View Full Version : Advice pls

04-29-2009, 12:53 PM
My Girlfiend is suffering from depression, and wont help herself.

her day 2 day goes like this. Wake up at 6am, get our son off to school, she will then start cleaing the house, after 3 -4 hours of clean she will sleep until 3pm when our son comes home, she cooks dinner, and takes and collect our son from frinds, or clubs. oh he is 14.
twice a week she works so the 6am - 12pm she is working, but comes homes and cleans.

She has no friends, not outside of the house interests. We dont hae much money, so what we are able afford goes on whatever our son is doing, cricket club, football, drum lessons.

What can i do to change her, she looks miserable all the time, does not say a lot. and is always tired
she is 36 and has done the same daily routine for years

05-15-2009, 04:31 AM
Could you take her out on a date so she can see what she's been missing?
It doesn't have to cost a lot of money - just the thoughtfulness is what matters. Take her out for a picnic (you pack the lunch) and go off somewhere just the two of you. Perhaps these "dates" could become part of your weekly routine, thereby having something nice to look forward to. I think sometimes these good feelings can be contagious and she may want to look at doing other things after a while.
Start small and be patient.
Maybe you can get your son to participate too. If he is 14 he should be a pretty capable young man. Suggest that he do whatever cleaning there is to do on the days that you take your girlfriend out - then she won't feel that there's work piling up for her back home.
I have suffered from anxiety and depression for a very, very, long time and it takes time to crawl out from under that rock.
I wish you both all the best.