View Full Version : Dizziness 8 weeks no diagnosis please help
04-22-2009, 10:20 AM
For the last 2 odd months I've not been feeling at all myself. I posted to this form when my condition started to worry be and had a feeling that it could be Labyrinthitis or some virus that was causing my dizziness.
I went to my GP and she referred me to an ENT specialist and also to a Neurologist. I've since been examined by both of these but they cannot determine the problem. Today I have had a CT scan and will get the results tomorrow.
My Doctor did notice that my haemoglobin and hematocrit levels where a little below average
Normal levels haemoglobin 14.0 - 17.0 mine was 13.7
Normal levels hematocrit 43 - 52 percent mine was 42 percent
but she doesn't think this is the cause of the dizziness. So what are my symptoms again :-
Dizziness - drunken feeling
Ringing / buzzing in head
Disconnected with the world - this one sounds odd I know
Sensitivity to lights dark rooms
So my question is what should I do next. Should I visit the doctor responsible for internal organs, and should I also have an MRI scan or is a CT scan enough ?
Could this be just anxiety, stress related.
Thanks and Kind Regards,
04-22-2009, 11:56 AM
Hi Graham,
I have been through exactly what you have Doctors, ENT and a CT which came back with nothing. I also assumed i had labrinthitus at one point however so many things can cause dizzyness.
Just to see if indeed its the same as me try putting your feet together standing up straight then closing your eyes, do you feel stable? Its normal to sway a little.
If you move you head too fast is it worse? Mine is not taking it away from an inner ear problem but more nuralogical.
Does it feel better or worse first thing in the morning?
Are there places like the supermarket that make it worse?
I have the ringing/buzzing, Disconnected feelings also your the 3rd person this week who had posted dizzyness symtoms. Sounds like its Anxiety to me, do you have any other symtoms?
04-22-2009, 12:29 PM
I've been here before. The ringing, dizziness, disconnect and sensitivity to light and sound, etc. I had a battery of tests done with no diagnosis. Little by little though, my doctor suggested stress and anxiety and bingo it all made sense.
Is anxiety something you have? I don't know, but I'd say there is a good possibility. The thing is, when you put your body into a heightened state for long periods of time, it reacts. It can even mildly change your blood chemistry and cause your body to react in bizarre ways. While you can never die from it, it sure feels like you can when its at its worst.
My suggestion would be to follow through with what your doctor is investigating (so to rule out anything more serious), but also start writing in a journal to see if your mental states are triggering these symptoms. Really take notice of any "cause and effect" type scenarios where you're at one moment mentally stressed and the next (sometimes there's a delay) your symptoms are manifesting. Write down both (stress and symptoms) from a level from 1 to 10 in severity and just keep track of it for a week or 2. If you're suffering from anxiety, you'll find these clear patterns between your mental state and the reactions which follow.
Let me know if this helps.
04-23-2009, 02:33 AM
I have started on vitamin b complex to try and tackle this as they only other medicine that helps is stemisil.
Too early to say if its working yet however i remain possitive to a recovery.
04-23-2009, 02:19 PM
Oh, I've heard about b complex deficiency being a problem for anxiety sufferers, but never thought much of it. Let us know how it goes coops. I think I might try cooking with more foods which have it to see if it helps also.
Thanks for mentioning it.
04-24-2009, 04:48 AM
Only on day 4 but i am now noticing a slight improvement with feeling distant and the dizzyness, im taking the one a day tablets.
Will keep you updated on my progress.
04-24-2009, 05:30 AM
fudge, you might like to take a look at this post i wrote:
it will explain to you why B vitamins are so important for good mental health and also give you an idea about the other things you can do to help with the anxiety :)
04-24-2009, 04:06 PM
Hey thanks Northstar. I think I'm going to give b complex a shot, but I have a question. Do you get the b complex with magnesium added or do you take it separately? If so how much is the right amount?
04-24-2009, 05:06 PM
luckily you can buy the two in one pill! :) if you ask in your local pharmacy or in the health food store they will guide you to the right kind of product, they were very helpful in my own local health food shop and found me exactly what i wanted.
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