View Full Version : Accepting Anxiety :)))

04-28-2009, 12:48 AM
So I've been suffering from this horrible thing we call "Anxiety" for pretty much all my life. The last year of it has actually made my life a living hell! I had serious panic attacks and started suffering from derealization. I ended up pretty much pushed everything great I had in my life away and locked myself in my house for what seem an eternity! But I wont go into all of that again, just search my name on here if you'd have any interest in that.

Anyway, after suffering for months on and off with this my mom and dad came across a story that opened my eyes and helped me more than anything that I have tried! And I've been to all kinds of doctors and been on all kinds of meds...

It's called "AT LAST A LIFE- Anxiety and Panic Free" By: Paul David

you can download it here; anxietynomore.co.uk

scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can download the e-book for just under $20.

I am in no way affiliated with this site or author, Im just like you guys and just strongly believe in this book, because it honestly changed my life.

actually if someone is really that interested in reading this book, but just doesn't feel like paying for it... ill even pay for the stupid thing and send it to you :D haha. i need my good deed for the month anyway :p.

On a side note, im actually in the process of drawing up a tattoo im going to be getting that pretty much dedicated to this book helping out my life. my favorite chapter is chapter 4 "Accepting". So my tattoo is going to say "4cceptance" the 4 kinda looks like a capital A so i thought it be neat. ha wow rambling again.

but really read this boook!!!

04-29-2009, 02:16 PM
i think i may be starting a mailing list with this book. i have a printed copy that im goin to be mailing to another member of this form soon. so if you are interested in reading it, send me a pm with your address and ill have him send it to you when hes done with it