View Full Version : I cant live, with or without (lorazepam) help help!

04-24-2009, 08:52 AM
hi, its me again Milla :)

today i was reading about "Lorazepam". Im taking since 1 week and will take for another 15 days :( I'm have seriuos prblems in my life and i cant copy with them. Lorazepam help me to sleep and eat, but make me a zombie.

I was reading about all the bad things about taking lorazepam ,and are manys! the say you will get addicted in just 7 days (it means im already addcited) :(
I dont know what to do! i started the mediction because i tried for 3 weeks to get better without quimics but i was literaly going crazy, no food or sleep just walking aroud the room non stop with terrible thoughts in my mind. :( i needed relief! :cry:

now im sad and confuse. Lorazepam made my anxiety 99% less and feel so good with, but i read is very bad for the health.
without lorazepam i know will go crazy again, and this time i will kill myself!

why create a such great medicine when you just get relief fot one week?!

im anxious and crazy, EVERY SIGLE DAY AND NIGHT!

does anyone here make a long term treatment with medicine against anxiety?

please help :( :cry: :cry:

04-27-2009, 10:15 AM
Medicine is not a long-term solution; it will wear off or even increase your anxiety. Your best bet is to get regular exercise, seek counseling (I did it once and found it VERY helpful), eat an anxiety-friendly diet, and vent your worries to your counselor, family, or friends. Medicine can be helpful in the short run, and it may be required for your sanity in your case. Yes, it might have bad effects, but you have to go with the lesser of two evils sometimes. So far, you have not reported any actual negative effects for yourself, so I would stick with it. Just because someone says you get addicted in 7 days doesn't mean that you actually are. And, keep in mind that you can go to your doctor and get something else and if he disagrees with you, you can go to a different doctor and get something else. So, I would just relax, figure out what to do next, and go ahead and do what you think will work best. Good luck and continue to give updates so that people here can help!

05-06-2009, 03:42 AM
Hi Danstelter,

thank you for your answer :)

I'm still taking the lorazepam :( My next appointment with the psychiatre is on the 29 of may :evil: NHS sucks!

now lets see what he will prescribe at next...

I wiss i could afford a private care, i wait a month to see the doc, and he talk to me for 1 min, and give me more med's :evil:

Milla :)

05-06-2009, 05:47 PM
Well, that's about all you can do! Go see him and let us know what it is that ends up happening! Good luck!

05-06-2009, 09:00 PM
Are you taking a high dosage of Lorazepam? If not then I would not worry about becoming addicted. Like danstelter exercise is a great way to relieve a lot of the negative energy, personally now I can't stop going to the gym because it makes me feel better both mentally and physically. I am hard at work to get in better eating habits myself and just bought another book on healthy eating like 40 minutes ago. LOL I would suggest trying to find hobbies to both occupy your time and relieve your stress, have you tried Yoga or Meditation? Try to get yourself a nice massage this always makes me feel great. When you feel like crap try to "reward" yourself, after all you are brave soul to be going through this crap with all us. :)