi, and viruses, many people suffer from low neurotransmitter levels that affect the transmission of messages between nerve cells. This is sometimes referred to as neurotransmitter deficiency disorder.

Because of the rising rates of anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders, it is becoming more evident that neurotransmitter deficiency disorder is not only common, but may be epidemic in our modern society. The number of people who suffer from anxiety disorder, panic attacks, related depression, and mood disorders has increased in recent years.

But how do we get neurotransmitters? Neurotransmitters are made from amino acids, the building blocks of protein. There are 20 amino acids, which are divided in two categories: 10 non-essential and 10 essential amino acids. Non-essential amino acids are produced by the body. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body, and must be obtained from the foods that we eat. There are 10 essential amino acids that are necessary for humans: tryptophan, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine, histidine, and arginine. Histidine and arginine are particularly beneficial for children and seniors. A poor diet lacking in essential amino acids means that the body cannot sufficiently produce key neurotransmitters.

When you have a chronic condition, it is likely that your body is already deficient in amino acids due to an inadequate absorption of nutrients. Conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, candida, and bowel diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease, can inhibit the body’s absorption of amino acids, causing key neurotransmitters to be depleted.

Interestingly, stimulants such as caffeine, ephedra (found in weight loss products), stimulant prescription medications such as Ritalin®, and others, can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of neurotransmitters. Anxiety is often experienced after taking stimulants (such as drinking too much coffee or soda) in part due to the reduced effectiveness of neurotransmitters.

Prescription medications for anxiety (such as Paxil®, Effexor®, Zoloft®, Wellbutrin®, and a multitude of others) serve to reduce the symptoms of anxiety, but don’t fix the problem. When your body is low in serotonin, these medications work by tricking the body to metabolize serotonin. They work on serotonin metabolism, but they don’t replenish serotonin, which is actually what your body truly needs. Therefore, patients who suffer from low serotonin levels often experience withdrawal symptoms when they go off prescription medications, because serotonin is never being replenished. If you stop these medications, you will most likely return to low serotonin levels and continue to experience the same problems of anxiety and depression. In addition, these medications actually deplete serotonin with long-term use, which is exactly the opposite of what you need to do!

In addition, prescription medications that work on isolated parts of the brain can produce potentially severe side effects in other areas of the body. Many people find that they simply can’t take prescription psychotropic medications due to severe side effects. These include metabolic disorders such as hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, and diabetes; weight gain and obesity; drug-induced insomnia, mania, agitation, or depression; psychosis; suicidal and/or homicidal ideation; and a multitude of other digestive symptoms such as severe constipation. Essentially, in many cases you trade anxiety for another equally troubling symptom. It is now becoming clear that children who take certain psychotropic medications such as Paxil may increase their risk for suicidal ideation.1

Amino acid therapy, on the other hand, has virtually no reported side effects to date. There have been no reported cases of overdose from amino acids either.

Note: Speak to your healthcare professional about amino acid supplementation before combining it with prescription psychotropic medications, or before stopping any medication, since sudden discontinuation may produce severe withdrawal.

If you’re deficient in amino acids, how do you replenish them? Essential amino acids are found in your diet in the form of protein, such as red meat, fowl (turkey, chicken), wild-caught fish, nuts and seeds, eggs, and milk. Oftentimes, a lack of dietary protein causes amino acid deficiency, so it’s always important to eat protein at every meal in a healthy ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% healthy fat (Read more about good fats and bad fats). During each meal, you should try to come close to satisfying this ratio. In fact, eating protein during every meal can reduce the symptoms of anxiety, especially if you eat proteins (such as turkey and milk) that are high in tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin. Eating a small protein snack, instead of a sugary refined snack, can immediately help relieve anxiety attacks (panic attacks), because amino acids are being replenished by the intake of protein.

If you are a vegan or vegetarian, you are more susceptible to amino acid deficiency because protein in plant sources doesn’t contain all the amino acids that your body needs. Supplementing your diet with high-quality amino acids is essential to ensure that your neurotransmitter levels are replenished. Additionally, those who suffer from chronic conditions should consider supplementing their diets with high-quality amino acids, to ensure adequate amino acid levels during times of illness, particularly when amino acid deficiency is likely.

Source: http://www.jigsawhealth.com/resources/amino-acid-therapy

*edit: added quote box and source link

06-26-2009, 06:28 PM
Hi Hanino it's been almost a month. I feel 1000% better. I don't have any more fear of having panic or anxiety attacks doing anything most of all when driving. I have energy and I am ready to go do anything that I would not do before because I was scared. Thanks for answering my question. Life is fun again and my husband is happy to see me better. Thanks again for the great information. I'll continue to let you know how I am.

06-26-2009, 06:55 PM
Hi Hanino it's been almost a month. I feel 1000% better. I don't have any more fear of having panic or anxiety attacks doing anything most of all when driving. I have energy and I am ready to go do anything that I would not do before because I was scared. Thanks for answering my question. Life is fun again and my husband is happy to see me better. Thanks again for the great information. I'll continue to let you know how I am.What milligram or % did you take of the Amino acids? Good to see this is working! :tongue:

06-26-2009, 11:58 PM
I am also agree with your advice.It was really very helpful for me. I have a link about this topic, i give you and you just check it,i think it is benefit for you.

06-27-2009, 07:19 PM
I've been on the magnesium and B complex for about 3 months now. I didn't reorder the amino acids and I feel great!

06-28-2009, 10:47 PM
Where can I get Amino Acids,and how much should I take? I can't find it anywhere! :evil:

06-29-2009, 01:24 AM

Please go to page one of this post and read my reply to Captain Deep Breath, that should answer your questions, if not feel free to ask thanks.

I forgot to thank you for the article on Amino Acids you posted, thanks Hawk, hopefully it got people to thinking.


That's great I'm glad to hear you feel great, you might want to consider taking those Aminos for the health benefits.

Erica, you're quite welcome.

I'm happy for you and your husband, yes ma'am please let me know how you continue to do.


06-29-2009, 02:06 AM

Please go to page one of this post and read my reply to Captain Deep Breath, that should answer your questions, if not feel free to ask thanks.

I forgot to thank you for the article on Amino Acids you posted, thanks Hawk, hopefully it got people to thinking.


That's great I'm glad to hear you feel great, you might want to consider taking those Aminos for the health benefits.

Erica, you're quite welcome.

I'm happy for you and your husband, yes ma'am please let me know how you continue to do.

HaninoThanks! I reciived your email,but I deleted it some how! :shock:

06-29-2009, 06:53 AM
I bought some of these but could never swallow the dam things haha.

I'm going to buy some more that are smaller or in a liquid form.

Just a quick question that might sound a little dumb but how many types of Magnesium are there? I bought some from my local supermarket some time ago and didnt pay attention to any others that may have been there.

I had Anxiety very bad but after the support mainly from this site it has become much better, but i still suffer from de-realisation so am will to give this a shot.

06-29-2009, 04:00 PM

There are many different types of Magnesium.

If you want to buy some, I suggest going to your local pharmacy and asking your pharmacist for a pharmaceutical grade Magnesium preferably Magnesium Chloride you cannot get Magnesium Chloride with the rest of the vitamins and minerals. If your pharmacy doesn’t have it try another pharmacy, it’s available without a prescription.

Magnesium Chloride will help flush your cells that might have some sort of toxins in them by restoring a natural fluid enzyme balance, this will help the amino acids to flow freely into your cells fueling your Chromosomes. Magnesium Chloride does more than just this function but to rid the brain and body of toxins in this case it’s primary.

If you want a multi mineral with more than just Magnesium, GNC makes a very good multi mineral that contains protein chelates that make the minerals absorb very easily. As you might know minerals do not absorb easily into the small intestine. Protein Chelate is organic matter that acts as a transport that encapsulates the mineral molecules allowing them to pass into the small intestine for absorption.

http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133415 Click the product info tab for supplement facts.

Remember it’s easy to Over Does on Mminerals. More IS NOT Better SO Please Take as Directed! As Directed is Safe.

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body and the activation of over 300 enzymes. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, “keeps heart rhythm steady,” supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis..

Source: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium_pf.asp

I believe most people that suffer anxiety have a magnesium deficiency.


*edit (by shoe): Added quotes & source link. (please people, give credit where credit is due)

06-29-2009, 09:07 PM
Hano,I'm confused! Do I just take Amino acids or do I take magnissium?
Better yet could you please tell me what you take? Sorry if i'm buging you but i really need to try this,i went to CVS and Stater bros but i can't find amino acids! Also do doctors and pharmacys kno about this stuff helping with anxiety? I went online to look the multis up and there are just so many of them,and they say amino fuel is for wieght lifters? WHY :?

Thank you for all your info and help
Good day :tongue:

06-30-2009, 12:08 AM
Hi Hawk, no sir you’re not bothering me. I’m glad to help; you take both amino acids and Magnesium.

Please Follow the GNC links below for the Amino Acids and the cost.

The Amino Fuel is a 32oz bottle if you take 3/4 of an ounce a day the bottle will last about 40 days. If you take just a little over a level teaspoon of the L Glutamine it will last about 45 days and the Magnesium will last 120 days.
The Amino Fuel has B-1 B-2 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-9 and B-12 vitamins in it so there will be no need for a separate B vitamin complex.

Twinlab Amino Fuel

GNC L-Glutamine Powder
http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?pr ... cp=2102385 (http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133643&cp=2102385)

This is not the Magnesium that I take but it will work.

GNC Magnesium

I cannot say how the Magnesium will interact with any medications that you might be taking, when I stated this I had quit taking my meds for 7 days.

If you decide to do this please let me know how you progress.

More is not better it takes time to work please take as I described or as directed. As directed means you will be going back for more sooner.

Body Builders use amino acids because it's good for building muscle and and promotes faster recovery time.

I’m not sure how many doctors know of this, none that gave me medications told me about it but there are plenty of researchers that have researched it and say it works that’s why I tried it in the first place.

If you have any questions please ask.


06-30-2009, 05:40 AM
Hi Hawk, no sir you’re not bothering me. I’m glad to help; you take both amino acids and Magnesium.

Please Follow the GNC links below for the Amino Acids and the cost.

The Amino Fuel is a 32oz bottle if you take 3/4 of an ounce a day the bottle will last about 40 days. If you take just a little over a level teaspoon of the L Glutamine it will last about 45 days and the Magnesium will last 120 days.
The Amino Fuel has B-1 B-2 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-9 and B-12 vitamins in it so there will be no need for a separate B vitamin complex.

Twinlab Amino Fuel

GNC L-Glutamine Powder
http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?pr ... cp=2102385 (http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133643&cp=2102385)

This is not the Magnesium that I take but it will work.

GNC Magnesium

I cannot say how the Magnesium will interact with any medications that you might be taking, when I stated this I had quit taking my meds for 7 days.

If you decide to do this please let me know how you progress.

More is not better it takes time to work please take as I described or as directed. As directed means you will be going back for more sooner.

Body Builders use amino acids because it's good for building muscle and and promotes faster recovery time.

I’m not sure how many doctors know of this, none that gave me medications told me about it but there are plenty of researchers that have researched it and say it works that’s why I tried it in the first place.

If you have any questions please ask.

HaninoThat stuff is kind of pricY,and the only meds i take is Syntroid for low thyroid 50mg,i will have to ask my doctor if it will be ok to take togethr! Do you think sams or walgrens sell this stuff?

06-30-2009, 06:01 AM

I could not find any Magnesium Chloride anywhere, went to several pharmacies and vitamin shops and most had never heard or if.

Will normall Magnesium do the trick or do i need to keep looking?

I bought some Liquid Amino and DAMMM that stuff is horrible haha.


07-01-2009, 12:20 AM

It's kinda pricey but if it works for you it's well worth the money.

I found this at Sams it has 18 aminos in it plus B vitamins, the amino acid content isn't very high it might not work, it's less than 13 dollars. Take as directed always on an empty stomach. Click the link below.

http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/naviga ... tem=402919 (http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item=402919)

If you can get the Amino Fuel!


Take those aminos on an empty stomach, it should not give you an upset stomach, in fact if you have any sort of stomach problem the aminos should fix it.

The most commom Magnesium is Magnesium Oxide it should work.

If you have a GNC close by this is what I would buy (link below) and take one table a day, it's got plenty of Magnesium in one tablet plus some other minerals that's really needed as well. I'm going to get this today.

Don't take more than directed on the label it's easy to over does on minerals.



07-05-2009, 03:49 PM
started taking vitamin b complex, amino acids, and magnesium 2 days ago, ill update on how im feeling. no difference as of yet.

07-05-2009, 04:19 PM
oh by the way are there any known interactions with amino acids and extracts from roots of natural sedatives like valerian? chamomile? lavender? etc...

07-05-2009, 04:49 PM
I would not think there would be an interaction. Otherwise, drinking a glass of milk or eating a steak would cause problems, too.

07-05-2009, 05:11 PM
I would not think there would be an interaction. Otherwise, drinking a glass of milk or eating a steak would cause problems, too.

lol, thanks!
i clearly have no clue in science.

07-05-2009, 06:45 PM

Robbed is correct. The only thing I can think of is if the herbs you take are contaminated with low levels of toxins this might not allow the aminos to do their jobs. It might be a good idea to discontinue them for a while.

Thanks Robbed


07-05-2009, 09:34 PM

It's kinda pricey but if it works for you it's well worth the money.

I found this at Sams it has 18 aminos in it plus B vitamins, the amino acid content isn't very high it might not work, it's less than 13 dollars. Take as directed always on an empty stomach.

Hanino,I found this stuff and bought it,it is (5-HTP 100mg) Do you think it has alot of Amino Acids? It cost me 14$ at Sam's.

07-05-2009, 11:18 PM

L-tryptophan is one out of 20 amino acids that the body uses. The brain is a chemical factory, it converts amino acids into chemicals that are used to regulate brain function, such as thought process and patterns, sleep patterns, heart rhythm, hunger plus many other we are not aware of.

This is why I recommend the Twinlab Amino Fuel because it has all 20 aminos and all the B vitamins in it. It's very possible if you take this with a B multi vitamin this will help your anxiety. If doesn't get an amino with all 20 amino acids in it.

Understand with modern day food processing and even over cooking of food just a bit amino acids are destroyed. If we could eat fresh food all the time I have a feeling there would not be a need for amino supplements.

Please read below.


5-HTP, is 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan is a compound found primarily in the brain. This compound is made from tryptophan, a natural amino acid inherent in foods. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, which means that it cannot be made by the body.

Taking 5-HTP increases the body's supply of the compound, which leads to higher serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin, also called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT, plays an important role in controlling behavior and moods. It influences many normal brain activities and also regulates the activity of other neurotransmitters. Having adequate levels of serotonin instills a feeling of relaxation, calmness, and mild euphoria (extreme happiness). Low levels of serotonin, serotonin deficiency syndrome, leads to depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and many other problems.

Conditions associated with low levels of serotonin include:

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
panic attacks
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

This compound has other effects on the body. It is an antioxidant that protects the body from damage by substances called free radicals (unstable, toxic molecules). In this role, 5-HTP may help slow the aging process and protect the body from illness. Because serotonin is used to make melatonin, taking 5-HTP may help achieve some of the same benefits as melatonin, such as treating jet lag, depression, and insomnia. There is some evidence that 5-HTP can replenish the supply of the pain-relieving molecules called endorphins. Studies have shown that low levels of endorphins are associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, stress, and depression. In addition, 5-HTP affects other neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine and dopamine.

Source URL: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3435100313.html

*edit: added quotes and source [shoe]

07-22-2009, 10:08 AM
so its been 2 weeks since i started... well a little over... and although i was really skeptical in the beginning, i AM feeling better. thats all i got to say for now... ill keep updating with time. but so far i would definitely recommend people to try this!

07-24-2009, 01:58 AM

That's good news. yay! It takes some time to work so just hang in there.

What aminos and Magnesium did you buy if I can ask?


07-24-2009, 09:25 PM
ive been taking magnesium from GNC 500 mg daily.
the amino acids ive been taking are all the ones that are listed in the twinlab product you are taking. but i got mine at nutrition house since i couldnt find the twinlab product at my GNC store.

07-24-2009, 11:38 PM

Okay, you might also consider getting some GNC Pro Performance L-Glutamine powder. The brain will use the Glutamate as fuel instead of sugar.

Just what you need.

http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?pr ... cp=2102385 (http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133643&cp=2102385)


07-26-2009, 01:46 AM
I have been following this thread with great interest for a while and have been searching high and low for the Amino Fuel product but have had no luck finding it in any vitamin / supplement store (I live in Australia)

Anyway today I ended up ordereing some Amino Fuel and L Glutamine powder online and it should arrive sometime in the week ahead.

Magnesium seems to be easy to find here but I havent seen the one you specified (magnesium chloride) at all.

Will keep everyone updated on how I go.


07-26-2009, 08:55 PM

I am very interested in your findings on the Magnesium and Amino's. There are many posts you have received, so forgive me if you have already answered my questions. Do you suggest taking the Amino Fuel along with a Multi B-Vitamin? And also will any brand of regular Magnesium work and what mg? I would really like to try this, as I cannot take the SSRI's. I am currently taking a Multi-B and would like to add the Amino Fuel and Magnesium. Like so many other's I would like to end the panic attacks and start feeling like me again.

Thank You for your time in answering..this may be what I am looking for. :)


07-27-2009, 01:48 AM

You’re quite welcome. I understand how you feel, this might be what you need, I hope it is but we shall see.

You don’t need a Multi B with the Amino Fuel it’s got most of the B vitamins in it but if you choose to take one (which I do) I don’t see what it will hurt but please take as directed.

For the Magnesium I’m recommend GNC Multi Mega Minerals it’s got 10 minerals and Vitamin D in it. If you’re low on Magnesium you might be low on what’s in this Multi Mineral as well. I started taking it about a month ago and I can feel a difference, it’s a good Multi Mineral and definitely worth the 10 Dollars. Click the link below then on the Product Info TAB for the ingredients and Amount Per Serving % DV.



Thank you

I’m glad to hear you’ve ordered it.

If you’re placing orders for the Aminos with GNC you might want to order that Multi Mineral too.

Let me know how you both progress. Thanks


07-28-2009, 12:03 AM
it is basically a blood dilated to slow down your hypertension. Thus, making you more relax.

07-28-2009, 11:15 AM

Firstly, thanks so much for sharing your cure. I read this thread yesterday and went out first thing this morning to get the various "ingredients." I only have one small problem. I absolutely CAN NOT swallow the Amino Fuel. I took one tablespoon and starting gagging and well...it wasn't pretty. There's no way I'm going to be able to take all 3 tablespoons, and I'm not even sure if I can take anymore at all. It was that bad. Do you have any ideas for what I could do? Thanks!


edit: also, is it normal that my pee is a really bright yellow, like lemon lime gatorade? (sorry to be so descriptive)

07-28-2009, 01:06 PM
wow, i am so so glad i found this forum, it is amazing and such a massive help knowing that im not the only person who feels the way im feeling!

Just want to say a big thankyou for bringing amino acids to our attention. I suffered from anxiety afew years ago due to being on the pill and for some reason it has reared its ugly head again these past few months. Ive been taking vitamin B, omega capsules and evening primrose oil, which help a bit, and 5HTP which sometimes seems to be doing something and at others nothing at all. Anyway, id never heard of the link between amino acids and anxiety but have just been out to buy some, along with some magnesium tablets. I couldnt get magnesium chloride, i hope just normal magnesium is okay, they say its magnesium oxide in them.

im keeping my fingers crossed that they will help. Thank you again!

07-28-2009, 08:41 PM

Thank you for your quick reply. I am going to the GNC store in the morning and will get started. As you, I am taking a multi B vitamin but I feel I'm still missing something as the anxiety still rules me :unsure: . If I could get anything that would just take some of the anxiety away it would be so welcomed. Thank You for taking the time to share what has worked so well for you. I will keep you posted on how things are going.

Take Care..


07-29-2009, 09:53 PM

Firstly, thanks so much for sharing your cure. I read this thread yesterday and went out first thing this morning to get the various "ingredients." I only have one small problem. I absolutely CAN NOT swallow the Amino Fuel. I took one tablespoon and starting gagging and well...it wasn't pretty. There's no way I'm going to be able to take all 3 tablespoons, and I'm not even sure if I can take anymore at all. It was that bad. Do you have any ideas for what I could do? Thanks!


edit: also, is it normal that my pee is a really bright yellow, like lemon lime gatorade? (sorry to be so descriptive)

lol yes, your pee will turn radioactive... i think its just excess vitamin B being flushed out.

also, i got my amino acids in capsule form. they dont really have a taste, but they are quite large capsules. so if you do end up getting them make sure you have a lot of liquid in your mouth when swallowing them... otherwise maybe you can mix the tablespoons of amino fuel in a glass of orange juice so the taste will be better?

07-30-2009, 12:14 AM
Well my Amino Fuel and L Glutamine powder arrived today, and I just went down to the local chemist and purchased some magnesium.

The Amino Fuel tastes terrible :P I struggled a bit to get it down but if it makes me better its worth it. Anyway will report how I feel over the coming days,


07-30-2009, 10:13 AM

I've been on Xanax for the past 3 years since my dad passed away. The doc prescribed the .25mg three times a day. I only take half of that and only when i can't control it on my own. The past three weeks have been horrible. Where before I'd have one or two symptoms now I have a five or six. I go to bed with it and it starts again 30 minutes after waking up!

After reading all these posts I went to my local GNC which amazingly was closed at 10:30am. I crossed the street to Rite Aid and got myself Nature's Bounty Magnesium and Amino Fuel 1000 in pill form. The Amino bottle says to take 4 with each meal. That seems to be a huge amount!

Hope this works, I have a very difficult anatomy boards exam a month from now!

07-30-2009, 06:12 PM
thanks snufkin =) i got the pills and that's going to work much better for me.

I can't believe the progress I've seen in my anxiety. I'm only on day 3, but I don't *feel* anxious. I'm not dizzy, my hands aren't shaking, no brain fog, chest isn't tight, and I drove at night yesterday for the first time in 4 MONTHS because I wasn't afraid of being dizzy! And even more proof...my resting pulse has been between 95-105 for the past year. I took my pulse various times throughout the day today and it was between 77-83. I started CRYING because I just couldn't believe it! I actually have hope now. I want to go do things with my friends, not just stay at home in fear.

Hanino, I love you. I can't even put into words the relief and happiness you've given me. I've broken down in tears twice today out of sheer joy. I feel like I can get my life back now! I can't wait to see how I continue to improve.

Everyone, try this NOW!!!

07-30-2009, 09:30 PM
Well I'm goin for it. I found some Amino Fuel today and I'm starting to take 250MG of Magnesium.

I hate to sound like a newby. This anxiety thing is kind of a new thing. In being told by te doctor what it was it makes all the minor symptoms I have had the last 7 years all make sence. I always thought that something else was going on. Real Anxiety really found it's place with me know.

Well I'll also post to see how I feel. I'm also Taking a Daily Vitamin and a B12 supplement.. This isn't to much stuff is it???

Amino acids, Magnesim, Daily viramin, and B12...

Thanks for the post Hanino...

07-31-2009, 02:10 AM

Thank you that’s touching, I’m glad to help all I can. If you need me call I'll be here for you.

I’m glad to hear you feel better already. It’s amazing huh? I’m still amazed after a year now that something so simple fixed a 12-year problem. I believe your symptoms are going away fast mine were much better in 3 days, in two weeks I was 100% better and in one month I was 1000% better, anxiety free. It takes a little time to take full effect so just hang in there.

If you guys can’t swallow the amino fuel try holding your nose that might help it go down easier. If the Amino pills are too big crush them up mix them in a little water and drink them down. It’s okay to mix it with OJ but I would use as little as possible, you want it to digest and absorb as quick as possible. When I stared taking Aminos and Magnesium I took them first thing out of bed on an empty tummy with as little water as it took to get it down. If yall can afford it get L-Glutamine powder too. Pineapple slices are good for digesting protein they aide in digestion which is extracting the Aminos from the protein, again you want it to digest and absorb as quick as possible. Speaking of digestion that GNC Multi Mineral has Betaine Hydrochloride in it, (it makes the tummy produce digestive enzymes) which is prescribed by Doctors for people with digestion problems so it might be warranted for some of you, I take it just for the mineral content and wow does it work, they are big I can’t swallow them I have to crush them and drink with a little milk but it’s worth it.


I’m sorry to hear about your dad, the loss of a loved one can be very stressing. Don’t mix the Aminos with the Xanax if you do it may not work so well. When you get the Aminos and Magnesium flowing your concentration will be at an all time high for your anatomy boards exam.

Good Luck


It's okay to be a nooby....

A B Multi Vitamin will work better than just a B 12. The Amino Fuel has most the B vitamins in it so a B Multi is not required but you can take one if you like but please take as directed more is not better so be patient with it.

Kattchi, Anmaree, Snufkin, DMS87, sentoria, freiheit hesson81

I’m happy for you guys you stand a very good chance of getting better.

If I missed any of your questions, which I’m sure I did feel free to ask again..

Let me know how you are doing….



GNC Multi Mega Minerals


GNC Vitamin B-Complex 50

GNC Solotron Multivitamin

GNC Pro Performance L-Glutamine
http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?pr ... cp=2102385 (http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133643&cp=2102385)

07-31-2009, 06:24 AM
Interesting to know how well this has come on with so many possitive feed backs.

I only had 2 days of trying this but had to stop due to my medication, im coming off my meds soon because they just dont help me at all.

Can i just ask before i go back to the program, can i use normal Magnesium? I cannot find Magnesium Chloride for love nor money it just doesnt exsist in the UK :(

Anyway i suffer mainly from De-realisation (brian fog) and wanted to give this a try.

Will post some updates once im back into it fully.

07-31-2009, 09:13 PM

I believe the most common type of Magnesium is Magnesium Oxide, It will work too. Here in the US the only place I've found Magnesium Chloride is in a pharmacy without a prescription.

I have been taking a Multi Mineral that I really like it works great. The link below is not the Multi Mineral I take but it looks to be even better.

Have a look at the Ingredients, Amount per serving and the % Daily Value. If you can find one that has all those Ingredients you would be doing well..!!

A B Multi Vitamin would be a good idea too....


www.nutraceutical.com/search/view_produ ... ex=8724204 (http://www.nutraceutical.com/search/view_product.cfm?product_index=8724204)

08-01-2009, 07:16 AM
4 Days in and I have noticed zero difference so far :( Although it is only very early days and I intend to keep at this for at least a month before I write it off.


08-05-2009, 12:58 PM
hey, ive been taking amino acids, magnesium and l-glutamine for just over a week now, and i really think they are working. Monday, tuesday and today, ive actually felt okay. Ive not been feeling on edge all day and the odd time anxious paranoid thoughts have tried to get into my head ive been able to just out think them quickly and ive been fine.

This is amazing!

i dont know if its definitely the aminos helping, ive also just started acupuncture and have been following the advice i read on another thread to eat a banana as soon as i wake up to help boost my low blood sugar, but i definitely feel so much better. Id definitely recommened anyone whos feeling anxious to try the aminos, i cant believe how much better i feel in such a short space of time!

thank you so so much for bringing this to my attention! i feel like i have my brain back!

08-05-2009, 10:01 PM

You're quite welcome. That's fantastic I'm happy for you. I would have to say it's the Aminos and Magnesium you should continue to get better since you're thinking the anxiety away, that's a big sign it's working.

Let me know how you continue to progress, thanks.


08-06-2009, 08:22 AM
I've been on the magnesium and b complex for several months. I did start feeling some what anxious the past few days. I think I'm going go ahead and start the amino acids and L-Glutimine.

mr v 1985
08-07-2009, 07:22 AM
hi i have magnesium and calcium that i got today is this ok or is there a certain type i need

also im on 5mg olanzapine will this be alright to stay on this whilest taking the magnesium

yet to try the amino acids L-Glutimine.

08-08-2009, 01:01 PM
Mr V

I cannot say how the Magnesium will interact with the meds you're on, that will depend on you as to how it makes you feel. When I started taking Magnesium and Amino Acids I was off meds for a week and I had no problems. if it makes you feel bad then you might consider quit taking one or the other.

I took Magnesium Chloride which I could only find in a pharmacy. If you can't find it Magnesium Oxide will work.

I started taking a Multi Mineral that works great. I've started recommending it, it has Magnesium Oxide in it as well as other important minerals and Vitamin D, if you're low on one Mineral you very will could be low on the other Minerals as well.

Look at the link below then click on the product info tag for the Ingredients, Amount per serving and the % Daily Value.


Let us know how you do, thanks.


08-12-2009, 08:28 AM
Anybody else has some new experiences worth mentioning concerning magnesium and amino acids?

08-23-2009, 08:58 AM
Which amino acid supplement is everyone taking here?

08-23-2009, 01:39 PM
Hi Anxious

Since you sent me a PM I replied to you there.

If you need any help feel free to ask.


08-26-2009, 05:56 PM
Hey Hanino thank you so much for contributing to this forum. I went out and got the Amino Fuel but didn't get the magnesium at GNC cause it was mag oxide and i guess mag oxide is the least absorbable form of magnesium. Like you said from the beggining you mentioned to take Magnesium Chloride and i found out that is the best because it's in its most absorbable form. If you could let me know what type of Magnesium chloride you take, it would be greatly appreciated, as well as how much you take milligram wise. I was told 500 mg is normally the best to take to bring the magnesium levels up so your not deficient. I went to a pharmacy and asked for magnesium chloride and all they had was mag64. On back it says 2 tablets have 224 mg calcium, 128 mg magnesium, and 374 mg chloride. I took 6 tablets of this is that too much. I just want to take 500 mg. If you could tell me where to get the mag chloride it would be much appreciated.

08-26-2009, 11:53 PM

You're welcome. Not a problem.

The Magnesium I took is pharmaceutical grade Magnesium made by Cypress Pharmaceuticals, you can't get it with the rest of the Vitamins and Minerals the only place I was able to find it was at my local pharmacy.

The label on the bottle reads, Serving Size: 2 Tablets, Amount Per Serving 128mg %DV 32% . I took only one tablet a day with the Amino Acids with as little water as possible.

http://www.cypressrx.com/ProductDetail. ... 258-173-06 (http://www.cypressrx.com/ProductDetail.aspx?CH_NDC=60258-173-06)

I'm not to sure about how much you should take, I have read different RDAs so I can't say for sure. I would think if you take as directed on the label you should be ok.

6 Tablets sounds like a bit much please take as directed more is not better it takes time to work.

Is this Mag they had? See link below. The active ingredients are the same as the Cypress Pharmaceuticals Mag so it should do the trick.


Let us know how you do, thanks.


08-27-2009, 04:19 AM
I don't get this whole "take amino acids" thing. To me, that's like saying, "take vitamins" - it's very vague. In other words, instead of talking about the benefits of amino acids in general, shouldn't we be talking about the benefits of specific amino acids??

I'll re-phrase: which particular amino acids are you referring to, Hanino?

08-27-2009, 03:15 PM
Yes Hanino that link to mag64 info site is them. They are pretty much identical to the kind you have just with calcium. And are you saying even though the serving size is 2 pills to equal that information you only take 1 on a daily basis, or was this when you first started building up your magnesium. Do you still take one a day, or have you upped it to 2 (the recommended daily dose on the bottle). I'm also interested in how long it took before you began feeling your anxiety getting better. Thanks for answering all my questions. I HIGHLY appreciate this and i will definitely spread the word once i see the results.

thanks again


08-30-2009, 09:40 PM
whenever I take any metallic minerals (magnesium, calcium, or iron) I get really tired.

And btw amino acids are found in protein (especially meat but also from beans, nuts, and seeds.)

Nuts and green leafy vegetables are great dietary sources of magnesium, without taking too much at once, like in a supplement.

08-31-2009, 04:43 AM

You're welcome.

Okay cool so you're set with the Mag64, from what I understand calcium aids in the digestion and absorption Magnesium so no need to worry about the calcium getting in the way.

Yes, the serving size is 2 pills. I took 1 a day with the Aminos with as little water as possible. As I said before take as directed on the label and you should be ok but don't take 6 in a day.

I started taking a multi mineral which has Magnesium in it plus other minerals.

I felt better in 3 days in 2 weeks anxiety was gone in one month I was 1000% better physical ailments were gone.

Remember more is not better please take as directed, it takes time to work.

Let us know how you do.



Thanks for adding to the thread but I'm pretty sure we're all aware of protein sources. BTW proteins are the hardest thing for the body to digest and absorb protein supplements are much easier to digest and absorb than meat without the fat.

How many nuts would it take to equal one supplement pill?? A whole bag or can or more??

08-31-2009, 07:49 AM
Did you take 1 tablet of Magnesium, 3 Table Spoons of amino acid and that L-glutamine, everyday for 6 months? Il try this out realy want to be well again.
And if my body doesent need the amino acids and magnesium and i still take them, wil i be fine ?

08-31-2009, 11:29 AM

Thanks for adding to the thread but I'm pretty sure we're all aware of protein sources..

Some people don't know about this stuff. Most animal sources and certain vegetable sources have the complete complement of all the essential amino acids in adequate proportions.

How many nuts would it take to equal one supplement pill?? A whole bag or can or more??

I agree that supplements can be more efficient in some cases. Yet supplements can have adverse effects from being so concentrated (in my case, magnesium supplements make me tired) and you can get these same nutrients from food; and in their natural forms they usually come with other nutrients that help absorption. For example, vitamin d is needed to absorb calcium and in milk you get both together.

I'm not saying supplements don't work. I just suggest anyone do their research before spending their money on them.

09-01-2009, 12:36 AM
alright i started today with 1 tab of mag64 a day. I might up it to 2 later on but this is fine for now. Also did you say u started feeling the results after 2 weeks from your 1.magnesium pill (that is almost identical to my mag64)

2. as well as taking a Multivitamin. Or did you feel a difference when you ADDED in the multi vitamin. If the multivitamin played a role in helping your anxiety issues i would be greatly interested in what product you are using. I just want to do exactly what your doing if you say its effective.

Thanks again! you are a lifesaver.

09-01-2009, 07:48 AM
Hello Everyone,

I've was first diagnosed with "panic disorder" about 15 years ago and like Hanino, have probably had just about every symptom in the book at one time or another.

I've decided to give this a swing. I picked up the Amino Fuel, Magnesium, and L-Glutamine.

I started at 7:30 this morning and will post daily results to this thread.

09-01-2009, 10:20 AM
Me too, got my L-glutamine ,Magnesium and amino fuel today, going to start program tomorow, I will take like 3 magnesium tablets that should be about 150mg, 3 tablespoons of amino fuel and 1 tablespoon of l-glutamine.

Is everything correct?

09-01-2009, 11:05 AM

I'm doing the same with the exception of the magnesium. I got thg GNC Magnesium 500 so it is 500mg/day. Which one are you using?

09-01-2009, 11:19 AM
Steve, Jake and Torque

This is exactly what I took and how I took it. Click the links below then click on the product info tab.

I took everything below at the same time right out of bed in the morning with as little water as possible. I never used tap water I used bottled water, just could not see using city water with all the chemicals in it so bottled water it was.

Twinlab Amino Fuel -- I took between 3/4 to 1 fluid ounce measured out in a NyQuil cup. It's thick, I would run a spoon around inside the cup to get what had stuck to the inside the cup. If you take 3 tablespoons you will run out faster 3/4 to 1 fluid ounce did the trick for me.

L-Glutamine Powder -- I took just a little over a level teaspoon of this stuff in about 4 to 5 ounces of water just enough water to get it mixed up and down the hatch. It's important, it's the 20th Amino Acid you don't get in the Amino Fuel.
http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?pr ... cp=2102385 (http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2133643&cp=2102385)

Cypress Pharmaceuticals Magnesium Chloride -- I took one of these a day with as little water as possible to get it down.
http://www.cypressrx.com/ProductDetail. ... 258-173-06 (http://www.cypressrx.com/ProductDetail.aspx?CH_NDC=60258-173-06)


I didn't take a Multi Vitamin at this time all I took were the Aminos and Magnesium, so no, no Multi Vitamin played a role in being free from anxiety it was all Aminos and Magnesium. As I said before I felt better in 3 days in 2 weeks anxiety was gone in one month I was 1000% better physical ailments were gone.

Let me know how you guys progress, thanks.


09-01-2009, 12:33 PM
Made mistake with Magnesium vitamin ,mine has 500mg per tablet too. Name is Magvit B6 (got it from local aptohecary) , It has B6 vitamin also, hope i wont get too much of it because amino fuel has it too.. :?

09-01-2009, 01:07 PM

That should not be a problem, if your body does not utilize the extra vitamins from what I understand it will be discarded through the urine or even possibly recycled for later use.


09-01-2009, 11:38 PM
Hello new here and am very interested in trying this. I have MS and also have anxiety and do not want to be on meds for the anxiety. I am very interested in hearing from people who have had sucess with this as I don't want to purchase everything and it not work.


09-02-2009, 02:26 PM
Hi I've been reading all the posts and am very excited. I woke up with severe anxiety on Jan 5th 2009 and it hasn't stopped since. I've never had it before, actually never even been really sick before. I've tried a bunch of the SSRIs which actually make me feel worse, and i am now tapered off of all SSRIs but i still take Klonopin or would not be able to cope at all. Still very anxious all the time. Would I be able to take the aminos, and the magnesium while on the Klonopin? Then once I felt better, I could wean off the Klonopin. In some of your posts you say that you can't do this natural treatment while still on the meds. Could you please clarify? I am about to start a new drug, remeron, and then I ran into your website today. I wanted to try another drug just so I can get off the klonopin. I don't want to be on that anymore, and if the remeron works, then I can wean off the klonopin. But I'd much rather try a more natural remedy that actually might get at the root cause of the anxiety, instead of just masking the symptoms.
Please respond soon. I am in the desperate stage and am about to start the remeron. Thank you for such great information and congratulations for healing yourself

09-02-2009, 07:20 PM
It's day 2 and I don't have a lot to report yet. I've had a pretty anxious day but will continue to update.

09-02-2009, 11:44 PM
Amino Acids occur naturally in the body right..? I tried googling this but just got confused. I have a big phobia of pills and medication, but I can manage to convince myself if it's just vitamins.
I took Magnesium today, no change so far.

09-04-2009, 10:54 AM
I have taken the amino acidc and stuff for 4 days now.. I can feel my brain is working a bit more logical now :) . Things dont seem hopless anymore and setbacks and bad stuff that happens dont concerne me so much as it did before..

09-05-2009, 11:16 AM
Hi All;

This is very helpful info.

I however want to draw your attention to a few posible problems. Personally, I have the problem that I cannot really undertake this your amino acid and magnessium "diet/course".

This is because I suffer from Gout. This is a form of athritis which is caused by Uric Acid crystals bieng deposited between the joints (usually limb). Uric acid is a by-product of amino acid metabolism. The consumption of extra Amino Acids results in much more severe and more frequent attacks of gout (and I presume) other forms of athritis.

As for the magnessium, I'm on some medication of a group called Ace Inhibitors. These are mainly for heart conditions and control the amount of, for instance potassium (K+) ions and other anions in the blood streem. I imagine that extra magnessiun ions, in the form of magnesium chloride will overload the functionality of these Ace Inhibitors.

Though you did stop ALL your medication before commencing this AA & Magnessium suplement program, everybody needs to be aware that, apart from the medications we take for the anxiety, we very often have other conditions for which we are being Medicated. If anybody else has further info in this regard please let us know.

In the mean time, I congratulate you on a very good and informative article.

09-14-2009, 07:11 AM
It sure does work in my opinion. 2 weeks since i started and i feel alot better. Anxiety has like gone away and i am not sad anymore. Still i am not the same as i were before Anxiety, but after a month i will tell how i feel then.

09-14-2009, 10:49 AM
Well i've been on the aminos for about a month now and the magnisum for about 4 months. Adding the amino I feel so much better. I'll keep you posted!!

09-15-2009, 04:37 AM
I just ordered the stuff, I'll keep you guys posted on my progress.

09-15-2009, 08:00 PM
I purchased Mag Aspartate 250mg and Liquid Protin, the GNC generic to Twin Labs Amino Acids. Do you think these will be good enough to your suggestions?

09-15-2009, 08:04 PM
I have been on Tranxene for 6 months only 15mg but Xanex before that, tried several SSRI's all with bad results so at this point I willing to try anything, I want to get off the benzo's and not have to go through anymore SSRI trial and error. I hope this has a similar effect for me as it did for you Hanino.

09-15-2009, 08:58 PM

I can't say how the Magnesium Aspartate will work I've never taken it and for the GNC Protein I have looked at that it's missing a few Aminos and the B Vitamins, if you're going to take it I suggest getting a GNC B Multi Vitamin they are important and needed.

Tywrap and Torque

That's great guys glad to hear it.


Good luck


I don't know if how Magnesium will interact with the med you're on. I guess you have a decision to make.

Everyone remember take as directed more is not better it takes time to work so just hang in there.


09-17-2009, 10:33 AM
Sounds like you have a big discovery going on here!
I conqured my anxiety and panic attacks by using Joe Barry's "Panic Away" strategies!
It's amazing how "reverse" psychology really works.

I am interested in taking Amino Acids and Magnesium.

I'm not sure if you can answer this question, but I will be giving birth to my first child in about a month and I would like to know if taking Magnesium while breastfeeding is safe?

Let me know.

09-17-2009, 07:57 PM
when i was pregnant i had terrible cramps in my feet and legs so went to a natropath and he gave me a magnesium supplment and i took it every day and had no more cramping in 2 days. after a couple weeks i just took it a couple times aweek. Now bubs is 8 months old i still take it once or twice a week a i bf. My cramps were so bad id be sore for days and it cured them so quickly..LOL so in answer o taking magnesium while pregnant or breast feeding...as far as i know its safe. You could always check with a chemist or natropath tho.

09-20-2009, 08:00 PM

Congratulations on your pregnancy, I sincerely hope all goes well for you and child.

I don't know if it's safe I would imagine if your doctor tells you to take some then I'm sure it is.

I want to tell you when your child is born never and I mean never warm his or her bottle in the microwave. As you can imagine baby formula is chalk full of vitamins, minerals and proteins (Amino Acids) and this is all it really is.

I have been reading on the dangers of microwaving foods and have not used mine since.

From what I understand microwaving food destroys the vitamins, minerals and proteins (Amino Acids) in the food often turning them in to their toxic equivalent. So please warm baby's bottle on the stove or in a bottle warmer.

Goolge the dangers of microwaving food I think this will be an eye opener for you and others.


09-23-2009, 12:39 PM
Hi Hanino,

I have been reading this thread with much interest - I have been suffering anxiety for 15 years, the last four have been dreadful, including two nervous breakdowns. Like most people on here I have probably tried EVERYTHING. Hypnotherapists/counsellors/psychologists have done nothing. I have been on and off antidepressants for many years, and am currently trying to wean myself off Citalopram, I am down to 5mg.

I have gone out and bought the supplements you suggest - the same Amino Fuel and l-glutamine, but I couldn't find magnesium chloride, so am taking Magnesium citrate instead.

I just wanted to ask - when you were suffering, did you get immediate anxiety upton waking - like an adrenaline surge? This is my worst symptom, and I wondered if that was something you had that then diminished upon taking the supplements. I also have constant low-level 'nervousness'.

Many thanks,


09-23-2009, 04:57 PM

You're welcome

When the anxiety was bad yes I did, just rolling over in bed would kickoff a ugly adrenaline surge that would wake me up then the pounding heart or palpitations would start where it could take anywhere between 30 minutes to a few hours to settle down depending on how tired I was before I could go back to sleep.

In the mornings when I awoke I would have the jolting feeling (same as rolling over in bed) with the adrenaline surge which would start my heart to palpitating or pounding. I really don't care to talk about what this would do to my mental state but that's all the thing of the past, thank God. Yes not only did they diminish they are completely gone and it didn't take long.

I want to add all the things that would trigger anxiety and panic attacks like too much sugar or caffeine not enough sleep just to name a few, since I started AAs and Magnesium I can do whatever I want with ZERO anxiety problems, it's been almost a year and a half.

I do not suggest Magnesium citrate that's found in oral laxatives which might interfere with the protein, what I'm trying to say is the AAs might pass to quickly through the small intestine before they can be absorbed for usage. I hope you understand this without me saying it. lol

The only place I have been able to find Magnesium Chloride is at my local pharmacy so ask your pharmacists it's available without a prescription if he or she does not have it try another pharmacy. If you can't find it then go to GNC and get the GNC Mega Multi Mineral, it's a GREAT Multi Mineral See link below and click the product info tab.


If you can't get the GNC Minerals get one with the same ingredients, the ingredients are important so pay attention to the product info tab.

If you need any help feel free to ask and let us know how you do, thanks.


09-24-2009, 10:20 PM
I tried this out for a little while but it made me sleepy and felt drowsy, as well as had the sh*ts. I have been using vitamin B3 Niacinamide to relax me throughout the day, check revolution health dot com, it has several reviews for being used for anxiety. I also recently caught word of lithium orotate being used for anxiety,add,bipolar. I guess this stuff is supposidly supposed to help with anxiety issues and makes you feel more positive. i ordered mine on amazon yesterday. I will post back if that works. BUT what works for one person might not work for another.

09-25-2009, 07:22 AM
I've been having Magnesium, B vitamins and L-Glutamine for the past week. Still waiting for the Amino Acids to arrive, so I've been having protein bars and shakes as a replacement. I must say, I have felt significantly better this week. Far from perfect, but significantly better, especially considering I've had 5 hours sleep the past two nights, where if I had less than 8 or 9 recently I would have been hardly able to function. I've also been running every morning which has been great, so that's definitely contributed as well.

10-05-2009, 12:09 PM
Hi Hanino and all,

Just wanted to give a bit of an update on progress! I have been taking the Amino Fuel, magnesium and glutamine for two weeks now. I cannot say I am cured, but I have had some great improvements - my mood has improved considerably - I feel much more upbeat and positive. I am also feeling a bit less fearful about things. On a physical level, my daytime anxiety has reduced, and my shoulders are much less tight and painful.

This is all great, and I look forward to further improvements - I've got my Dad on the program too!

Lucy :)

10-06-2009, 10:56 PM
Google mental health and Amino Acid and mental health and Magnesium. Amino Acids are absolutely essential for proper brain function without them the brain breaks down and the rest of the body as well, that’s why there is so much bodily pain associated with anxiety. Thanks for reading, if you would like info on the stuff that I take feel free to message me

10-07-2009, 04:04 AM
Ok I've been on it for about two weeks, ie, the following:

Twinlabs Amino Fuel
Musashi L-Glutamine powder
B Complex: either Berocca or Cenovis Mega B
GNC Magnesium 500
In conjunction with Zoloft 50mg
(bear in mind too I've been exercising more than usual, and seeing a therapist, where I wasn't before)

Verdict so far: I definitely have less anxiety. Before, when I was tired, even a little bit, it would be enough to put my nervous system strongly on edge. As a result, I needed a lot of sleep. Since taking this stuff, I am much more able to go through fatigue without my nervous system going into overdrive. I have probably abused this privilege the past week, as I've had 5 hours or less sleep on a few of the nights. And not just fatigue, but situations I previously found almost unbearably stressful are now almost enjoyable.

I guess the best way to describe the effect is to say that my threshold for stress is much higher. I would in no way call it a miracle cure, or even a cure. But it definitely causes a noticeable (arguably significant) reduction in symptoms though, so it's worth it for that. And the decrease in tension feels natural and normal, unlike when I was on Zoloft alone, where I had the odd feeling of being happy and relaxed for no reason. This feels more genuine, although I'm certainly not going off the Zoloft any time soon.

I'm curious what other people's experiences are who've been on this stuff, I don't see too many people reporting back with results...

10-11-2009, 04:41 AM
Dont let this thread die.. people must know that this relay works.. u dont need anti depress pills to cure anxiety , u need vitamins.. I have used these for moth now and i do better in school and i have alot bigger self-confidence.
Im not sleepy anymore thats awasome.

10-11-2009, 10:46 PM

That's fantastic I'm glad to hear you're doing better and can walk with your head high, that's what it is all about huh? What all are you taking?

As I have said before, every time I reach for my goodies it's still kind of hard to believe something so simple fixed such a nasty problem.

BM and Loobyloo36 cool beans guys !YAY!

Continue to let us know how you do, thanks


11-05-2009, 03:43 PM
I have had bad anxiety for about 3 weeks now. I had two panic attacks two nights in a row after drinking too much. I went to the doctor and he put me on Lexapro (10mg). I took only two of these pills (2 days) and they completely messed me up. I didn't get out of bed for 5 days. Hightened anxiety, chills, nausea, chest pains, etc...you name it, I had it. This, I believe, sent me into a downward spiral of constant anxiety. I seem to be over-thinking everything, and not just "being" anymore if that makes any sense. I find myself thinking "how do I feel" about 100 times a day. any time I am not focused on something that has my attention ,I begin to over-think, and feel bad.
Anyway, I started taking omega-3 fish oil supplements 2 weeks ago. I have not noticed anything from them yet, although some days are MUCH better than others. There are nights I go to bed thinking everything is fine, only to wake up in the morning feeling like crap again.
I found this thread a couple of days ago, and I bought exactly what was told. Twin Labs Amino Fuel, Vitamin Shoppe L-Gluamine powder, and magnesium chloride pills. (Mag64 is the name of them) I am taking the exact doseage that was recommended on this thread.
I took everything for the first time this morning. Today seemed to be a particularly bad day for no apparent reason. Should I keep up with this stuff? Is there any reason to believe that these supplements could make you feel slightly worse before getting better? I know not to expect instant results, but I don't want to be making myself worse either.
I really just want to feel "normal" again. This is an awful feeling, and impossible to explain to people around me really.

I guess I will keep on this program, and see what comes of it in a few weeks. I am still taking the omega 3 as well btw. I figure all of this stuff is good for me anyway, so I don't think it could really hurt. I will continue to post here to update how this is working for me.

oh, I am on no other medication at this time.

11-07-2009, 01:26 AM

Yes it's possible for you to feel a bit worse before you start to feel better as you're going to go through an adjustment period, just hang in there.

I'm sure you will start to feel better in a few days, in the mean time try just a little light exercise, laying down always made it worse for me. Try avoiding any type of stimulants like sugar and caffeine, if you smoke do it as little as possible or not at all as nicotine is a stimulant and DO NOT drink.

If your anxiety was induced due to drinking that's not good but it could be worse. Don't over think anything, you're going to be Okay, relax and know you're on the path of getting better.

More is not better so take as directed or how I recommenced.

Before bed eat a snack of carbohydrates that should help you fall asleep just make sure it's not full of sugar if any at all.

Let me know how you do, thanks.


11-07-2009, 01:56 AM
After reading this thread I immediately went to the shops to buy all the recommended supplements. Certainly wasn't cheap, but will be worth every cent if it helps in any way.

I live in Australia, and had trouble finding the Amino fuel. Instead I bought some 'Amino acid complex' pills that seem to have all of the same sort of stuff, minus the B vitamins. I bought separate B vitamin pills.

I couldn't find Magnesium Chloride, but I ended up getting some pills that contain magnesium oxide & phosphate (440mg + 175mg). My B-vitamins also contain magnesium phosphate (140mg) so hopefully the combined magnesium dosage won't be too high?

I also bought some herbal sedatives to help me sleep. I am definitely going to need this if I am to have any chance of sleeping once I stop taking meds.

Hanino; thank you for posting all of this info. It sounds like you have already helped a number of people to find some sort of relief. I hope it works for me too. I will start on your formula in a few days (once the meds are out the system), and will post some updates.

11-07-2009, 06:48 AM
Hi Niq

Im in Aus as well , like you i had trouble finding some of the stuff
i ended up ordering magenesium capsules which has an amino acid in it to help in absorption

also ordered

An amino acid complex
and a mega B capsule

Im also on Zoloft, are you discontinuing that cause you are worried about a reaction with the vitamins or because you want to be medication free

Lets hope it helps us

i later did find that amino fuel in liquid where you can buy it in Aus

heres the link if your interested

11-07-2009, 07:58 PM

You're quite welcome

That might be a little too much Magnesium, if you can try splitting Magnesium Oxide and the Vitamin B pills in two so only take half at a time, at once. I sure if you read the label those dosages are once daily. If you can take them on an empty stomach if you have any stomach irritation drink some milk that should help.

What brand Amino Acid Complex pills did you buy? I'd like to look them up.

Before bed you might try eating a snack of carbohydrates before you go to the herbal sedatives, carbohydrates should help you fall asleep just make sure it's not full of sugar if any at all.

Remember avoid any stimulants, sugar and caffeine, once you get better you should be able to go back to them with no problem.

Take those Amino Acid Complex pills as directed more is not better it takes time to work.


You might want to have a look how I described to take the Amino Fuel to Captain Deep Breath on page one of this thread.

Good luck guys, let me know how you do, thanks.

I'm right at a year and a half with no anxiety.


11-07-2009, 08:31 PM
Hi Hanino

Thanks for the information again

heres the links to the products i bought

magnesium http://www.wagnerproducts.com.au/ViewProduct.aspx?id=1213

amina acid http://www.bioglan.com.au/vitamin.asp?productID=14

vitamin b http://www.mjhealthandbeauty.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=40832909

11-08-2009, 06:14 AM
Hi Hanino,

Thanks again for your advice.

The figures I gave for the magnesium are per tablet. Recommended dosage for both my B vitamins and magnesium supplement is 2 tablets per day. If I were to follow this recommendation I would be getting a total of 630mg magnesium phosphate + 880mg magnesium oxide per day. Maybe I'll just take 1 of each. At present I am only taking the B-vitamins.

The Amino Acid Complex I bought is made by Pretorius. Unfortunately I can't post the link, but of all the info is on their website.

I tried using the herbal sedatives to get to sleep last night but it didn't work. At 2am I gave up on the herbs and took medication (Oxezepam). I will see my doctor tomorrow and ask if it is OK to start taking the magnesium supplement whilst still taking medication. Failing that, I will try comming off meds again next weekend.

11-08-2009, 06:26 AM
Hi 1970,

Thanks for the link. I'll keep it in mind incase my Amino Acid Complex tablets don't work.

I was planning to discontinue meds incase there is a reaction with the magnesium. But unfortunately I can't sleep without the meds so I will keep taking them for now. I am not using Zoloft, I am on Oxazepam/Alepam.


11-08-2009, 11:17 PM
Hi Niq

is this the amino complex you mean


What state in Aus are you , im in nsw

11-09-2009, 05:33 AM
1970, that's the one - cheers!
I am over in Perth.

I spoke to my doctor today and he gave me the all clear to start taking magnesium. I will still be taking meds to sleep.

11-10-2009, 12:18 PM
I thought id register here and post, purely so that i can feed back how i get on...

I found out about magnesium and anxiety last night by accident (the wife is struggling with heart palpitations and tiredness so googled found magnesium and saw it was good for anxiety) so went out this afternoon and bought a few things recommended by the guy in the health food shop

then i found this site and it mentions amino acids (im not sure entirely what the are)..

anyway.. i started today on

+Combined Magnesium (250mg) and Calcium Tablet (500mg)
+Combined Vitamin B Complex (providing 50mg each of B1, B2, B6, B12, biothin, pantothenic acid, Niacin and 400ug of Folic Acid)
+Vitamin D 10ug/400iu
+Cod Liver Oil - Vit A 1250iu, Vit D 135iu

really my question is about this amino fuel.. i understand it has loads of B vitamins, what does it offer that i am not getting from the vitamin B complex, if i can find it in the UK do i stop the vitamin B complex and switch to that...

it does seem magnesium is the big help so Im guessing that is the main thing..

ok.. i found this that i can get locally...
At the holland and barrett website enter the following two in the search box
a) 000837
b) 004112
(i understand the anti spam thing but its frankly stupid that someone cant post links till ten posts, if like me they want advice.. talk about how to make an anxious person anxious..) :D

IS this the sort of thing, and can i take this along with the Vitamin B complex that i am already taking (along with D, A and Magnesium/Calcium)

if so im back there tommoro to get some and see if i can get this shifted..

(ive had anxiety since february.. seriously for the first month and then it progessively got worse till july, since then it improved slowly, and for the last month has been levelled out, but very much there... the last two days however it is really back with a vengrance.. eye sight is fuzzy and there is two of me again)..

i came off caffeine etc 8 months ago.. and am taking no other meds (ive been prescribed citalopram but not taken it yet)

11-11-2009, 10:58 AM

Thanks, I am going to suggest getting a liquid and not a pill, a liquid will absorb much easier. I Take TwinLabs Amino Fuel It has B1, B2, B6 and B12 vitamins in it which are needed for the aminos to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. I didn't take the full 3 Table Spoons full I have a Nyquil Cup I just measure out 3/4 of an ounce a once a day. I run a butt of a spoon around in the cup to get the rest once I drink it, its kind of think and don’t want to waste any. I also take L Glutamine powder mixed in a few ounces of water it's tasteless.

OK, this is what i am wondering.. went out today and got two things (there was an offer in the shop so i thought i may as well)...

first: liquid amino, contains at the lowest end 87mg tyrosine per dose, through to 3394mg of clycene at the higher end.. each dose is 30ml, or two tablespoons, with a recommendation of three times a day...
now frankly at £13 a bottle, i cant afford the bottle to only last 10 days, and i notice

now adding up the g of each 2 tablespoon serving it comes to around 15,000mg per serving.. the same as a 1 tablespoon serving of the nitro fuel of whatever it is, so am i right in thinking about 30ml a day, or 15,000mg of the various things (1 serving should suffice)

the tablet versions i picked up cos they where virtually free, but i dont think they offer that much they contain per tablet 1000mg of stuff. .and they are the size of doorstops...


ok, ive settled on this...

this morning i took:
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin D
Cod Liver Oil

then this evening
Magnesium/Calcium (ive now got liquid form 300mg Mag/500mg cal)
two tablespoons of the foul tasting amino flued diluted in a little water (as per the instructions)

the morning tablets where taken with breakfast
the evening liquids with dinner

Question: is this suitable... and is two tablespoon (15,000mg amino) sufficient for the day when the recommended is 3x30ml or is that relevant to body builders etc
Question: Reading around the net i also see thats its says take amino between meals, an hour before or after, is this correct.. in which case todays dose just before dinner was probably wrong.. one article i read says you can mix in with fruit juice, that would certainly be a more palatable afternoon drink..

11-12-2009, 02:14 PM
this really is the most unpleasant thing ive ever tasted in my life.. even in orange juice it is still foul...

and three doses in (well two of aminos) i have wind like blazes (i always get wind, but this is something special.. :D)

11-12-2009, 06:26 PM


Since you have a more wind than usual this might suggest you have a digestive problem (I hardly ever wind) you might want to try having one or two pineapple slices or some papaya when you take the supplements that will aid in digestion which should cut down on the wind.

Remember those higher does are for body builders. Take it once a day more is not better it's only more expensive that way, getting the brain back on track does not take much, just takes a little time. Take it and forget about till the next day. I don't think taking them with food would hurt but I didn't and I don't suggest it unless you have stomach irritation.

This is how I did it when I first started on the Amino Fuel, Magnesium Chloride and L-Glutamine Powder. I was set this is how I would get the best results and it worked.

First thing out of bed in the mornings on an empty stomach 1 ounce Amino Fuel in a NyQuil cup, a little over a level teaspoon L-Glutamine Power in about 3 to 4 ounces of water and 1 Magnesium Chloride tablet which was half the daily recommended does with as little water as it took to get it down. Once you get better you can cut it down to 2 or 3 times a week and who knows with a good diet after several months you might not need it at all.

You might want to get some L-Glutamine Powder it aides in the detox process of the brain.

Jump starting the Metabolic process going out of Catabolic state is the deal, if you need to lose weight it's possible you can do it sitting in a chair with a balanced diet. Read above again.

The Body Fortress Liquid Aminos looks like it would be the next best thing to the Amino Fuel sure a B Vitamin Complex would be Okay with it and needed.

For the daily allowances of vitamins it's best if you read up and get the info yourself.

If you need any references go to GNC.com look up the Amino Fuel then click the product info tab to get the ingredients and content amounts.

Read my friend Read..!! You're doing the right thing.

Let me know how you do, if you need any help please ask.


11-13-2009, 06:16 PM
and three doses in (well two of aminos) i have wind like blazes (i always get wind, but this is something special.. :D)

haha, I hear you. That stuff is rocket fuel! I though it might have been the l-glutamine causing it, but if you're only taking the aminos then that must be the culprit.

Ah well, if it helps with the anxiety then I'm all for it. Fluorescent pee & flatuence ftw!

Btw, the amino acids I am taking are in some type of gel capsule. No foul taste, and the capsule should release the liquids pretty quickly upon comming into contact with stomach acids.

11-13-2009, 06:18 PM
and three doses in (well two of aminos) i have wind like blazes (i always get wind, but this is something special.. :D)

haha, I hear you. That stuff is rocket fuel! I though it might have been the l-glutamine causing it, but if you're only taking the aminos then that must be the culprit.

Ah well, if it helps with the anxiety then I'm all for it. Fluorescent pee & flatuence ftw!

Btw, the amino acids I am taking are in some type of gel capsule. No foul taste, and the capsule should release the liquids pretty quickly upon comming into contact with stomach acids.

ive got tablet form as well, and they had capsules, but the content was about 1/100th of what was in the liquid so i went with that...

the tablets are the size of small countries..

11-13-2009, 06:54 PM

What brand of Aminos did you get in a Gel-Cap?

The Amino Fuel is juicing you up? huh That's interesting, it's never done that to me.

Just hang with it guys, I'm sure you'll be happy.


11-13-2009, 06:58 PM
Im on the tablet form and only on day 2, havent noticed any change yet but its only early on so far

Keeping my fingers crossed it works, some relief would be so good at the moment, i can live with anxiety but if i could just get rid of the dizziness and the tight head feelings i would be so much better


11-13-2009, 08:01 PM

What brand of Aminos did you get in a Gel-Cap?

The Amino Fuel is juicing you up? huh That's interesting, it's never done that to me.

Just hang with with it guys, I'm sure you'll be happy.


its settled down a bit today (3rd day on the aminos).. yesterday was horrendous, smelt like somebody had died..

discovered the right amount of water as well today.. took about half a pint with the two tablespoons, but it was drinkable...

Im on the tablet form and only on day 2, havent noticed any change yet but its only early on so far

Keeping my fingers crossed it works, some relief would be so good at the moment, i can live with anxiety but if i could just get rid of the dizziness and the tight head feelings i would be so much better


whats the content of the tablets...?

the ones i found where fairly low in aminos, i think it was about 1000mg total, whereas the liquid i found was 15,000mg

11-14-2009, 07:44 PM
well day four.. and i think maybe they are helping.. maybe its just me..

vitamins where a hell of a lot easier to take.. ive never really taken tablets and a few months ago when i breifly took sleeping tablets i had to stop after two weeks cos i just couldnt swallow them..

even the biggest of the vitamins (the b complex) went straight down today..

the amino flued is becoming less intolerable...

my anxiety has dropped towards the end of the week, the metalic taste in my mouth has gone finally.. but this may just be my natural routine.. i had been fairly good for about three weeks then had two really really bad days so i may just be returning to more of my normal anxiety levels..
the wind of the first few days has dropped off, and the first few days of the vitamins i i was feeling a bit weird afterwards.. still feel a bit yuck after the aminos but not nearly so bad..

did go to the shops twice today without even thinking about it, and returning from the shop i pushed it pretty hard up the hill (i ride) and didnt have any problems (very often breathlessness causes me some panic).. so that could be a positive sign..

a couple of moments of wandering off as i call it (derealisation) but nothing major.. ive had a couple of short mellow spells (lying down, relaxation music on) to keep myself chilled...

now im back to roughly where i was prior to mondays downturn, so it will be interesting to see what happens over the next few days/weeks

11-17-2009, 07:39 AM
about a week in.. dont really know if i feel better or not.. certainly feel better than last mon/tue but wether thats the natural routine or the various things doing their job.. will find out over the next week

last two days my erm, poo, has turned a yellowy/green/pale brown colour though :o

11-17-2009, 05:46 PM

Sounds like you're having digestive problems to me.

Like I told eat some pineapple or papaya when you take the Aminos, it's probably best to eat some 20 or 30 minutes before you take the Aminos! Just hang in there.

If you're not taking Glutamine you need too. If the problem persist get a good Whey Protein powder high in Glutamine. If you decide to get some read the label some of them are full of artificial ingredients, you want one as natural as possible.


11-17-2009, 06:00 PM

Sounds like you're having digestive problems to me.

Like I told eat some pineapple or papaya when you take the Aminos, it's probably best to eat some 20 or 30 minutes before you take the Aminos! Just hang in there.

If you're not taking Glutamine you need too. If the problem persist get a good Whey Protein powder high in Glutamine. If you decide to get some read the label some of them are full of artificial ingredients, you want one as natural as possible.


my digestive system has always been erm.. interesting.. :D
i seem fairly susceptible to wind, and am, shall we say regular about half an hour after getting up

the liquid i have contains 1500mg of L-glutamic acid, is that anything to do with glutamine..

i think my bodies just having a bit of a transition.. its gone from a standing start to B, D, Cod Liver, Calcium/Magnesuim and Aminos..

will hold off on the aminos today and see if it makes a difference tommoro (or maybe its the magnesium), that gives me tommoro to find some pineapple.. and see what this glutamine stuff is..

11-18-2009, 12:02 AM

Ah I see your digestive system has always been a little off kilt, (not good) this could be reason why you have Anxiety and I bet it is. I am a strong believer that most problems people have all start in the stomach and the small intestines, other than just have a poor diet in general. You have to able to digest and absorbed nutrients from food to be healthy. Look it this way, if the food sits in your stomach not starting the digestive process, all that’s happening is the fat from the food is being extracted as fat is the easiest thing to be digested, Protein being the hardest, which Protein is the most important. It just turns into a unusable rotting mass of gelatinous goo lol. On the other hand, if food passed though to quickly the nutrients from food will not be absorbed.

You need to look into which foods that will get your intestines back on track and functioning properly. A good Whey protein powder high in Glutamine would be a good start. I'm sure you will be surprised what a good protein powder high in Glutamine with intestine friendly food would do for your problem a good chelated Mineral is really a must for the intestines too and Vitamin D. If you decide to look into protein powder make sure you read about the product some of them are full of artificial ingredients which might not be good for the problem but a natural one would be a big help for ya.

You have to have your body in balance and it's not hard to get it in balance when it's out of balance, proper protein intake is key.

Please check out the Protein Calculator. You have to have a certain amount of protein day for your age and body weight.

http://www.healthcalculators.org/calcul ... rotein.asp (http://www.healthcalculators.org/calculators/protein.asp)

L-glutamic acid is not the same thing as L-Gluatmine.

L-Gluatmine as any other amino acid, a major role in protein synthesis, it's necessary and a must, you need to have it!! It plays a major role in detoxifying the brain.
Regulation of acid-base balance in the kidney by producing ammonium. Cellular energy source, next to glucose Nitrogen donor for many anabolic processes Carbon source, refilling the Citric acid cycle.

L-glutamic acid is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate nervous system. At chemical synapses, glutamate is stored in vesicles. Nerve impulses trigger release of glutamate from the pre-synaptic cell.
Notice "Nerve impulses" being deficient in this AA is one reason why people experience heart palpitations, muscle twitches or any sort of involuntary muscle movement as nerve cells are misfiring, it’s rough trust me I know, I'm glad it's a thing of the past.

I would not stop taking the Amino Fuel, take the above advice.

If you need any help just ask.


11-18-2009, 02:39 AM

Just reading through this post again and as you i have bought the amino complex tablets as the liquid is pretty hard to find in aus, looking at the ones you bought and the one i bought the L-Gluatmine acid is only 65mg per tablet where as the liquid amino as described in this thread is 2026mg per 45 ml serve theres a fair difference there

maybe its why im not really feeling any different from it. might be the same with you

think i might have to buy the liquid form and try that

11-18-2009, 09:18 AM

Ah I see your digestive system has always been a little off kilt,

its always been, erm, enthusiastic, probably for 20 years.. diet is pretty good though, fair amount of fresh veg, white meat, fish, very little red meat, fair amount of rice, pulses etc. virtually no alcohol, no caffeiene...

will look at those glutawotsits.. but not today.. im hiding in the house wrapped in a blanket..

i think the colour change may be more down to the fact that last night i start sneezing like an idiot, this morning i woke up barely able to move, sweating like a pig, blocked up like anything, and seem to have caught whatever it is that the wife has been suffering with for the last three days... i have the strenght of a two year old child today.. damn winter colds..

edit: friday, now onto my third day of being sofa/bed ridden with the flu from hell.. so have been taking all my vitamins but magnesium liquid and aminos have gone out of the window for a couple of days.. franly i couldnt stomach them.. undoes the work a bit. but ho hum.. :/

11-20-2009, 01:58 PM
Hamino - I just wanted to let you know my experience. I've suffered from anxiety for the last 8 or so years to the point where I was fearful of everything and nothing. I've tried various meds, countless hours and years of self help reading, counselling and nothing has really helped. 3 weeks ago I read this thread and the following day I went out and bought some magnesium, L-Glutamine, zinc, B vitamins and free form amino acids and began taking them. Well, for the last week or so my life has been wonderful. I can't remember the last time I actually felt happy and now I'm scooting along to work just happy about nothing. My life's been transformed and I just wanted to let you know and thank you for that.

11-20-2009, 09:03 PM
wow tangent that is awesome news, congratulations on feeling so much better

i have been going about 1 week on them so hopefully i can get to the point where you are soon
:goodjob: :goodjob:

11-21-2009, 11:28 AM
Hanino, this is what going to be taking:

MAG 64 Magnesium Chloride (delayed release)

and or both

GNC Calcium Plus 1000 w/ Magnesium (500mg/125%)

Twinlab Amino Fuel (32 FL OZ)

Sci-Fit BCAA powder (5 grams per serving)

GNC Mega Men (multi-vitamin w/ B-50)

Flaxseed Oil

Fiber Powder

Whey Protein powder

L-Glutamine powder (5 grams per serving)

GABA powder





Also, I'm going to eliminate caffeine & alcohol, reduce my intake of sugar & simple carbs, drink nothing but water & crystal lite, and excersise & lift weights. I'm trying to get my weight from 160Ibs to 180Ibs at 5ft 8in. I'll have to eat a lot of lean proteins, high complex carbs and fats to get the extra weight.

The last time I weight lifted consistently, I got a huge confident boost without any supplements or great diet. It must of been the testostorone increase from the weight lifting.

11-21-2009, 11:30 AM
Also, I won't be taking any drugs or meds

11-21-2009, 03:35 PM

That’s great news I’m happy for you. You're quite welcome, congratulations! You might notice a few pleasant side effects such as stronger finger nails, stronger hair, clearer skin and if you need weight loss as you have most likely gone for the Catabolic state to the Metabolic state (if so your body is now utilizing protein the way it should) it’s possible you can lose weight sitting in a chair if you have decent diet. If you have any unhealthy addictions those should diminish, I know my cravings for chocolate dropped thru the floor.

When you’ve been taking them 4 to 6 months you should be able to cut back taking them too 2 to 3 times a week instead of everyday.

Do us a favor, please post the supplements you take they very well could be a big help to others, thanks.

Please continue to let us know how you progress.


I’m taking it that you’re having some problems with anxiety.
All the supplement you listed it looks like you will be taking the same things a few times over which may not work out so well if you’re having anxiety. You need to be careful you do not OVER do it, you can take to many Amino acids and other supplements which could lead to a worsening of the condition or worse.

The brain is the most important organ in our bodies it ultimately controls every known biochemical pathway throughout the body. The brain contains as many as 100 billion nerves or neurons. These nerve cells interconnect with each other in an overwhelming melange numbering one quadrillion and possibly more.
Source: http://www.attentiondeficit-add-adhd.com/attention_deficit_disorder_amino_acids.htm
So if you're having anxiety you really need to get that under control before you try and promote muscle growth. Again if you're having anxiety, you need to start simple before jumping headlong in to such a massive amount of Aminos and supplements to promote muscle growth or rid yourself of anxiety.

I would start by taking the MAG 64 Magnesium Chloride, Twinlab Amino Fuel and the L-Glutamine powder. I would leave all other supplements by the wayside for the time being. Once you’re better then hit the weights but WAIT till you're better then up your protein intake.

Please take as directed more is not better it takes time to work.


*edit: added quote and source [shoe]

11-22-2009, 10:05 AM
ok.. flu is kinda shifted.. still feel crap but less than before..
found l-glutamine tablets today so im back on the routine

amino liquid as before
L-glutamine 500mg (one tablet daily)

and then magnesium liquid, vitamin B complex, and vitamin D...

+vitamins with lunch
+amino liquid between lunch and dinner (preceded by pineaple - my afternoon snack)
+magnesium, and glutamine tablets at dinner

lets see what happens.

so today is kinda day 1 or 12 depending on the view.. :D
XXXXXXXX---X < ok.. seven days in a row, 3 days off, now back on..

11-22-2009, 12:54 PM
Hi Hamino - yes, I've been taking daily - Magnesium Oxide 250 mg, Zinc 2.5 mg, L-Glutamine 500mg, Health Aid Free form Multi amino acids - 3 a day, 5-HTP 150mg, Vitamin B complex (1-12) & Valerian Root 450mg. I know you recommend the magnesium chloride and amino fuel, so do you think I could improve even more if If I took these instead and is there any further advice you could offer?

My weight is Ok and I do sports anyway. One thing I have noticed though is that I'm getting a number of headaches and I've never really suffered from them before.

Another thing though that I am finding I have to adjust to, is that now I don't feel the anxiety and fear like I did before, that feelings of excitement, nervousness etc are kind of new to me again and to accept them and not be concerned that they represent the old fears coming back again. It is all very exciting and like having a new life - I know that sounds a bit over dramatic but that's the way it feels.

11-22-2009, 06:46 PM

I've taken most of the supplements I listed in the past except for L-Theanine, L-Tirosine, and GABA. One time I was consuming over 100g of protein from supplements & weight gainers. I also had a daily consumption of around 4000 calories. I managed to gain 7Ibs in 3 weeks; I felt like a machine until I starting drinking again and I quit working out and lost the 7Ibs.

One time I took xanax and it completely (100%) wiped out my social anxiety (I felt so normal on it) but the after effects gave me 3-4 days of increased anxiety. So, I'm really hoping the GABA supplements will be beneficial.

But uh, some amino acid supplements like Arginine or Alanine can increase your anxiety as well as creatine. Also, I feel uneasy if I take something over a B-100. So, I know what to look for. I've been taking 100mg of 5-HTP and I've been having the weirdest dreams and colors on the T.V. appear to be brighter.

11-22-2009, 09:31 PM

Since you’re feeling better I would stick with what you’re doing now, however if you’re having headaches I would quit the Zinc, the Zinc and the Sulpher in Aminos could be butting heads so to speak. I'm willing to bet it's the Zinc. When you run out of what you have now then try Magnesium Chloride, I know it worked for me. Since you getting better you will continue to improve!!

I don’t believe it’s being dramatic looks more like excitement to me which is good. I’m "HAPPY" you’re on the mend don’t worry about it coming back because there’s strong chance it won’t, mine hasn't not once and it's been over a year and half. Just don’t get over zealous and start taking too much and you will fine, so enjoy.

Thanks for posting what you have been taking.


Ouch went from lifting to drinking? Not good. Before you start up on the GABA supplements you need to give the Amino Fuel a chance it has L-Glutamic Acid in it, your brain will convert it into GABA, which I feel is the best bet, let the brain function like it was made to do. That’s interesting that colors are more vivid too you now it’s probably due to increase blood flow, which is good.

If you need help JW ask it’s seems like you have a good idea about what you’re dealing with. Please take it easy with those supplements more is not better.

Guys let me know how you continue to do, thanks.


11-23-2009, 01:44 AM
just got my twin lab aminno fuel today and had the 45ml dose,

do you ever get used to that stuff it is the worst thing i have ever tasted, though if it does help thats ok

11-23-2009, 03:49 PM
part 2, day 2, or day 10...

on the whole my anxiety is down, then again i had my first full on panic attack in about a month today so who knows.. i think though that was down to still being recovering from whatever flu/virus hit me last week, woke up week as hell, had breakfast and stupidly didnt have lunch on time, 3pm went to shower before having some food, dizzy as anything, which brought on full panic, first the lips went numb, then the tongue, then heartrate went through the roof, taken all evening to come down from it... but i blame that on the virus and the fact that i am so stupid i did not have regular lunchtime meal.. note to self: regular mealtimes are important..!!!!!!!

On the whole though anxiety does seem less, but who knows.. ive still taken the aminos today even though i convinced myself earlier that they where the reason i had todays problems at that it wasnt a panic attack, its the aminos giving my high bp, dodgy heart and everything else..

11-23-2009, 08:29 PM
Ok, I've been taking some supplements:

Starting two days ago, I started things off with: Multi-vitamin/mineral w/ B-50, Calcium(1g)/Magnesium(500mg) tabs, Amino Fuel, Flaxseed Oil, Fiber powder, Glutamine and 5-HTP.

This evening I got some more supplements: Mag 64 Magnesium Chloride (32% Mag), L-Tyrosine and L-Theanine

I took the first group this afternoon and the second group this evening. I also ran 1.5 miles and lifted weights today. I haven't drank any caffiene or sodas today as well.

I have to say I'm feeling more relaxed and easy going. Its still early, so it's hard to say if this is a success but I'm seeing progress. I'm guessing this is a combination of the excersise, my diet and the supplements. I'll post more in a week.

Also, I'm going to practice exposure more. Cosistent exposure can do wonders. And another thing, I'm practicing self hypnosis. I know it sounds gay but a lot of leaders and atheletes do it, so it can't be that gay. I'm trying everything. I'm going to reprogram my brain. No more worrying what others think.

11-26-2009, 07:23 AM
Ok, I've been on the amino acids, magnesium & B-vitamins for two and a half weeks now so it's time for an update. To say that I have been cured would certainly be premature, but I have seen some substantial improvements in this time. There has been a lot of 2-steps-forwards, 1.8-steps-backwards but overall I am heading in the right direction.

I noticed the most significant improvement within the first couple of days. The anxiety really stepped down a couple of notches when I first started taking the supplements. It's now been over 1 week since I've had any serious anxiety attacks, and I'm really stoked about that. Unfortunately the panic attacks still weren't showing any remorse, but I have learnt other techniques to deal with them.

I have given up on the L-glucosamine. I seem to have more trouble sleeping on the days that I've taken that stuff. Since discontinuing it I am sleeping much better.

I will stick with the aminos, magnesium & B-vitamins and hopefully things will continue to improve. Thanks Hanino!

11-28-2009, 01:34 AM
thank you for this thread! i looked around the net for some info & yes. amino acids & magnesium are DEFINITELY needed for those who suffer anxiety! here are some notes, hope theyre useful for you guys!

Amino Acids
- chemicals that make neurotransmitters
- neurotransmitters are substances such as serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine, having a low amount of these in your system can lead to a bout of anxiety
- important in combating anxiety and depression because they make the neurotransmitters that can elevate your mood.
- amino acid deficiency is affected by poor diet, pollution, lifestyle.
- stimulants (such as caffine/soda/energy drinks) can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of neurotransmitters.
- prescription meds reduce symptoms but dont fix the problem. they trick ur body into metabolizeing serotin (neurotransmitter) & if ur off medication ur body goes into withdrawal. taking amino acids is a better option
- found in these foods -> red meat, fowl (turkey, chicken), wild-caught fish, nuts and seeds, eggs, and milk.
- lack of dietary protein causes amino acid deficiency, so it’s always important to eat protein at every meal in a healthy ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% healthy fat
- eating protein during every meal can reduce the symptoms of anxiety
- eating a small protein snack, instead of a sugary refined snack, can immediately help relieve anxiety attacks, because amino acids are being replenished by the intake of protein.

- magnesium (along with calcium and vitamin d) can reduce your risk for osteoporosis
- been found to protect your heart and can guard against arrhythmias or irregular heart beats.
- body needs magnesium to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which powers all your bodily functions and reactions.
- mag. deficiency causes ATP production to fall, and the body forms lactic acid instead. Excessive levels of lactic acid causes anxiety and irritability symptoms.
- deficiency also causes signs of stress in the adrenal gland which results in physiological tension in the body
- required in the production of prostaglandin hormones which helps reduce anxiety and agoraphobia.
- aids in stabilising mood swings and when taken before bedtime, it relaxes muscles, relieves tension and induces restful sleep.
- particularly beneficial for women as it helps alleviate emotionally triggered PMS symptoms, crankiness and abdominal cramps.
- oral supplements it is best absorbed when taken in conjunction with calcium & vit. D
- magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, and magnesium taurate
- helps the body process fat and protein, and is important for the secretion of parathyroid hormones
- vital role in the formation of bones and teeth
- is needed by the adrenals as a basic building block for the manufacturing of hormones
- since stressed adrenals create depression & mood disorders, anything which supports adrenal function will help these conditions. Because magnesium supports adrenal function, it can and was indeed found to have an antidepressant effect
- will give you strenght & energy if you are experiencing fatigue
- is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, without sufficient magnesium the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages and become excitable and highly reactive. this causes the person to become extremely sensitive and nervous. lights can appear to be too bright
- stress depletes magnesium; magnesium counteracts stress
- when magnesium levels are low, the nervous system gets out of balance and the muscles grow tight which leads to elevated mental stress
- magnesium gained its name as nature's anti-stress mineral due to its helpfulness in combating internal stress and in the restoration of inner balance
- best dose for women ages 19-30: 310 mg/day.

11-28-2009, 11:46 AM
well im 5 days into the second spell after a four day break for flu

so far so good... im still having panicky moments and when i do i still get the same metalic mouth, upset stomach, all the same old anxiety symptoms, but at the moment, the general constant nagging anxiety seems to have dropped off..


1/went out on the bike with the wife and met freinds for lunch < first usual problem, just meeting people, having lunch can be problematic
Blistering head pain as we sat down to the table, but no anxiety followed

2/rode home in the cold and pouring rain < second usual problem, i really struggle with anxiety in the cold

3/ Then went with them in the car < 4th problem.. hate travelling in cars

4/ and went to the supermarket and shopped for an hour <5th problem, cannot usually cope with supermarkets.. the lighting destroys me, in fact he person we went with (wifes sister) also struggles with anxiety and she had real problems shopping today

all went through, inscathed, pretty much anxiety free...

dont know if its the vits aminos etc, but, its a start whatever is doing it..

Ive also just found amino fuel online in uk.. much more cost effective then the liquid amines i got from h&b

12-01-2009, 10:30 AM
Hi Hamino

Just a quick update really. It's been 3 weeks since I started the supplements and on the whole my anxiety has kind of gone. The only thing is I seem to be suffering stress at work and thought I would be better able to cope, with the fears having been lessened and the anxiety reduced. I'm just worrying now that the anxiety is coming back and the initial improvement I made was just a sort of placebo effect, as you will. I'll keep on though and see if I can come through this rough patch. Regards.

12-01-2009, 11:13 AM
im a week into the retake and have been four days clear of the underlying anxiety...

the anxiety is still there, if i have to go out somewhere i am still worrying beforehand, still anxious about going out etc.. ive not really done much outside the house, but have made a couple of trips to the shops the last few days and despite being anxious beforehand, have had no anxiety once im out and about...

at the moment.. they seem to be working.. like i say, only 1 full week into being back on them again..

seeing the doctor for my reg appt next week so im going to ask him about them, and ask why the hell he never told me about vitamin B before.. :D

12-02-2009, 03:46 PM
hmmm.. five good days, followed by a crap day...

partly my own fault.. im very meal dependant etc.. and today went a bit wrong...

woke up, gas had run out so gas was off, cold house, couldnt make a cup of tea, so had a cold breakfast and hid in bed, then at lunchtime went out to get gas so by the time i got back i was cold, hungry and already a bit woozy... had lunch but the afternoon all went a bit flakey..

thankfully didnt go past a rapid heartbeat and that rather annoying heartbeat you feel all over your body (you know the one when it feels like your heart is in your foot, or your arm or somewhere random)...

think its just an off day.. annoying because id had five really good days...
(im also putting it down to acidentaly missing my L-glutamine yesterday)

hopefully tomorow is a good one..

12-10-2009, 12:14 AM
maybe this thread can be made a sticky

12-10-2009, 02:58 AM
I think Hamino's 'cure' should be announced from the rooftops. Just an update from me. I'm over 4 weeks into my 'trial' and can confirm that, despite, my earlier post about stress, my fearful anxiety feelings (fight and flight) have not re-emerged. So, I'm keeping on with the supplements and trying to enjoy my new found life and trying to re-educate myself as to what the correct responses should be. As well as taking the supplements, I have two self help books on the go and I'm finding that I'm now better able to absorb the CBT based material about negative thinking; something that's become a bit ingrained and needs correcting. Cheers for now.

12-10-2009, 11:22 PM
Hamino is my hero. For the last couple of weeks I've been feeling like crap. I use to suffer from really bad anxiety attacks back in 98 and since I had some bad times recently, they came back, not as bad though. I don't want them to escalate so I decide to do some research online and found this site and Hamino's post. I decide to give it a try. I bought A Multivitamin at GNC, which has the B-Complex and Magnesium and after 2 days I started to come around. I have a little nervousness, but I'm managing. I feel so much better. My appetite is a little poor and sleeping is really bad, if I don't take a Tyenol PM, I don't fall asleep until 5am:(
I bought the Amino Acids today so hopefully my anxiety will disappear all together. We need to keep this topic going and spread the word

12-16-2009, 08:42 PM
Hey that's good guys glad you're doing better, stick with it. Try not to over think it, just let it work.


12-19-2009, 01:30 AM
Hi Hanino and others. I posted here several months ago about my success with a gluten-free diet and cure of my anxiety/panic attacks through dietary measures. Anyways, it has been a while since I have been back on here and I find it wonderful Hanino that your post is still extremely popular! I have some things I would like to post about new information I found out recently.

I went to a seminar a few months ago where a world-famous doctor spoke about many health issues. A good portion of the talk was about magnesium and about how important and vital it is to everyone, not to mention how over 90% of the population is supposedly deficient in it. He talked about the best way of getting magnesium is through additional supplementation, however, orally is supposedly not the best way since it can cause digestive upsets and it is not always absorbed well. Anyways, he said transdermal magnesium is the fastest way to go to get the levels up in the body. I have since gotten some and it works great! I really notice a difference pretty much right away, like a calming effect. I think those who have had trouble with other kinds should do a search around for this kind of stuff and try it out. Also, he did say the second best kind if you can't do that is to get magnesium taurate. It has a lower incidence of causing stomach issues when taking it, however it is not as effective as the transdermal kind.

Since the seminar, I have been making sure to take cod liver oil and have found it to be really great too. I have read a lot about it and it seems people who take the liquid forms instead of the capsule forms appear to have better success with it. So I have been taking liquid cod liver oil and even though it's not very appealing, it works pretty good for me!

Also, something I have been trying is inositol. I have read it is related to the B-vitamins and is a non-essential amino acid found in foods. There have been studies done and it has been found to be effective in helping people with anxiety and other disorders. It has really helped with some recent mood upsets that I have been having and have been taking a low-dose of it. I have really noticed a huge difference!!!! This stuff is really wonderful!!

And finally, I don't know if I posted this on here before, but a wonderful book to read that has great information is called "Don't Drink Your Milk" by Frank A. Oski. The book has a part that talks about a psychiatrist who began finding out that his patients with mental illnesses (like anxiety and depression) were really just suffering from food intolerances or allergies. Once he was able to figure out which foods were causing problems with his specific patients, he would have them go off of those foods and their symptoms would vanish. When I read this, it was like reading about me!! I had already found out my food intolerances and allergies by going on an elimination diet, but to see it written out in a book made all the difference that I wasn't the only one to see a cure for my anxiety. This book is really highly suggested! Anyways, I hope this information helps others like it did for me.

12-27-2009, 06:42 AM
Im up so early because my anxiety is keeping me up! I will be going to GNC today to buy the Magnesium and Amino Fuel like you suggested. Thank you so much for your post and I will let you know how it works.
Thanks a bunch
Happy New Year!

12-28-2009, 07:16 PM

Thank you, Happy New Year to you too. Don't forget the L-Glutamine powder!

Thanks for the great post care berry.

01-10-2010, 11:54 PM
Hi Hanino

I'm just over 8 weeks into taking the supplements and wondering if they are beginning to wear off. I'm still taking 500mg of magnesium, L_Glutamine and zinc, along with a vitamin and amino acid supplements. My initial reaction to beginning to take these was great and my anxiety had virtually gone and I even reported on feelings of happiness coming through! Now my anxiety seems to be creeping back and it seems as though the supplements are no longer having the same effect. Am I doing something wrong or expecting too much? I had also been taking L-Tyrosine, although not so much lately; could this be what I'm missing?

01-11-2010, 10:05 AM
That's definitely different from what I've heard. I'll definitely keep that in mind!

01-11-2010, 09:25 PM
Wow 500mg of magnesium? I have been taking 100mg a day for about a month now. Should I be taking more? I started taking it for anxiety and muscle cramping, and I had been wondering what the recommended dosage was for a woman in her twenties...i asked my pharmacist but she doesn't speak english very well and I couldn't understand what she said :/

01-14-2010, 02:12 PM
Hi all,

Just went through this thread a second time and cleaned up a number of posts that didn't provide source URL's and quotes. A reminder to all: when quoting another page, PLEASE use the 'Quote' button as well as providing a URL (with the URL button).

As to my opinions on Hanino's supplement program, I can say that it sounds to me like Hanino is on to something, but I can't say for sure that it will be a miracle cure for people.

I've taken protein powders (which include amino acids, though in a powder form) and BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) supplements, as well as L-Glutamine in the past when I was seriously involved in weight-lifting. I can say they definitely helped with my energy and weight-lifting, and I definitely didn't have any mood problems at the time - but I did still have some anxiety.

Now, I'm not saying this to discredit anything Hanino is saying, just trying to let people know that what works for one person may not work for all. Still, he's definitely done his research and I've taken an interest in this supplement program myself (also, I wasn't on Magnesium way back when I was into BCAA's..).

Having said that, I'm giving this supplement program a test! I have always been one to give alternative therapies that have some logic (or research) behind them a try. I will try it out for a while and see if I improve. I can't see it hurting, as amino acids are pretty important.

One thing I'm still pondering is the Magnesium issue. I recall this being a bit of a debated topic - i.e. which form is the best? I read that Magnesium Oxide, the most commonly found type of Magnesium, isn't absorbed as well as other types.

Magnesium Citrate is what I have used as I read it was the best (most well-absorbed) form a while back. The problem is, some think 'laxative' when they think of Mag. Citrate - but I'm fairly certain that's the liquid form. I've used Mag. Citrate in the pill form as a muscle relaxant the past few years, and have had success with it.

What I'm having trouble finding good info on is Magnesium Chloride, which Hanino suggests using... I've looked all over and this type is hardly ever mentioned on any of the reputable sites I've checked..

Anyway, I found a halfway decent article on Magnesium which explains a little bit about different forms of Magnesium:
(source: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=75

Magnesium can be purchased as a dietary supplement in one of two basic forms: chelated or non-chelated. "Chelated" means connected with another molecule. In the case of magnesium, the most common chelates fall into the category of amino acid chelates. In these supplements, magnesium is attached to a building block of protein (called an amino acid). The most widely-available amino acid chelates are magnesium glycinate, magnesium aspartate, and magnesium taurate.

Magnesium can also be attached to an organic acid (like citrate) or to a fatty acid (like stearate). The non-chelated forms of magnesium include magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, and magnesium carbonate. There is some research evidence that the chelated forms of magnesium (like magnesium citrate) are better absorbed than the non-chelated forms (like magnesium oxide).
Additionally, I'd like to note that while GNC is a decent store, I've never found decent deals on anything. I have just recently found a great deal on Amino Fuel at VitaminShoppe.com though ($13.39 for 32oz!) - but it's a limited time offer.

People can also search for it on sites like:
..and others

Anyway, my big 2 cents.. hehe.
(p.s. - I don't think this should become a sticky just yet.)

01-14-2010, 04:10 PM
In addition to the Twin Lab, is the following ok:

http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/ ... rodid=1008 (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=1102&prodid=1008)

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAGNESIUM-CHLORID ... 518c98211e (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAGNESIUM-CHLORIDE-520mg-x100Tabs-Very-hard-to-find_W0QQitemZ350251131166QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_He alth_Beauty_Vitamins_Supplements?hash=item518c9821 1e)

01-17-2010, 10:12 AM
Does taking all this in the morning reduce the symptoms for the whole day? The reason I ask is because my anxiety is normally ok in the morning but starts to creep up around lunchtime. The afternoons are when it peaks and during that time it can be very uncomfortable. Seems to ease off again once I've left work and walked home.

01-18-2010, 11:53 PM
Does taking all this in the morning reduce the symptoms for the whole day? The reason I ask is because my anxiety is normally ok in the morning but starts to creep up around lunchtime. The afternoons are when it peaks and during that time it can be very uncomfortable. Seems to ease off again once I've left work and walked home.

Hi Elgrande

I take 'all this' in the morning but I'm still suffering the anxiety the same as you, with a peak just after lunch (which I have sometimes thought to be the effects of low blood sugar) reducing as the day goes on and ok when I go home. Is this just work related stress though rather than a physiological imbalance - I wish I knew as my stress/anxiety is pretty full-on at the moment and I'm running out of ideas/patience trying to deal with it!

01-20-2010, 08:16 AM
Day 1 - Ok this is what I'm taking. I'm in the UK by the way:

Twin Lab
http://www.bodyexchange.co.uk/Protein/T ... 948ml.html (http://www.bodyexchange.co.uk/Protein/Twinlab+Amino+Fuel+Liquid+948ml.html)

L Glutamine
http://www.healthspark.co.uk/lglutamine ... p-167.html (http://www.healthspark.co.uk/lglutamine-powder-500g-p-167.html)

Magnesium Chloride 520mg
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAGNESIUM-CHLORID ... 518c98211e (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAGNESIUM-CHLORIDE-520mg-x100Tabs-Very-hard-to-find_W0QQitemZ350251131166QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_He alth_Beauty_Vitamins_Supplements?hash=item518c9821 1e)

Multi Vitamin
http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Complete- ... lets_2699/ (http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Complete-A-Z-Vitamins-90-Tablets_2699/)

Vitamin D3
http://www.highernature.co.uk/ShowProdu ... milyID=283 (http://www.highernature.co.uk/ShowProductFamily.aspx?ProductFamilyID=283)

High Strength fish oil

02-09-2010, 12:39 PM
It's now a month into this supplement program for me, and here's the result: my anxiety hasn't gone anywhere.

While the Magnesium, Amino Acids, and B-vitamins in this program help calm my nerves a tad bit, the effect is only slight (and temporary). I still have anxiety attacks and get worked up when I'm around people or dealing with stressful situations. Overall my anxiety problems are nearly the same.

There are definitely some reasons why taking such supplements is a good idea, especially if your diet is lacking - or if you are working out (where Protein/Amino Acids can help tremendously). But as a cure for anxiety? Nah - I don't believe supplements are the answer (though they may be part of a solution).

However, I'm only talking from my own experience. Just remember, every person is different - this program may work for Hanino, and possibly a few others - but not for everyone.

I'll continue on the program for another month (bought enough of it to last me), but I doubt I'll see anything different.

Anyway, that's my update.


02-11-2010, 07:43 PM
Not sure if this can even physically be possible, but I started taking 500mg of Magnesium two days ago during a week long bout with anxiety (I have had GAD for about 8 years) and it seems to have helped. Since I am on Effexor and Klonopin, I am going to talk to my doctor or pharmacist before beginning the amino acids, but those are the next step. I doubt they will interact badly, but I would feel more comfortable asking before just taking the aminos.

Thanks VERY much for this post.

If this upward trend continues, I will likely attempt to wean from the prescriptions; which has been my goal all along.

02-15-2010, 10:55 AM

Hey guys, popped back to update on how I have been on the above combination..

The first few weeks I seemed to have a good improvement, and then for the bulk of christmas it just levelled out and i stayed pretty much the same, about 2-3/10 for anxiety levels.

Over december 2 months in, i started finding i was feeling really weird, after the aminos, sickly and just didnt feel good on them , and i ditched the aminos completely in january (i have occasional dose maybe once a week).. along with the glutamine.

Dropping the aminos hasnt made a blind bit of difference at all, BUT i do notice if dont take the vitamin B in the morning, that definately has an impact, and if i dont take the magnesium in the evening, my sleep is even worse than it is usually (which is bad)

The vitamin D, whilst not seeming to do much has helped me avoid pretty much all the coughs and colds that went on over the weekend.

So for me, Vitamin B, Vitamin D and fish oils DEFINATELY, Magnesium, YES, Aminos, did nothing for me in fact made me feel worse..

What is has helped with is levelling me out somewhat, ive been a pretty steady 2-3/10 for the last few weeks which finally gave me the courage to kick off on the citalopram i was presecribed six months ago.. First one today. Now i just feel sick, wishy washy, off with the faires and when i close my eyes im seeing anyting from world war 1 trenches, to hanggliders and zulus.. :D

02-15-2010, 05:53 PM
Started the mag on 2/9 and the aminos 2 days ago. Not yet sure if the AAs are helping. But, its early. My anxiety still sucks, but I am not giving up on this yet. The AAs make my stomach feel a little weird, but not too bad.

Where's Hanino?

02-15-2010, 06:19 PM
So, I read this thread a few days ago and decided to give the Amino Acid and Magnesium a try. Today is my second day on it and I gotta say that I feel worse than before! I feel really... weird, nauseous, and crazy thirsty all day long. :sick: I actually feel like my anxiety has gotten a lot worse (and for the past few weeks it's been kind of under control) Has anyone else had these symptoms?

I'm going to keep at it for a week or 2 and hope that things will improve. I would love to live a normal life again...

02-26-2010, 11:16 PM
Hello Hanino I have been reading quite a few of your suggestions and replies and I'm amazed.
I started having panic attacks almost a year ago, I have received meds but I don't want to become addicted to something that has SO many side effects.

I made note of Amino Acids, Magnesium, L Glutamine so I would like to know if they must be taken together. Or is Mag and Amino Acids ok?

I am already taking Magnesium Citrate (I've been told that among other things, it promotes heart health) So can I substitute this for Magnesium cloride and start taking the Amino and OR L Glutamine with it?

Thanks in advance :)

02-27-2010, 01:28 PM
I havent eaten fruit or veg for 15 years(yes i know its wierd but i cant keep them down, its the texture thats sickening, not the taste), maybe the lack of certain vitamins has contributed to or even outright caused my anxiety issues? what type of foods can magnesium and AA be found in?

kung fu
03-02-2010, 08:59 PM

I found your post after a google search and have been doing this for under a week and the change has been incredible. I've had mild anxiety and panic attacks for 10yrs, but never realized it. I just thought what I was experiencing was normal.

I was even diagnosed with adult ADHD a few months ago after seeking professional help and prescribed Vyvanse, which was not something I wanted to take at all. I took it for a week and quit. I hate taking any medicine. I really doubt I have ADHD, those symptoms have also gone away.

Even went to the ER 2 times for bad panic attacks last Dec. but they couldn't tell me what was wrong and let me go. My own research educated me on what happened.

I also was diagnosed with sleep apnea a couple years ago and had my tonsils and uvula removed (do not recommend this). It did not help. I am now sleeping better than ever. I'm guessing the magnesium has alot to do with that.

I even bought all kinds of adrenal fatigue supplements because I thought I was suffering from that as well. Nothing has helped except for this.

All I have been taking is the twinlabs fuel and the magnesium oxide from GNC 500mg. Although I found magnesium chloride tonight and will be switching to that. I should say that I am taking 3tbsp of the fuel because I am training in martial arts and I think it will help in more areas than just my anxiety.

So, I want to thank you for all the information provided. I feel like a new man and I feel better each day...can't wait to feel the full results! I practice alternative healing (reiki, etc) and I know how it feels to get huge thanks from the person I help. Again, a huge thanks. I will post up results as I go forward.


03-18-2010, 07:47 PM
What a great post and what I have been searching for years! I am very leary of taking prescription meds due to side effects so I'm always searching for alternatives for my anxiety.

I was informed of this forum topic and was amazed and excited at how many are having such great results.

I'm taking antibiotics right now due to a sinus infection and have a couple of days left. I plan to go to GNC and purchase the Mag 500, L-Glutamine, Amino Fuel after I'm finished with the antibiotics. However, I did purchase some mag 250mg when I picked up my antibiotics. The pharmasicts stated that it would be ok to take the mag 1-hour prior or two hours after taking the antibiotic.

I'm on my second day of the mag and I haven't felt any anxiety today at all... My spirits were up and I feel so GOOD! My anxiety usually runs from the time I get out of bed until I go to bed. I usually wake up tired and feel sluggish through out the day.... but not today. I got out of the house, took my son and daughter to the park and I didn't feel anxiety at all... I even started conversations with other parents at the park which is something I never do because I suffer from social anxiety too. I cannot believe that I have had this reaction from a bottle of pills I purchased for only $8 at Walgreens. I have been dealing with anxiety literally since I can remember and I'm 36 years old now. Anxiety has literally taken over my life. I want to be an out-going person so bad and there are so many things I want to accomplish but my anxiety holds me back every time. My doc has always tried to get me on depression pills/anxiety pills but I would never do it because I've heard of all the bad side effects others have.

I am so thankful for this post! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

04-18-2010, 09:01 PM
Thank you glory2g & kung fu.

I'm happy to know that I have touched your lives in positive way.

Sorry I haven't been around much I'll try and fix that. lol

Oh at the end of next month it will be 2 years anxiety free!


04-19-2010, 04:51 PM
Very good information ! I had been taking Magnesium already, for quite a while, along with B-12 and fish oil caps. Was not aware of amino acids though for anxiety !

I took the amino Tyrosine a few year ago for weight loss and energy but it caused me to feel very anxious, so I stopped it.

One thing I would like to add for everyone : exercise ! it will get rid of excess adrenaline and increase endorphins.

Thanks again for this great post !

05-01-2010, 05:21 AM
What a great thread ... I've just spend the last hour reading all these posts and tho it may not work for some I am DEFINATELY going out to get these things and try it ... I'm also in Australia and hope I won't have too much difficulty in finding them.. I've taken note of Niq and 1970 who appear to be on my side of the world.

I've been suffering from anxiety for about 8 yrs.. very briefly to start with and progressively got worse... at the moment I am on my 5th BAD day of chest pains, h.aches, nausea, pains down my arms etc and am at my wits end... have been taking ENDEP to help me sleep at night and have not been taking the Lexipro medication for depression as prescribed (i'm NOT depressed) hoping this program works and will keep you up to date...

Thank you Hanino and well done to you and others who have benefited ( I WILL be one of them ) :lol:

05-01-2010, 03:33 PM
So glad i came across this thread, going to try this definately and by reading all of your posts it seems to have done you all some good!

05-17-2010, 03:14 AM
Just wondering if this will help with someone suffering constant negative repetive mind clutter?

05-17-2010, 03:32 AM
can't hurt anxiety-king, the thing with this strategy is you have nothing to lose (except the cost of buying the supplements)...
As you lessen ur anxiety, the chatter will also decrease.
i don't use the amino fuel coz im taking st johns wort, but mega vit b complex and magnesium has helped me a shitload
take care

05-17-2010, 07:03 AM
Have just popped down to the local health shop:

Sadly was only able to pick up the Magnesium Oxide in tablet format.
Bought something called B-Complex whch contains vits B2, B3, B5, B6, B12.
I-glutamine (in pill format - does that sound right)

Im really hoping that this might be a good start for me - problem I have is I tend to get really frustrated and impatient so I need to stick with this. Hopefully I can combine a bit of daily exercise and start listening to my self-hypnosis MP3's before I sleep which I gave up on after 2 nights.

05-20-2010, 06:22 AM
3 days in - nothing much really has happened. still obsessional thoughts every second of my life. Have had the odd moment of calm but heavily frustrated at the mo.

05-22-2010, 10:16 AM
im reading thru ur thread, im in malaysia no twinlab here... i try scivation xtend amino acid with berocca..feel little difference but still new to tell..

05-28-2010, 09:49 PM
Hanino, what is the exact dosage of magnesium did you took? Thanks..

06-22-2010, 11:48 AM
Hi Hanino and others,

I have noticed this thread is starting to have less action.

Hanino, are you still around?

Well, I started this routine (as recommended here ) this morning:

First thing in the morning on an empty stomach:

3/4 OZ of TWINLAB AMINO with 500 MG Magnesium (GNC Magnesium Oxide)
I actually washed down the magnesium with the amino.

Then waited 1/2 HR to eat breakfast and also took the L-Glutamine Powder. (GNC Pro Performance)
I mixed a heaping tablespoon with water.

Any new sources on finding the best magnesium (Magnesium Chloride).
Will the GNC Magnesium Oxide work as well?

I will make updates on my progress.

06-23-2010, 10:46 PM

Yes I am still around.

I don't know where you are but here in the US Magnesium Chloride has showed up in most major pharmacies with the vitamins and minerals. I picked up some for a friend who wanted it for weight loss. I got it at CVS for like $10.95 it's called "Slow Release Magnesium Chloride" it cost twice as much as the Mag I was taking that was made by Cypress Pharmaceuticals which BTW they quit manufacturing,? so I can't get it anymore.

I really can't say if the GNC Magnesium Oxide will work.

Good luck Don let us know how you do. Sounds like your on the right track with how you are taking it!


I was taking 128Mg a day of Magnesium Chloride.


06-24-2010, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the reply Hanino.
I am in the US. There's a CVS close by to my home.

I just took my 3rd morning dose. I may have felt a bit bettter, but I did have some spells through yesterday.
I'm trying to decide if I should continue with the GNC magnesium or go look for the magnesium chloride.

Also, I am taking lexapro. Which may have originally made me feel better, but it did not last very long, maybe months.

I did cut the lexapro to 1/2, hoping to slowy get off of the lexapro.
Probably a good idea. I'm wonder if the lexapro could block this from offering help.

Also, for whatever its worth. my nails have always been pale to white looking. I wonder if this is a sign of a certain mineral deficiency?

06-25-2010, 12:54 AM

No Problem.....

I am not an expert by no means but I have always been under the impression that having finger nails that don't look right can be some sort of unseen illness or a mineral deficiency.

Ouch you are on Lexapro. I don't know what kind of positive results you can expect to have by taking the supplements while on meds. You have more than one substance competing for results one artificial and one natural so who knows what the outcome will be and it's probably not a good idea to take both at the same time. Once you ween yourself off the meds if you decide to do so you should stand a better chance of the supplements working.

If you decide to continue taking both at the same time you might cut back that heaping Tablespoon of Glutamine to a Teaspoon. Glutamine is some stout stuff it doesn't take much.

It seems like Magnesium Oxide should work, I don't know if it will or not but I can testify as to how Magnesium Chloride worked for me. Since you seem to have the chance to get some it might be a good idea to do so.


Going Home
07-07-2010, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the information. I am certainly going to try it.
Did anyone else try it and find relief?

07-21-2010, 07:17 PM

Thanx for the info Hanino, vey intreasting

Im from uk, luckily i can get amino fuel online, but cant get the GNC produts

My quest is essentially, in the different products their is varied amount of Magnesium in each. For instance in the GNC Magnesium 500 you recommend their is 500mg 125% D/V.
But you also mentioned before that you were taking Magnesium made by Cypress Pharmaceuticals = 128mg %DV 32%.

There seems to be a dramatic differance in the Magnesium content, is the 500mg better than the 128mg and cause im in the uk i can only purchase 250mg and 200mg brands but i cant get a 500mg,

Im concerned i wont be getting enough Magnesium because i cant get a 500mg brand!

Similar problem with the GNC Pro Performance® L-Glutamine Powder
you recommended it has 5.00g (which seems alot) of L-Glutamine, but the L-Glutamine i can get has only 500mg of L-Glutamine, again different dosage so technically to reach 5.00g id have to take the 500mg six times, which im obviously not gonna do!

I wanna try this, only the dosage issue is annoying me, i mean did you notice a difference in the GNC Magnesium 500mg compared to the Cypress Pharmaceuticals 128mg.

What do you recommend?

Also i cant purchase Magnesium Chloride, the Magnesium i got has Magnesium Oxide like the GNC Magnesium 500, but Magnesium Chloride is better right?

P.S. did you gain any weight on the amino fuel, etc. their for body builders right, high in fat?

Thanx very much, reading the posts i can see you get bombarded with alot of questions and its very good of you too reply!


07-22-2010, 01:03 PM
hi im also read something about this a long time ago but didnt give it much notice, however as anyone will tell you we need to try everything so im interested to know has anyone suffered any side effects from taking these together?

also il probably have the same problems as the last poster in relation to the dosage so interested to hear your response on that


07-30-2010, 08:26 PM
Hello! :)

This is my first post on the Anxiety Forum. For most of my life I've been contending with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The only prescription medication which I now take is a small dose of a tricyclic antidepressant which helps with chronic insomnia. That having been said, I still have many of the cognitive, emotional, and somatic symptoms which are common with most anxiety disorders.

Admittedly, I've been very encouraged by reading this discussion thread. Within the next week or so I'll probably purchase a bottle of this product at a local health food store: "Amino 2000" which is manufactured by "Ultimate Nutrition".

Note: The label specifies to take up to 9 tablets per day - presumably for bodybuilding purposes. If you Google the product name, you'll be able to find a PDF specification sheet.

Question #1: Is it perfectly safe to take such mega-doses of amino acids on a daily basis for many years?

Someone mentioned to me that ongoing use of amino acid supplements in excess of 6 months (without a break) can cause kidney damage. Has any research been conducted on the "safety" of this sort of usage?


I've always been underweight, despite eating more than most people that I know. I eat a healthy, balanced, alkaline-producing diet, in addition to taking a daily multivitamin. Nonetheless, recent hair analysis reveals that I'm deficient in many vitamins and minerals. Perhaps my digestive system is overactive due to prolonged anxiety levels. As a result, the food may be passing through my system too quickly, before many of the valuable nutrients can be extracted from the food. This would seem to make sense, given that sometimes my stools are greenish in color - a known marker for an accelerated gastrointestinal tract.

Question #2: Do you suppose that amino acid supplementation works for many people with anxiety disorders because our condition has caused us to be somewhat "malnourished"?

Many thanks!

08-01-2010, 05:30 PM
After doing some research on amino acids & magnesium, I purchased the items that Hanino mentioned and I started taking them 3 days ago. I noticed that I have more energy and don't feel as shakey as I used to. I had a small amount of anxiety today but was able to do some breathing exercises my doctor told me about and it went away pretty quickly. Usually, I have dizziness throughout the day, was constantly checking my heart rate to see if I was ok, anxious in the car, and had most of the typical anxiety symptoms. Since Friday I haven't had any of that going on except for that small amount of anxiety I mentioned but it wasn't really anything compared to the amount I usually have. I definitely recommend for others to try this out and see if it works for you. I've been dealing with my anxiety for 6 yrs now and it feels so good to go outside and not have anxiety getting in the way of living my life.

Thank you Hanino for posting this thread and sharing your experience :D

08-02-2010, 12:57 PM
I completely agree with the Magnesium and B vitamins helping significantly with Anxiety. In fact, check out my listed site and tell me what you guys think. I've had problems with anxiety in the past, and found that these essential ingredients helped out a bunch. check out my listed site to see which ones, and let me know what you guys think. Thanks for the help, and good luck to everyone combating anxiety!

08-03-2010, 08:55 AM
i ment to post here as it interested me greatly as well and started taking these several days ago, im not sure what to expect but i have had a few horrible days and i know it may take a while to start working, also i was away for a couple of days and didnt take them , i did notice that in the gym i had more energy and could push myself further, but thats not the reason i started to take them. while i was away i spoke to a cbt therapist (again!!) and while i can get no relief from cbt i mentioned that i had started taking these and he strongly advised me to continue taking them, i will e mail him what exactly i am taking as i didnt have them with me and also how i end up feeling as he is very interested in any progress that is made. he also spoke about the importance of a healthy diet while taking these suppliment which isnt always easy for an anxiety sufferer!!

08-07-2010, 09:49 AM
I'm a 25 year old female who began experiencing some hardcore panic attacks in April this year. I have never been a remotely anxious person and I had no idea what was happening. I recently started my own natural remedy and then came across this thread tonight in a google search. I've only been following this for four days, but here is what I'm taking:

~ Omega 3 gel caps, 1000mg (2 with breakfast, 2 with dinner)
~ Magnesium Amino Acid Chelated 500mg/100mg pure elemental (2 with breakfast, 2 with dinner)
~ L-Lysine 500mg (2 with breakfast, 2 with dinner)

The L-Lysine I chose because there have been studies linking it to successful treatment for anxiety and because it stimulates the brain to produce GABA.

I spoke with a Naturopath about the dosages and she confirmed that these would be ideal. She also said that it would probably take a few weeks before I began to feel a lot of difference.

This is what I'm wondering, from everyone who has tried any of these natural remedies:


I ask this because mine has been pretty bad the last couple of days, although I'm not sure whether this is due to the supplements or the fact that I'm probably ovulating atm.

08-15-2010, 02:43 PM
I will be starting this also. I workout/weights and I am always taking supplements and never really gave amino acids a chance. Just ordered some Twin Lab(they are a good company quality wise in case anyone was wondering) and will give that a try. Bodybuilding dot com has them for $16.99 for a 32oz, amazon has then for $25 shipped for 2 32oz but they are backordered 2-4 weeks.

I also have a couple of bottles of ZMA by chance that i never really got into taking. This combo will be perfect for the amino fuel. If your looking for a quality magnesium/zync/B product try this stuff out. I read threads the size of this about ZMA and all was just as good.

08-19-2010, 08:54 PM
I have been suffering from anxiety issues for a very long time, but have always tried to cope on my own. I am finally at the point that I believe I need some extra help to get through. My anxiety attacks are always triggered by things have have happened or that I am afraid will happen. I blow the situation so far out of proportion that I can no longer function. All of the events that have caused this for me were fixable, and were not really a big deal at all, but the worry they create for me is crippling. I am looking for different things I can try to help with this, and I was wondering if you had similar types of anxiety? Is an herbal remedy something I should try or is my anxiety better helped by seeking counseling and other Rx medications?

Thank you everyone.

08-23-2010, 06:15 AM
I started taking the Amino Acids and a Magnessium/Calcium suppliment.

Did anyone else experience a temperature from it?

08-25-2010, 07:44 PM
Hello everyone,
I have GAD& insomnia, and I was reading this post at work and It caught my attention and I figured I have nothing to lose so I am going to try it. I hope it works out for me as i see its kind of a hit or miss depend on the person. I am currently prescribed 1mg of clonazepam, but only take .5mg a day. I hope this will work out so I can get off of the drugs as I'd rather be taking vitamins then meds.
I already went to GNC today after work to get the stuff, even though I can get it cheaper online at different sites, It only came out to about 48 dollars with tax. If it works it will be worth it.

08-27-2010, 08:42 AM
I just read this,sounds amazing if it works.
Im from uk,long time anxiety suuferer.
Would any magnesium supplement and amino acid supplement work?

any one in uk any suggestion where and what to buy?


08-27-2010, 09:08 AM
Ok, so I've been doing lots of research on these minerals and aminos and it's pretty mixed on all fronts about which is the best and which works for who. (I've been googling magnesium and amino acids, side effects for magnesium and amino acids, supplements guides, some medical papers and also seeing as I live in the UK so I called NHS 24 and spoke to a pharmasist about them. You can also visit patient co uk or nhs24 co uk

There's lots of forums with people talking about taking these things for different reasons and I just want to tell some people the things that I've read up on.

1. You can't suddenly stop taking your SSRI's and take magnesium and amino acids, you can suffer from withdrawl and worse. You have to, like Hanino did, be off your meds for a week minimum. I have Citalopram 10mg and on the info sheet it says not to take any supplement that creates or aids serotonin.

2. Try and get a blood test before you start, specifically focusing on Magnesium, B Vitamins, Amino Acids and Calcium. Some sites talk about finding out the imbalance first, then balancing it selectively through amino/magnesium treatment.

3. All of these supplements contain different mixtures of chemicals to help bind the minerals and vitamins, so be aware of things like Stearate which can inhibit a vitamin or mineral from being released properly.
Magnesium stearate is often found as a combined product of stearic acid and according to That's Fit, it is made by the hydrogenation of cottonseed or palm oil. Cottonseed oil has the highest content of pesticide residues of all commercial oils, and it coats the nutrients that are found in supplements.

Read more: livestrong com/article/37138-side-effects-magnesium-stearate-/#ixzz0xnVHNFoD
but I'm sure small doses aren't that bad since pesticides are in lots of things now.

4. Be careful with the l-glutamine. The liquid amino acid I have also contains L-Glutamic Acid and it could be too much when taken together. buzzle com/articles/glutamine-side-effects html

for more information from different sources (make up your own mind on their repuitability) is buzzle com

5. Amino Acids -
most are harmless and when your body has too much, it just turns it into another essential compound. There are harmful amino acids, such as tyrosine, which are known for causing most of these problems. - (3fatchicks com/common-amino-acid-side-effects-dieters-should-know/) nutritional-supplements-health-guide com/l-tyrosine-dosage html I read on another depression form something about too much tyrosine or taurine after long periods of time may not help with depression/anxiety, but again it was just a comment the person posted and left no quote or source so again don't know how refutable.

But in saying all that I'm taking the amino acids instead of the anti depresants and have felt slightly better, I'm more with it and not as depresonalised and not having the 10 minute changes in mood, now I'm on a steady mellow panic hahaaah.
I think it's hard because we are on here looking for support and answers/cures and the science is so contradictory at times. But people do get better and get over anxiety issues.
I think it's a catch 22 because the doctors/bio chemists don't really know how these things work but they just seem to for certain people and not work for others. They just don't understand them all that much, and with the supplements companies it's just as corporate and ruthless as the drug industry. I say know your more facts before jumping onboard.
I think all these things are stepping stones and it's really mind over matter to get the final step over it!!

sorry for the long post!!

09-02-2010, 08:48 PM
I just read this and will buy tomorrow! i am willing to try anything

09-30-2010, 01:41 PM
I was wondering since you have been taking the supplements how is it going. Has it helped?

10-01-2010, 09:11 PM
Wow! Great post. I was really lookng for this kind of post. Im interested finding more posts about this topic. Anyone here can suggest where should I go? Thanks a lot.
Sherlock Evans

10-04-2010, 04:19 PM
My mother and I have been plagued by anxiety for most of our adult lives so I am super excited to try this. I just finished reading almost the entire topic. I have read where it has cured people and severely lessened the anxiety in others. a few said it didnt help them much but we are ready to try anything. Thank you so much, Hanino, for posting this thread. :D

10-05-2010, 08:15 PM
I would certainly like to hear from others who have successfully treated their anxiety using these supplements.

Are the effects something you notice immediately, or over time?

I have heard that Amino Acids alone can really help, so what's the difference when combined with Magnesium?

Google, here I come!!

10-11-2010, 12:58 AM
I have been taking nordic naturals epa xtra for the past 2 months with some improvement but not even 50% of how I usually am. It all started with me moving back to Dallas from Philly. I had what I believe was a panic attack, rapid heart beat, shortness of breath, nausea, fear of dieing and motion sickness. I arrived in Dallas and felt ok, but not great so I shrugged it off. I had to drive back to Philly to get all of my stuff and race car the next day, had a few beers with friends went to bed and wake up to drive the 23 hours back. All was fine until I ate, I had a single bite of soup and it all went down hill, I freaked out i legitatemently felt like I was dieing. I ended up in the hospital they thought I had a stomach issue, which it turned out I did. Fast forward two days and I was still uneasy, I had an endoscopy and it turned out I had 3 or 4 ulcers I began taking aciphex and zantac twice a day the stomach issues were cleared up, but I still felt poorly and my doctor became concerned, we discussed the symptoms and discovered I have anxiety. He prescribed me buspar. The buspar literally did jack shit infact I felt worse, for the first 45- an hour after I took it I felt incredibly drunk and just well like shit. My psyc told me to take the omega 3s and it helped, but I still have serious issues. While I'm having issues I can not eat. The thought of food causes me nausea and I will not eat. It is especially troublesome at work because I am usually there for 8 hours and during those 8 hours I do not eat or take a break in fear of my anxiety getting worse. Fast forward to now still have issues.

My plan is to take all of the things you mentioned infact I purchased them today and will begin taking them in the morning, my question is can I continue to take my omega 3s with them? I currently take the omegas at night right before bed, should anything change with them, or can I continue to take them at night and everything you mentioned in the morning? Thanks for the help, I prey it works if not I will have to resort to benzos. I WANT MY LIFE BACK, ITS MINE AND I WILL NOT LET ANXIETY GET THE BEST OF ME!!!!!!!

10-11-2010, 03:30 AM
Before going on magnesium, vitamin B and Amino Acid cure... have you guys quit sugar and caffeine???

10-11-2010, 05:58 PM
Hi!Omega 3 should be taken in the morning with meals in your case due to stomach problems. Omega 3 taken at night can cause the same symptoms for which you are taking it for.

10-11-2010, 06:16 PM
I'm new here.
Been reading this wonderful thread.
My life turned around after taking a benzo for tight muscle in the neck. I got addicted in 2 weeks, doctor then put me on paxil and whoo hoo my life has been a farking roller coaster since 2002.
I was able to quit the meds after terrible withdrawals from these poisons. Itried hundreds of supplements adn nothing worked. I then found reiki, last year, it was simply great and still is, but i still don't feel 100%.I deal with monophobia/panic disorder.
Why do I believe in this thread, The best supplement i ever took was Royal Jelly, it has lots of aminoacids and b-vitamins, it's a complete master piece. It gives me tons of energy and is great to lessen anxiety.
I am going to give these amino a shot, i'll buy them on iherb, they're much cheaper than the shops here in my country.
Please keep us updated!
Thanks for the great site here!

10-12-2010, 01:04 AM
Hi!Omega 3 should be taken in the morning with meals in your case due to stomach problems. Omega 3 taken at night can cause the same symptoms for which you are taking it for.
So I should take the omegas in the am even though all of the stomach issues have been cleared up?

10-12-2010, 05:24 AM
yes, it shouldnt be taken after 4/5pm...

10-12-2010, 12:04 PM
can I take the aminos glutamine and magnesium at night then and the omegas in the morning?

10-13-2010, 04:17 AM
That is something you'll have to try! It can work for you and not for me...

10-16-2010, 11:38 AM
I need some help!

My mom recently got me "Children's chewable multi-vitamin/mineral wafers" by Kirkman. I am 19, and very small (petite, which ever you prefer), so I am assuming the children vitamin is probably what I should be taking. I will be taking 2 daily.

Looking at the back of it it contains "Selenium (amino acid chelate) 35% of daily value" and "Magnesium (oxide/glycinate) 10% of daily value".

Is this enough, or should I be taking a supplement that is going to give me 100% of the daily value?

Also, wondering how you guys feel about Co-Q 10? Anyone used this and seen positive results? Or does it have no effect? I remember taking it while in high school, and it put me in a good mood, but I'm not sure if it will have any effect on anxiety.

10-16-2010, 11:57 AM
no. you need to take real supplements, that is not enough.
please follow the advice given in the first page

go ahead with the coq10 ;)

10-17-2010, 10:15 AM
Hey, there are a lot of different magnesium and amino acid suggestions here. Can someone please provide me a list of the exact products they have used and how they took them?

I live in Canada so I'm pretty sure I have access to many different products.

10-25-2010, 12:14 PM
my supplements arrived today, i'm not sure how to take this...anyways. fingers crossed. :P

10-25-2010, 06:56 PM
hey you guys,,,,

anyone having problems with panic attacks and anxiety check my signature link.......it really has helped me and may help you as well.....

10-28-2010, 10:23 AM

so short story is that after i smoked too much weed i got depersonalization deralization and anxiety.

I noticed that when i eat certain food anxiety goes "away" but comes back after few hours.

Also does anyone get burning pain sensations thru their body on certain food or vitamins , minerals (i'm not sure what causes this is this or is it the allergy)

Also i have link to amino acid pills but i cant post yet because i dont have enough posts to posts links so i'll post here later.

Thanks again!!!

10-29-2010, 02:13 AM
Also what should i take? in liqud form or pill form (amino acids?) I found an ampules but its really expensive. 20 ampules are inside but will only drinking half of the ampule work?

Also i usually drink water then later i drink fruit juice. So would taking amino acid pill or liqued be ideal on an empty stomach and then later drinking a fruit juice with it?

And can someone explain how to take them? before mail or after meal?

So do i eat amino acids and vitamin b complex at the same time?

I'm from Slovenia so if anyone has any clue about wher eto get amino acids or a store that ships to slovenia please tell me.

I'm sure this will help because even eating a combination of brown rice and chicken "removes" my anxiety for few hours. So i'm sure this will really help!!![/u]

10-29-2010, 09:24 AM
kitarist, i think your anxiety is due to reactive hypoglycemia...

10-30-2010, 01:08 AM
well its candida or its hypoglicemia but the weird thing is that i went to doctor on an empty stomach and they said my glucose level was fine.

10-30-2010, 04:30 AM
doctors measure us with standard levels, i believe these levels are different for everyone...but they don't care.

10-30-2010, 07:46 AM
I want to ask if its normal for example when you eat food anxiety goes away but you get other anxiety symtomps like a burning pain thru body and pressure in head gets more intense etc.?


10-30-2010, 08:57 AM
The only available Magnesium supplement available where I am living now, China, is a Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc mix. I can order online but it will take a long time to get here. In the meantime, can I use this?

2 pills:
Calcium 1000 mg
Magnesium 500 mg

I bought an Amino Acid supplement and a B complex one too.

10-30-2010, 09:26 AM
can you order from iherb ?

10-30-2010, 10:20 AM
I would like to ask what kind of Magnesium is good? Can i take only Magnesium or does it need to be mixed with calcium or vitamin b to be effective?


10-30-2010, 10:22 AM
Everything takes so long to get here. I'm from California by the way, but living in Shanghai.

This is the Amino Acid Mix I bought. It says on the label:

"Amino acid is the vital element essential for human body. This product has plenty of amino acids (including eight amino acids unable to be automatically composed by human body).It is made from advanced technique, with scientific ingredient proportion according to FAO/WHO standard, and it is beneficial for people’s health."

What do you guys think?

10-30-2010, 04:38 PM
I would like to ask what kind of Magnesium is good? Can i take only Magnesium or does it need to be mixed with calcium or vitamin b to be effective?

magnesium chloride is recommended here, but other forms like magnesium citrate or chelate are ok

10-30-2010, 04:39 PM
Everything takes so long to get here. I'm from California by the way, but living in Shanghai.

This is the Amino Acid Mix I bought. It says on the label:

"Amino acid is the vital element essential for human body. This product has plenty of amino acids (including eight amino acids unable to be automatically composed by human body).It is made from advanced technique, with scientific ingredient proportion according to FAO/WHO standard, and it is beneficial for people’s health."

What do you guys think?

I guess it's ok. anyway, could you find a good form of Royal Jelly over there? It's full of amino acids and it works wonders.

10-31-2010, 09:49 PM
I just discovered there's a GNC here so I'll go check it out. It seems from what I been reading that Magnesium Citrate is the best form, but there seems to be debate about this. I also read that Magnesium Oxide only 4% gets absorbed according to 1 study. But then again, with the B vitamins and Aminos, Vitamen D maybe mire is absorbed.

11-04-2010, 06:18 AM
It is Day 4 or 5 and I really feel a hell of a lot better! This is weird! I feel so much better its unreal. Can it really be this combo of supplements? I was out today on a crowded subway totally at peace, climbing stairs and cruising around feeling pretty normal. I have been doing some anxiety mind work as well, but I think these supplements are the key.

If this is true, then this is the greatest scientific discovery ever!

11-04-2010, 07:32 AM
that's great news!

I'm taking ot for 2 weeks and I'm slowly getting better. I have put weight which is also a goal.
good luck for us all!

Jerjer, what are the exact brands you're taking?

11-04-2010, 11:31 AM
What I have been taking-

I went from scared to leave my home, and freaked out about people, frozen in fear, and a massive 2 hour panic attack so bad I ended up in the ER, to feeling like I can never have a panic attack again in a matter of days. Now remember, I only felt this way for a few weeks. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for years, but they were only once in a while. It wasn't happening every day until recently. I may have something different form other people. I don't feel perfectly healthy or 100% better, but I feel a hell of a lot better. I will keep you updated.

I also bought the book Panic Away, advertised on this site, and used his techniques which seemed to help. He teaches you to go to the panic attack and demand more, rather than running. I was doing that throughout the day.

I am in Shanghai right now, so I was taking probably inferior stuff. The Amino Acids was some brand that didn't even list the Amino Acids. This is what I am taking every morning upon rising, 30 minutes before breakfast:

Amino Aicds by Nourish sh-bst dot com 2 pills

2 pills of Calcium Magnesium Plus Zinc by Rich Life-
2 pills contain:
Calcium 1000 mg
Magnesium Oxide 500 mg
Zinc 25 mg
Vitamin D3 200 IU
Betaine HCL 100 mg
L Glutamic Acid HCL 80 mg

It was all I could find here. The product is made in the USA incidentally.

Vitamin B Complex by Libeibei 1 pill

Non Acidic Enzyme Activated Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate) 1 gram in the morning but also 1 gram with dinner

Wild Salmon Fish oil 2 pills with every meal for heart health and because I rarely eat seafood

Milk Thistle Extract 2 times per day for liver and blood detox

Also a food based multivitamin that has Magnesium citrate in it.

I am looking for a better Magnesium as it seems that Magnesium Oxide has the least availability, but it seems to work. I think with the aminos, Vitamin D and B vitamins it gets absorbed better.

My guess is that from stress, worrying, drinking more than I should, partying, staying up late, lack of sleep, environmental pollution, I depleted my Magnesium stores.

11-06-2010, 03:58 PM
that's great hope it keeps working for you :)

Working very slowly for me, but i'm taking very low doses, i'm very sensitive to anything.

04-10-2012, 10:21 PM
Hey everyone I just saw this post and found it very interesting. I am thinking about trying this and was wondering how everyone who has tried it is coming along?