View Full Version : went to e r last night

04-24-2009, 09:02 AM
i had never been to er over my heart so i thought if i went and ever thing was neg i would get rid of some of this worry etc. all the test were neg. but still worried got the jitter shakes just a feeling of not right.could someone give me any ideals pls. loosing my mind here

04-25-2009, 06:14 AM
it is saturday and i still dont feel rightim just sure something is wrong i feel like my heads in a daze just noy myself i need some help pls is this panic anxiety or not

04-25-2009, 04:02 PM
Hmmm... since your tests came back negative... I'd say you're probably really working yourself up mentally. I've been there. I've ended up in the ER 3 times in a week when it was really bad.. so know you're not alone.

I'd say, as hard as it may be, find something to do that distracts you. Maybe go out and do something that would normally be a treat. Just do something that will nurture you a bit till your mind lets go of things a bit. Second, if you're still having some problems.. make an effort to tell yourself that it will pass. If it began in the first place will always come to an ending and subside. Try to internalize this so it will give you a bit of perspective of whats happening and that its not permanent.

Then on Monday, if you can, make yourself an appointment with your GP and tell him/her whats going on. Its vital that you see someone to help with whats happening.

04-25-2009, 04:41 PM
i tried doin things today i have alot of gas with my chest pain everytime i get the pain to subside im dizzy headed just worried into oblivian

04-25-2009, 06:47 PM
I hear yeah, but keep on trying and keep yourself busy with things that make you feel good. Also, try not to eat foods that might be increasing your level of anxiety and increase your gas level. So no sugar, no caffeine, no pop, no processed foods. Eat foods high in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals.

If you're finding that you're still having difficulties coping.. Take 15 minutes of quite time for yourself. Breath in and out and then try to think of places and times where you felt the best. So, for example, if its the beach, think about it for a while and allow the good association build in you. Once you're feeling a but of a release, encourage yourself that you're going to be ok and that its just anxiety, its not life threatening. Talk to yourself exactly how you'd talk to someone you care about that is suffering a panic attack.

Remember too, these tactics take time. They won't work right away, all at once. I assure you though.. it will ease and continue to ease for the next few days.

Have faith in yourself and your body.

04-25-2009, 09:28 PM
I know the feeling.. I thought my heart was going to go threw my chest. Finally I was told what was wrong.
Fudge gave you some great advice! Just relax I know it's hard. If your religious try to pray and meditate.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

04-26-2009, 08:08 AM
thank all of you i have cut my caffine back i cant give it up completely but i have cut it alot i was eating alot of sweets i have almost cut them out i started taking a b complex vit.i do feel i lil better today so far all but the gas is rumbling all throu my chest. again thank you for your help it means alot

04-26-2009, 08:53 AM
thank all of you i have cut my caffine back i cant give it up completely but i have cut it alot i was eating alot of sweets i have almost cut them out i started taking a b complex vit.i do feel i lil better today so far all but the gas is rumbling all throu my chest. again thank you for your help it means alot

That's my problem. I love hard candy and soda. I used to go threw 8 Diet Cokes a day. Now a days, my limit is 2 at the most. I'm not a big coffee drinker so I'll have one in the morning and maybe split the second one at dinner with my wife or kids.

04-26-2009, 02:18 PM
i have been doin some research first a few weeks back my lymph node seemed sweld a little i had some cephalex i took it avfew days quit for a few then started again dint think nothin about side affecs dint have any before so on a long shot i checked almost all my smptoms are side affecs also checked my insurance claims my spells are closs to changing seasons i actually had one on 5-8-2008 is wen i went to er for it so weeks before and after is wen my anxiety had been in full affec\t now on4-23 is wen i went back same thing in fallwithin a couple weeks of each other

04-27-2009, 03:26 PM
went to doc today done ekg said was fine other than a little fast beat wearing a monitor for 24 hours she also done some blood work so guess we will see whats up

04-29-2009, 10:49 PM
I've been witnessing the heavy pressure uncomfortable chest feeling for over a month now, and it seems to be there most of the day also. Started a new med 2 days ago, but got some wild hair to go and try a natural remedy. Went to the local health food store and talked with the lady working there. She recommended hawthorn, which came in a vile form. I put a few drops on my tongue, and not sure if it was mental or not, but shortly after the palpitations and pressure stopped. After having this nuisance for so long it was a relief to feel it lifted for a bit. It's now 4 hours later and am still not feeling the pressure return. I'd recommend trying it. I'll keep you posted also if it continues to do the trick.

04-29-2009, 10:49 PM
I've been witnessing the heavy pressure uncomfortable chest feeling for over a month now, and it seems to be there most of the day also. Started a new med 2 days ago, but got some wild hair to go and try a natural remedy. Went to the local health food store and talked with the lady working there. She recommended hawthorn, which came in a vile form. I put a few drops on my tongue, and not sure if it was mental or not, but shortly after the palpitations and pressure stopped. After having this nuisance for so long it was a relief to feel it lifted for a bit. It's now 4 hours later and am still not feeling the pressure return. I'd recommend trying it. I'll keep you posted also if it continues to do the trick.

04-30-2009, 06:16 AM
I've been witnessing the heavy pressure uncomfortable chest feeling for over a month now, and it seems to be there most of the day also. Started a new med 2 days ago, but got some wild hair to go and try a natural remedy. Went to the local health food store and talked with the lady working there. She recommended hawthorn, which came in a vile form. I put a few drops on my tongue, and not sure if it was mental or not, but shortly after the palpitations and pressure stopped. After having this nuisance for so long it was a relief to feel it lifted for a bit. It's now 4 hours later and am still not feeling the pressure return. I'd recommend trying it. I'll keep you posted also if it continues to do the trick.

I say do what every makes you feel better... :biggrin:

05-13-2009, 01:15 PM
i had never been to er over my heart so i thought if i went and ever thing was neg i would get rid of some of this worry etc. all the test were neg. but still worried got the jitter shakes just a feeling of not right.could someone give me any ideals pls. loosing my mind here

I know how you feel! I have been to the ER so many times because of this. It is hard, but I am learning to cope. What you should do is speak with your doctor about medications for anxiety, or go to your local store and pick up some valerian root, or passion flower. It really helps.

05-13-2009, 08:57 PM
You don't want to know how many times I went to the ER because of this same issue. :oops: I finally came to terms with it a while ago.

05-14-2009, 04:47 AM
i had never been to er over my heart so i thought if i went and ever thing was neg i would get rid of some of this worry etc. all the test were neg. but still worried got the jitter shakes just a feeling of not right.could someone give me any ideals pls. loosing my mind here

Hi - I've been there too. My husband has had to take me to the er on 2 occasions for similar reasons and it is very scary. You are definately not alone in your feelings. Just try to trust that the doctors are right and that there is nothing physically wrong with you and know that the negativity in your head is like a little monster playing nasty games with you. Try not to give this "monster" a voice anymore - he's not worth listening to.