View Full Version : Freaking about this new Swine flu

04-27-2009, 04:22 AM
Hi everyone,
I've been reading and hearing stuff about this new swine flu and it's freaking me out - says it can cause all the normal symptoms of flu plus gastro ones as well.
Has anyone else heard these reports?
kermit :(

04-27-2009, 06:38 AM
Yep, I've been following it. Seems most of the cases outside of Mexico have been mild so far... so there is hope.

04-27-2009, 07:34 AM
Now I am normally one to worry about these things, but as my b/f pointed out last night the same was said about bird flu and it barely affected us in comparision to the suggested amount of deaths that were supposed to happen.

There are so many more health issues that are far more high risk, try not to worry about it I am sure it is being blown up out of proportion to scare us all.

04-27-2009, 10:00 AM
Now I am normally one to worry about these things, but as my b/f pointed out last night the same was said about bird flu and it barely affected us in comparision to the suggested amount of deaths that were supposed to happen.

There are so many more health issues that are far more high risk, try not to worry about it I am sure it is being blown up out of proportion to scare us all.

Good call. The media will hype anything and everything in order to make money off of it. This is not a big issues, and people are only getting flu/gas symptoms - no one's going to die it seems. Spend your time thinking about other things that are more realistic.

04-27-2009, 03:16 PM
I am the same about this flu, I keep thinking I have it, its freaking me out too!!

I agree tho, its probably gonna be like bird flu!

04-27-2009, 06:12 PM
Don't worry about things you can't control. You'll get your self all worked up.

04-27-2009, 07:03 PM
the gastro symptoms are what i'm really worried about, being an emetophobe :(

05-11-2009, 07:08 PM
OK, lets just put a few things into perspective here..

1. Since the whole hype about Swine Flu started it has, if anything, become less virulent. In terms of the Earths population, a few people are said to have died, but most were elderly or already infirm, implying a lowered immunity. These cases would have been at risk had any type of infection got to them.

2. More people die each year of the normal everyday flu in the UK alone than have died in the whole world from this "pandemic" of swine flu. So realistically, the normal flu is much more dangerous, yet you survive it every time..
In fact 3000 people per day die of Malaria, but thats in the 3rd world, they dont hype that up in our media as a pandemic now do they?

3. Funnily enough, in 2006 the worlds governments purchased a massive stockpile of drugs, namely Tamiflu and Relenza to ward off the "Avian Flu", which as we all know was about as dangerous as SARS before it.. (In fact, if you watch for it, there is one of these "pandemic" scares pretty much every year or two) It just so happens that these drugs are supposedly effective against the Swine Flu.
Now, the expiration date on these drugs is 36 months. So along comes the Swine Flu 2009 to give our governments an excuse to spend billions on drugs that we most likely will not need.. .. But if you keep up your own immunity by eating well and observing basic hygiene then you will not have any need for these drugs..

Sadly the drug companies have a lot to gain from convincing you that your life depends on their product. Granted, maybe there are some that may be useful, but most are overprescribed in conditions where their use is not warranted, all in the name of profit.

Before you let yourself get swept up in the media/drug company hype, just think about what happened in 1976, the last outbreak of Swine Flu.. The US president recommended (under the advisement of Big Pharma) everyone to get vaccinated, and the vaccination made more people ill than the Swine Flu ever did. In fact they had to set up a governmental compensation agency to cope with all the claims of wrecked lives from their scaremongering about killer 'flus..

Sometimes the drugs are the real danger...

If they start saying on the news that massive amounts of young people (18-40yrs old) in developed countries are dying, then perhaps it may be time to start worrying, and then ONLY if they are sure that the Swine Flu is the cause. Otherwise, Id take it all with a hefty dose of salt..

05-14-2009, 06:32 AM
Hi everyone,
I've been reading and hearing stuff about this new swine flu and it's freaking me out - says it can cause all the normal symptoms of flu plus gastro ones as well.
Has anyone else heard these reports?
kermit :(
I think the media is part of the problem that is making us all feel ill!
The swine flu is actually mild and only a very few have become very sick - the same can be said for any illness. The media is big time into "fear mongering" making us all feel more nervous than need be. There are a few cases where I live but all of them are extremely mild and the people feel as if they have a cold - no big deal. I just wish the media would quit saying stuff to make us panic - they open their mouths before they have all the facts. Maybe it's a good idea to just not listen to the news so often.

05-17-2009, 07:42 AM
So far Swine Flu's death rate in the United States is 0.1% that is less than the normal flu. So that is good news for now.